QUEBEC CITY -- François Legault's Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ) is far from fulfilling its 2018 commitment to match all Quebecers with a family doctor. The CAQ says its objective is now to increase the percentage of the population registered with a general practitioner from 81 to 83 per cent by the end of this year. In January 2018, about 400,000 Quebecers were waiting to be matched with a family doctor. This figure has almost doubled in the last three years, reaching 700,000 by the end of 2020, the Quebec Liberal Party (PLQ) claims. "Not only are we not moving forward, but we are moving backwards on (...) access to family doctors," said Marie Montpetit, the Liberal critic on health, during the budget review. "How does the minister of health intend to achieve the objectives his government committed itself to?"