Infallability? That you won’t get. Transparency and democracy you would, from me. Just a couple of hours to get your ballots in. Looking at the board minutes but not at the email, I figured there were seven more hours after that, but such will not be the case. Get your ballots in by 5 Panama Time today. If I am elected as chair I will be a voting delegate to the upcoming DA global convention. If not I won’t be. The following is a significant resolution, co-sponsored among others by our current (outgoing) and previous chairwomen. Some of the ideas I might support but in general I oppose it. I especially object to the idea that a government authority would have the power to determine what’s true and order The Panama News or any other publication off of the Internet, without any right of the affected person, page or periodical to be heard. I also object because none of these people were involved in the grunt work of doing battle with the swarms of false online personas going into target groups in the last months of the 2016 and 2020 campaigns with “don’t vote” / “write in Bernie” / “vote Green” / “vote Kanye” / “vote for some party that does not exist” messages. We know that a lot of these came from Russia in 2016, while last year it seems to have been US-based call centers of white supremacist trolls doing it. You’d think that they would get into trolling blitzes using fake personas, but they seem to be above that.