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Oil and gas land sale nets $79M amid New Mexico climate conc
Oil and gas land sale nets $79M amid New Mexico climate conc
Oil and gas land sale nets $79M amid New Mexico climate concerns
The most revenue produced by any parcel in the sale was $16.2 million brought in by a lease of 280 acres in Eddy County to Devon Energy.
Related Keywords
Lea County ,
New Mexico ,
United States ,
Cheyenne County ,
Kansas ,
San Juan Basin ,
Eddy County ,
Julia Bernal ,
Rebeca Sobel ,
Kayley Shoup ,
Bureau Of Land Management ,
Murffin Drilling Company ,
Exxonmobil ,
Eddy County To Devon Energy ,
Pueblo Action Alliance ,
Energy Information Administration ,
Land Management ,
Permian Basin ,
Devon Energy ,
Federal Abstract Company ,
Murffin Drilling ,
Citizens Caring ,
Santa Fe Based Wildearth Guardians ,
Navajo Nation ,
Chaco Canyon ,
Pueblo Action ,
Greater Chaco ,
Chief Executive Officer Darren Woods ,