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OCR rate hike prediction rattles sharemarket - Market close
OCR rate hike prediction rattles sharemarket - Market close
OCR rate hike prediction rattles sharemarket - Market close
The New Zealand sharemarket was rattled by the suggestion by ANZ the Reserve Bank could still hike the official cash rate (OCR) twice this year. The S&P/NZX...
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Michael Hill ,
South Australia ,
Australia ,
New Zealand ,
Sydney ,
New South Wales ,
Japan ,
United States ,
Australian ,
Shane Solly ,
Ebos Group ,
Vital Healthcare ,
Skycity ,
Smartpay Holdings ,
Meridian Energy ,
Vista Group ,
Delegat Group ,
Green Cross Health ,
Blackpearl Group ,
Reserve Bank ,
Harbour Asset Management ,
Paykel Healthcare ,
Vital Healthcare Trust ,
Foley Wines ,
Restaurant Brands ,
Food Bag ,
Roc Partners ,
Rocr ,
Rate ,
Hike ,
Prediction ,
Rattles ,
Sharemarket ,
Market ,
Close ,
Zealand ,
Grattled ,
Suggestion ,
Reserve ,
Bank ,
Could ,
Still ,
Official ,
Cash ,
Twice ,
This ,
Year ,