Share: Octapharma announced today a satellite symposium and poster presentation at the 14th annual congress of the European Association for Haemophilia and Allied Disorders (EAHAD), which will be held virtually from February 3–5, 2021. The satellite symposium, A family journey with Nuwiq ®: Early treatment decisions for long-term health, will be chaired by Dr Robert F. Sidonio Jr. (Hemophilia of Georgia Center for Bleeding and Clotting Disorders, Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, Emory University, Atlanta, USA) and will follow the treatment journey of a family with two sons diagnosed with severe haemophilia A. Speakers will address key treatment decisions and considerations for long-term health, including prevention and treatment of bleeds, inhibitor risk, inhibitor eradication, and bone and joint health, in the context of the evolving haemophilia A treatment landscape. The symposium will be available via the EAHAD online platform on February 4, 2021, at 18:00 CET.