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Oakland A's Howard Terminal ballpark hits unexpected pothole
Oakland A's Howard Terminal ballpark hits unexpected pothole
Oakland A's Howard Terminal ballpark hits unexpected pothole, threatens to wreck the project
Bad news from Seaport Planning Advisory Committee
Related Keywords
San Francisco Bay ,
California ,
United States ,
Howard Terminal ,
Oakland ,
Jack London Square ,
Outer Harbor ,
San Francisco ,
Brian Brandes ,
Kara Vuicich ,
Matt Chapman ,
Dave Kaval ,
Las Vegas ,
Diane Oshima ,
Seaport Planning Advisory Committee ,
Association For Bay Area Governments ,
Transportation Commission ,
Development Commission ,
San Francisco Bay Conservation ,
Port Priority Use ,
San Francisco Bay Plan ,
Seaport Plan ,
Port Priority Use Area ,
Howard Terminal Ballpark Project ,
Bay Area ,
Metropolitan Transportation Commission ,
Bay Area Governments ,
Howard Terminal Area ,
Oakland Athletics ,