Rick Diamond for Americana Music Assn. I believe I first heard Margo Price sing in person at Music City Roots in 2013 when she and husband Jeremy Ivey were making their first wide impressions with their band Buffalo Clover, one of several iterations of their musical identity on the way to Margo’s 2016 breakout. They hit the stage at the Loveless Barn with a three-man horn section, two electric guitars, keys and harmony vocals. I wrote at the time that their feel fused “classic soul with hippie-friendly Southern rock into a sound that would go well with a shot of whiskey, a pint of Blackstone beer or a puff of smoke.” The set closed out with the ferocious and passionate song “Hey Child.” And with those soaring choruses, I joined the ranks of Nashvillians rooting for Margo and Jeremy, sensing greatness.