Hello, this is the Meeting Place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, i am andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we are working live, today we are starting again with the message that ukrainian terrorists launched an attack in the Belgorod Region in the morning using drones by public transport, that is, it is obvious that they knew what they were doing, seven people were killed, more than 40 wounded, among the wounded. The ministry of defense, they announced that in the near future this morning there was a message from the Russian Department that it would conduct an exercise to test the use of Nonstrategic Nuclear weapons, this is done on behalf of the supreme commanderinchief. President Vladimir Putin. As the Russian Ministry of defense reported, these exercises will take place on the territory of the Southern Military district, which, let me remind you, includes crimea, and new regions of russia. In addition to missile formations, Naval Aviation forces will also take part in the maneuvers. It was announced that the purpose of the exercises is to increase the readiness of Nonstrategic Nuclear forces to carry out combat missions to protect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the state. The reason for this is according to the defense department. Journalists made provocative statements and threats against our country after this publication in the telegram channel of the ministry of defense we contacted the kremlin for comments, but the press secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov, explained exactly whose threats russia is forced to respond to. Naturally, we are talking about the statement of mr. Macron, the statement of the british representatives, you know, they also added a representative of the us senate. The states that peskov mentioned is the leader of the democrats in the house of representatives, his name is hakim jetris, we are probably showing this jeffries for the first time. America will have to intervene in the conflict ; there is no significant likelihood that not only with money, but also with military personnel, either we stop russia in ukraine by continuing our military and economic assistance, or we face a difficult situation where Vladimir Putin and russia can take over. Well, lets get some more news from the last hour, the German Authorities announced that they are recalling their ambassador from moscow for consultation, this is allegedly due to some accusations against moscow of Cyber Attacks on the resources of the german sdp party, which is part of the ruling coalition, and at the same time. Another news came, already in our rally on smolenskaya square, today the British Ambassador was summoned, what was the specific reason is not specified, but again we can here the words of Dmitry Peskov regarding. A smoothing out such a factor or vice versa, they will now start to become hysterical again and say you see, they are already preparing the russians yes bomb . Well, lets do this, an exercise to test the use of Tactical Nuclear weapons is probably one of the last remaining methods in our arsenal of persuading the west, in fact there are also nuclear tests, yes, yes, yes to methods of persuading the west to avoid escalation they are already, as it were, reporting that parts of, lets say, the French Foreign. Now if we do Something Like that, and they then do Something Like that in response, look, we can move on to how physical threats, yes, that is, we can lead to what Deputy Speaker Pyotr Tolstoy said, mass shipments of coffins to france and so on, but we would not want to, that is, we are trying to avoid this scenario as much as possible by demonstrating our readiness, because well, excuse me, these are still big risks escalation, our problem is that, and europes, by the way, the problem is that europe is set up. Europeans are briefing statements about sending their troops into the territory of ukraine or into the conflict territory in general. This was openly stated. Macron said, why are we starting to make these statements . Because russia does not give us transparency on the issue of the use of Nuclear Weapons. If russia had said we will never, under any circumstances, under any circumstances, use Nuclear Weapons on the territory of ukraine, then we would have said clearly their goals for the deployment of troops. That is , macron, as it were. In fact, we threaten them with Nuclear Weapons, they threaten us with sending troops into the territory of ukraine. This is how this attraction of kanato goes. While the situation remains the same as it was after march of the year 22. What is this situation . First there are no nato troops there, in uniforms and so on. Second, russia does not use Nuclear Weapons. Third, and there is talk that this conflict will still be resolved through some kind of negotiations, and accordingly, there is now a pull. Lets try to parse macrons words here, to what extent this french position, at least voiced, fits into this logic of yours that they are supposedly bluffing, because this is not the first time macron has said that nato troops can enter the territory of ukraine, but now he in the last interview he named the conditions under which, in his opinion, this could happen; during the interview , journalist macron again mounted a war horse and announced that he did not rule out sending french troops to ukraine and explained that this would happen either if russia breaks through the line front, or if paris receives an official request from kiev. Macron is confident that his european colleagues share his position. I have a clear strategic goal. Russia cannot win in ukraine. If russia wins in ukraine, there will be no security in europe. What authority will the europeans have if they spent billions and would say that the survival of the continent is at stake and would not give it to themselves . According to the newspaper, this will happen if belarus enters the conflict or in the event of some kind of military provocation in relation to the baltic countries, poland or moldova. And then the alliance can quickly transfer 100,000 soldiers to ukraine. Who wont give back, that was such a confused expression, they will, they have a lot of them, that means the situation actually looks like this, there is still some time left, but the statement that ukraines request is enough about support, and in principle i have no doubt that such a request and such a statement can appear at any moment, again in an agreed upon manner. Any countermeasures, i only have one question, or rather two, this is the date when this will happen, because if this does not happen, i mean an open Armed Conflict between russia and nato, if this does not happen, i will perceive it as a miracle, here is the second question territorial framework this clash, will it be a local conflict or will it develop into something bigger, but about. China, but they dont know what agreements exist between us and china in what cases we can use these weapons, without even looking at china , in case our national security, no, yes, of course, of course, but the fact is that everything is written down, everything is impossible to write down, this is a kind of formalization of the threats of dangers that exist in the eventuality, second yes, in order to bring the europeans a little to their senses , its worth testing Nuclear Weapons, maybe not even exercises like this, its necessary to carry out, we we suspended, it seems, so very modestly, we always do everything very modestly, very softly, so very calmly, slowly harnessed, because our armored belt there is always an armored belt on that very same one, if it is there, it is there in the end, well, it must fire sometime, and so we suspended our signature on the treaty on a general ban on nuclear tests. To carry out what, as i understand it, our leadership does not want us to get out of it first, our leadership strives for the americans to get out of it, conduct the tests themselves, and then we will carry them out, so they will not come out, but if not will come out, but if, accordingly, the question becomes stark that there will be direct participation of troops nato is there in ukraine, then we can withdraw from this treaty, the only thing is testing, not using weapons, just conducting tests, i think that china is quite this device, we seem to be a little stuck all the time on the same story. Made it clear that london has longterm plans for ukraine, the chief office launched negotiations on a hundredyear partnership, which involves strong ties between countries in all areas, from trade and technology to security and defense. I think we can use this not only to help you, but also to tell other countries that this is the future, multiyear packages to show putin that we, you know, will not wait, and will only support you. As much as needed, while back in january ukraine and britain already signed a Security Agreement for 10 years; at the end of last month, british Prime Minister ri shuna announced the allocation of the largest one. And especially against the background of the german position, against the background of the position of other european countries, and secondly, and it is beneficial for macron to show that russia should not hope or count for the elections in the usa, no matter what happens there and no matter what the position of this or that government is after the new year, when either a new president comes or joe biden remains, that europe does not change its position. Yes, yes, yes, good luck, few people are interested in them, their losses are of little concern to anyone, and they are not particularly wellknown there, and therefore this could not change anything as far as Public Opinion in the west is concerned, but if. Then there they begin to risk their soldiers , with our own people, everything is clear, nevertheless, i still dont understand why we need this even in this case, if nato troops are brought in, why use Tactical Nuclear weapons against them, it is unclear whether it is possible, and not necessary, and not necessary, the second option is purely english for now, thats how i define myself, its to overwhelm, like you said, feed, feed ukraine, but with these longrange missiles, so that they strike not at our troops, but at our rear. This is our answer, which will follow, lets anton valeevich, and these are related things, well, first of all, i are related things, firstly, but they seem to be related, but still a little different, i would firstly Pay Attention to the statement of the ministry of defense, i dont know if this is a figure of speech or it was done on purpose, there was still an announcement of nonexercises, there it was written that preparations had begun in the near future. Europe does not want to use any nuclear, tactical, or strategic weapons for obvious reasons, for exactly the same reasons direct confrontation, i mean nato, respectively, with russia, because everything is clear, what will end, everything that happens this is now a battle of signals, this is a very dangerous battle of signals, because any escalation can naturally lead to irreparable consequences, but in general , everything that. Please note, initially they all stated that they could only hit crimea , since they perceive crimea as the territory of ukraine, yes, it is slowly starting here, the americans say, no, american weapons cannot be used on the territory of russia, and cameron already says that it is possible, by bringing down troops, what macron is doing, this too. These kasamis, why is this not acceptable for us, because we know perfectly well that there are many mercenaries there, including not just marginalized people, including all sorts of military men who simply took off their shoulder straps, all this is there, but how as soon as you have an official contingent, they look at our reaction, that is, the french themselves are not afraid of us, indeed, 300500 people will come there, this will not affect anything, but the french came in, we did not react, then they came in more someone follows the same pattern, someone else opens they have the feeling that they can measure their strength with us on the battlefield, right. Break. The inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation, Vladimir Vladimirovich putin. Tomorrow at 12 00 moscow time on ntv. 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Clear, we are continuing, and this part, lets start with messages from kiev, some provisions of the new ukrainian law on mobilization have come into force there, this entire law will work in about 2 weeks, but some of their points are already being successfully applied, for example, on ukraine has canceled the limited category fit, now you can either be completely unfit for service, or fall into one of four categories of fit depending on your state of health, that is, you can still serve as a man. Continue to be sent to slaughter, ukraine is openly saying that as long as new fighters will regularly receive military assistance. Moreover, the former commander of us forces in europe, ben hodges, says that the current mobilization is not the limit. Ukraine also bears responsibility for correcting this. In the meantime, scholz is worried that the kyiv regime uses taurs to strike russia, his own ministers are looking for workarounds to deliver these missiles to the ssu. In march, the german press claimed that foreign minister anna lena berbak was secretly working on a plan to send coral missiles to kiev without crossing the chancellors red lines, one of the options is through britain, well, the other day the german Prosecutor Generals Office shared revelations, they explained that missile strikes taurus in crimean. A state that has become a victim of an armed attack or war of aggression, has the right to support from another state in the exercise of its right to selfdefense, therefore such support does not constitute a war of aggression or an act of aggression. This also applies to the ukrainian governments intentions regarding crimea. Well, you see. Its somehow customary for us to make fun of the german chancellor like vyalich, but hes okay, alexey sergeevich, how long will he maintain this position of his, because in fact, as long as he maintains his position, then the chancellor will change in germany, another there will be a different chancellor position, the problem here is that we need to understand what we should actually do, you know, we kind of give hints, now well conduct tests, well do them regularly. Because you see, we, we have one trump card, we really dont need nato troops or troops of nato countries to enter the territory of ukraine, statements are quite outrageous that we will be with them like leopards, sabramians, as if very everything is fine, Dmitry Anatolyevich is casting everything within the border, so the thing is that its as if people dont die, as if why should we throw away this trump card, you say, we have a trump card, why do we need to throw away this trump card then, its nuclear, we need to keep it a question. As if, well, okay, they, they will hand over the auruses and most likely nato troops will be there, and then what, to destroy them, okay, you know, you say so, to destroy, as if our people are not dying from this, like as if the more nato troops die on the territory of ukraine, the faster this war will end, because as soon as the coffins of the French Foreign legion, where some arabs or africans are listening, about whom the french population does not care at all, and european citizens in coffins will go en masse to europe, the level of support. Why is all this happening successes at the front there in russia successes at the front and what dont they want thats why the italian publication about the red line is also a fake specifically to signal what they really dont want they dont want the first significant collapse of the front before before now i have a feeling why they are what this figure is because they need to work hard now to ensure that the american elections go smoothly. Because for now this is a cycling story with our successes, but it does not fundamentally threaten the kiev regime , but the safety of the kiev government is still more or less for them, but if the front suddenly collapses, they directly say that we, well, we understand, or to kiev troops are marching there, or some very large territorial successes of ours, respectively, their losses, or the inclusion of a third party, that is, for example, conditionally belarus, since their internal political situation in america will be such that biden and so with. Politics, even in crisis situations, well, its just like that, thats how it is, and as for the europeans, then talk about that the french, british and others are coming up with similar rather radical escalatory initiatives, only based on their preferences in the american elections, but this is a very big exaggeration, they, of course , assess the situation at the front, they assess the potential of russian actions in the coming months and the coming year. They proceed from this and act accordingly, so there is no point in linking everything to the american electoral cycle, the stakes here are much higher. Higher and the calculations are also of a different level, well, now it was just the most primitive distortion, i didnt shake my hand a little, well, i had a very short thought that in fact there is a certain one, you know, like a magazine in a machine gun, there are cartridges that are just like that before entering the barrel, and there are those behind, this is this conflict, its like a funnel into which this store throws them, first they will squeeze out ukrainian citizens, then european states will participate, and then maybe the official nato countries , the nato bloc itself, that is, there is no stopping here and. From every iron that europeans are weaklings , fagots, idiots, and they cant fight, thats true, however, it wasnt justified once, with the ukrainians, its not justified now, if you fight due to endless waves of mobilization by throwing onelegged people to the front, but there are a lot of them, thats special conversation i can tell you something, but i dont have time about them right now. So, if we proceed from the fact that europeans have turned into what they are imagined to be, then, of course, but this is not so, you yourself told us that they have turned into exactly this, when we discuss the european mentality, you yourself call them with the words you call them, excuse me, i dont remember the exact quote now, but there are no wild words there, yes, i call them with these words, but nevertheless you need to understand that certain processes are going on there, including. 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For me, this is probably noticeable on such shortterm holidays, i wanted to remind you, dear friends, the schedule of our concert meetings with you on may 25, i remind you, i invite you to petigorsk, at the sofia palace of culture, june 22 omsk, concert hall, june 29 st. Petersburg, troitsky cultural center, july 22, yalta, chekhov theater and august 24, sochi winter theater, please, make a decision together, there at your family councils, im not just saying this, we dont have this anymore. , my simple topic, but first there are several messages about the election, about us and not about us, lets start with a message from the state duma, there in the second part, please pause in the second part so that i can throw in well, so that you can throw in. , i even know where, anyway, lets go to ours for now state duma, where in the second reading they unanimously voted for amendments prohibiting Foreign Agents from running for office. In elections of all levels without exception, Foreign Agents will not be able to be nominated as deputies, in addition , they will not be able to be observers, they will not be able to be representatives of candidates or parties, and another innovation concerns existing deputies, or senators, as this bill suggests, in the event if current legislators are given Foreign Agent status, they will lose powers, well, since we started the topic of elections, lets go to the usa, because in the usa we cant get around here, the publication spiegel, citing sources, reports that the democrats have again brought to the surface a seemingly forgotten story about , that the democratic candidate for president , attention andrei vladimirovich, is Michelle Obama, Michelle Obama is a man, so we can continue further, as spiegel claims, biden, if of course he is persuaded to announce a replacement, will personally do it at the august Democratic Party convention, the democrats even began to check how they reacted to this. And not on the number of speeches, but not everyone believes in these mantras, which is too far to go, because biden sometimes doesnt even have to open his mouth to get in in some kind of ridiculous situation, which the elderly president himself clearly demonstrated, can we look at the footage that we have, this video has spread across the network, here he comes out in front of journalists, suddenly freezes, and freezes in Something Like this pose, his wife jill biden at that moment looked at her husband somehow. So embarrassed, he walks away, bad people suggested that he froze in a pose reminiscent of an eagle, but we wont speculate on this, this is all bad, the American Press, however, writes about bidens state of health and his readiness for the elections, this everything makes me talk again. Michelle obama is a man, because the bad American Press writes about this, just like the bad french press writes about the fact that brigette macron is not really a woman, this its not just like that, they really have some difficulties with the leaders. Because just remember the relationship between the married couple hillary and bill clinton, they say that she even beat him a little, well, they wrote it once, well , in general there were a lot of facts, so many that its hard to hide it, well, we dont about this, about beatings in the family , we would like to talk seriously today again, back to our soil, i told vanya today that im honestly not very i understand why we have so many years. There is such a sharp and heated discussion of this discussion about the need for a separate law banning it. I dont know about the fight against Domestic Violence, its somehow completely incomprehensible to me what to discuss here, violence, its generally not a very good thing, Domestic Violence, when a man beats a woman, but for me this is generally savage, at least people sometimes object to me that there are cases when a woman beats a man, or there are individual stories with elderly parents or. We emphasize that this is the fate of these laws there were a lot of options, its kind of the same thing, well, some things reach the consideration of the lower house of parliament, and some things get stuck somewhere, well, lets see the plot, last saturday a tragedy happened in ulyanovsk, there was a man there first stabbed his wife, and then tried to commit suicide with the same knife, a day earlier in st. Petersburg , passersby saved a bloody woman, whom her husband had stabbed several times. Fair russia brutally beat the woman, her parents took her and her daughter to their place, but the very next day nikolsky overtook his wife with a knife when she was walking with the child and dealt her a fatal blow to the neck. The man himself admitted to the murder on social networks. Yes, i did it, im not going to deny it, ill take the necessary punishment. When a person to whom you have given your whole soul for years without a trace betrays, this should not go unpunished. What will happen to me, but the lying creature got what she deserved, and may the same fate befall all those like her. After these highprofile cases , proposals to tighten current laws. The ombudsman of yakutia, sordanna guryeva, calls for the reintroduction of criminal liability. In 2017, beatings in the family were indeed transferred from a number of criminal offenses to administrative ones. If violent actions do not lead to serious consequences, a fine is provided for this in russia. Or correctional labor, up to 15 days of arrest, it rarely comes. However, for several years in a row the initiators promoted a separate law on Domestic Violence; it was sent from the state duma for revision, after which the document was submitted to Parliament Never returned. In 2019, soffet published a new draft law with a proposal to place aggressors on a preventive register and prohibit them from approaching victims of Domestic Violence; however, it also did not reach consideration. The fact is that everything they want to write into the law. About Domestic Violence, this is already prohibited, there is a criminal code, you know, hitting is prohibited, killing is prohibited, bullying is prohibited, including moral bullying is also prohibited. What then should be included separately in this law . In the state Duma Committee on family issues believe that from a legislative point of view, Domestic Violence should not be different from other types of crimes. In addition, victims, even after writing a statement to the police about beatings, most often withdraw it, that is, there is no public demand for tougher punishment. In our country, these norms have long been regulated by introducing amendments to the criminal code. You see, we are not talking about the form, but about the essence, we do not have a separate law, and judging. According to the letters received by our committee, while there is no need for such a law, i say again, judging by the letters, there is simply no, why there isnt any kind of consensus , and for as long as youve been watching this, lets start with the cartoon, who is talking about the law on Domestic Violence, about stanin, the son who cut his accomplice on a ribbon, yes, in russia there is an undeclared war against women, children of old people , Crisis Centers are not coping. And these people sit there for our taxes, they say that everything is fine, the legislative field is already filtered, well, wait, well, its true, we have laws that, to put it mildly, punish for violence, well, how do they punish, they they are punished with community service, they punish, that is, the point is to decriminalize beatings, it turns out this way, this is the most important thing, in fact, the basic point is that the charge, look, so that the charge becomes a public one from a private one, so not very much again. Regardless because she is in posttraumatic stress, she must pay a lawyer, she herself must write a claim, although the state should do this, you know, but dont care about the woman who then will not give birth, in our country 15 of healthy women do not give birth precisely because , what that would be good, then why all these arguments of yours . Refuse to hit women badly . No, we refuse that there is a crime, that there is a feeling that this crime is intolerant in society, we show this intolerance with such punishment, you know, there are several points, and i would like to start with my position, first, i am categorically against decriminalization of these articles, currently 6,000 rubles. Administrative fine for beatings in the family, yes, but its just funny, its clear that no woman will go to. Submit an application so that her husband pays a fee of 6,000 rubles for the beatings inflicted, and the husband understands this and so on, but most often the husband, i rarely ever, when a woman beats, so i believe that in firstly, this should be a very serious discussion in society, about unacceptability, unacceptability, no, wait, in russia he always hits, that means he loves, this is wrong, this is wrong, but on the other hand, i think that some additional global changes just need to be intensified. These are responsible for these articles really lead to criminal, criminal punishment, why are your arguments then, you know, i hope that they will be heard now, because when studies were conducted on the results after the seventeenth year after decriminalization, it means that according to statistics, we now have more than 40 women have been subjected to violence in one way or another, 40 of women in families, and 25 . Quite extremist statements like that right in russia they are fighting with women, with children, with old people, so i think that such extremism should also be punished, no one we are not at war in principle, neither with women, nor with children, not with the elderly, we have a rule of law state, in which there may be problems with Law Enforcement, so i cannot single out certain types of violence as special violence. The versions of the law do not even state that the state will deal with this if it is adopted, it is written there that some private public organizations will deal with it, on a commercial basis, my dears, just imagine the volume of business , just wait. This is the philosophy that we are at war with women, children and the elderly, these commercial structures will prove to us that this is so, these huge processes will gather for any reason , they will bore our society down to the point of division along gender lines, we have class divisions, we have property division. This story, this migrant, based on some kind of islamist beliefs, cut his wife, believing that this is allowed to him in our country, and people on the street stop him, this is the kind of solution that is needed so that there is more, so that people dont pass by cutup women, but ensure that firstly they catch this criminal, call the police, help the victim with an ambulance, these are formal things, lets pass the law again, who . What form, but Domestic Violence really stands out from the general mass, what makes it stand out is that the victim of violence is forced to be on the same perimeter with the rapist, i have, listen, it very often happens that you can lose your job. It means that later, if the victim of violence at work is protected the state will protect, then the victim of violence at home, the state now does not protect in any way and this is a serious problem that really requires resolution, the legislator will ask how this happens, first of all, i, of course, think that this topic is serious, important and there for our russian family, there is no need to subsume it under some kind of big politics. Point of view, because you are our representative, again this is like a myth, but there are some, i dont know, marhabes who are lobbying for bans failure to adopt such laws under the guise that the state will get its dirty little hands into the family, i am, first of all, the father of nine children, who has been married to my wife for almost 30 years, this year we will have 30 years of marriage, taking this opportunity. Firstly, i want to congratulate all Orthodox Christians on easter, today is bright week, christ will rise truly , returning to this issue, i can say that we were, as it were, at the epicenter of the events of 2019, when here the Federation Council had already voiced a draft law on Domestic Violence, but thank god it did not pass, and we participated in all the discussions and we know the problem andrei borievich, not every family can boast of a thirtyyear marriage and the number of children. And you can touch the floor with your fist like that, about the wife, i repeat once again, here they are proposing to introduce criminal punishment, to bring back the criminalization of the article on beatings, and you understand, the family is such a complex mechanism, that is, you can beat your wife, what does it mean you can beat your wife, if she can tit, no, no, no, stop, but you can beat your husband you can, but you can beat a child, but i ll tell you. We have time, but you stubbornly dont want to answer ivan sergeevichs question, you cant beat anyone , you cant beat anyone, then why cant the state make sure that no one is beaten, the state is watching, theyve already said here, the state is exactly the same as the army it s watching, but she doesnt let me go there, it turns out that you cant hit anyone everywhere, theyre punished for it, but you cant hit them at home. Its not what were proposing, lets improve the institution of Precinct Police officers, lets bring back those very aniskins into our lives, and not those same uniskis, aniskin, so lets pause, aniskin by the end of his career, he was already growing up really quickly, if you remember all the films in snoviskin, he was already a major, but he was already old, he could hardly have paused there, lets do it, and then about this, since the District Police started talking to vladimirovna from a legal point of view. Lets connect, thats it, pause. The command of the fifteenth cavalry Cossack Division entrusted me with the creation of a cossack hundred. I m tired, i dont dig at all, dont worry so much, well beat the germans and well come back, well, a hundred, battle. 30 on ntv. Gorky 53. Premiere. Today at 20 00 on ntv. Vtb. What do you think . Cool, but save up a vtb savings account for a subscription. If you replenish regularly, you will save up 16 faster. Whats your mood today . Light and airy, romantic and sensual. Relaxed sublime. 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Pf beyond new season with Timur Eremeev today at 16 45 on ntv. Everyone here is afraid of the carriage. Only one person can fix the situation. Gorky 53, either he is us, or we are him. Premiere today at 20 00 on ntv. This is the Meeting Place at ntv. In midapril, the president of kazakhstan, kasym dzhamart takaev, signed a law toughening penalties for Domestic Violence; according to the amendments, even beatings or causing minor harm to health will be sent to prison. This will now be considered a criminal offense. In addition, the country will support centers have been established to help victims. From Domestic Violence. Amendments to criminal and administrative codes will come into force in may and june. Extended terms for the arrest of domestic tyrants will punish more severely for the abuse of a person who is financially dependent on the perpetrator. Punishment for Domestic Violence has been tightened against the backdrop of a highprofile murder. At the end of last year , former minister of economy Kuandyk Bishimbayev was accused of murdering his wife. According to investigators, he beat his wife saltanatnukenova for several hours in one of the restaurants. And then left him there to die on the floor. The deceased had broken ears and nose, and her body was so disfigured that her relatives had difficulty identifying her. Later it turned out that the woman had repeatedly complained to her relatives about her husbands beatings, but was allegedly afraid to leave him. Bishimbayev himself admits guilt only partially. I admit that i inflicted the beatings that led to the death of nukenova, but i do not admit that i did it intentionally, that i wanted her death, that i. Completed it in such a particularly cruel way, against the backdrop of the highprofile case of the former wife of the exminister also gave a portion of revelations about the murder, the woman said that during 14 years of marriage bishimbayev raised his hand against her more than once, after another such incident, fearing for her life, she decided to get a divorce, he took my phone, he drowned it in the toilet, that is, it was such anger , i thought this was the end, he grabbed the lid. The rim from the toilet, from the toilet, he tore it out and threw it at me. Family violence was decriminalized in kazakhstan in 2017, however, even after the tightening of existing laws. Western human rights activists criticize the situation in kazakhstan. In their opinion, Domestic Violence is not identified as a separate type of crime, the new amendments enshrine the promotion of family values ​​and the strengthening of the institution of family and marriage, and supposedly women who do not have a stamp in their passport cannot count on protection. Violetta vladimevna, we also need, again, protecting the sacred status of the family, our conservative values, but either this is not ours simply, it just turns out that they waited for such an episode. A neighbor could report the rapist , a stranger could report, and not just the victim, and for this it would be enough to initiate a criminal case, and even if a woman refuses, lets say, to continue the criminal prosecution of such a person, then procedural measures coercion would be introduced, here again these doubts begin, so that the neighbor could say, i dont think that Andrei Borisovich agrees with this. Punished with either a minimum term of imprisonment or probation; the rapist comes there, where he actually smoked, or she is punished with a fine, what is a fine in a family, they took it out of one pocket, gave it to the state, so this woman. Will live, it turns out that she herself is suffering from what she said, so now, if we introduce measures of procedural coercion, for example, a ban on living in one territory, or control similar to the control of criminalexecutive inspections over certain families, when the specified husband will be required to appear several times a month or the inspector has the right to control, enter measures of procedural coercion on such issues, well, its difficult for us with this, as far as i know, we even have trouble with payment even with elements. Under the guise of this family , it turns out that we have a right to exist, this very violence and we must wait until this family comes out for protection, this law has nothing to do with the protection of women, i want to explain this to you , here i explain, it means what a family is, they draw a picture for us, its a man beating a woman, in fact, something new is being introduced there concept, economic violence, violence should be punished equally in any situation, the family cannot be singled out into some separate cell to demonize the family in any case for protection. But it just turns out that today, today, the victims of this Domestic Violence, they cannot, within the framework of existing legislation , protect themselves from it, because he will still come back home, by the way, they tried to push through this law, there was some kind of protective order, you know whats interesting, for appeal 3 days, Expiration Date 2 years, that is, someone declared a public figure, 3 days, if you didnt protest, you cant not be accepted. What to do with a beaten wife, she still sits at home, and hes an idiot, dear friends, thank you very much, can i talk about the Law Enforcement practice that now exists, here in the ryazan region two women came to me with similar questions, moreover, the men there are still trying to evict their wife and children from the apartment in which they live, naturally , as a deputy, i got involved in all this, i wrote corresponding requests to the Prosecutors Office, one by one i already have a decision from the Prosecutors Office and we are protecting this woman, moreover, for the time being while this is all happening. Manipulations, what can you imagine , this could be such a subject , you can also blackmail, think about the fact that when a third party will interfere in families and make money from it, and if its for someone , lets look at the psychological subtleties. Era today at 20 00 on ntv. What do you think . Cool, but save up a vtb savings account for the subscription. 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Please note that these are technological achievements of soviet designers, because the Main Operating principles of the apollo union apparatus were developed back in the soviet union, specifically for the rehabilitation of our cosmonauts. 8800 100 exactly 14 18, 8800 100 exactly 1418, free anonymous call. 8800 100 exactly 14. 18 8 800 100 exactly 14 18 you are embarrassed to discuss your problem with strangers, you dont want to be disappointed anymore, youre tired of running to the toilet and experiencing serious discomfort, we present a device that combines proven technologies with a modern approach, physiotherapy in your home, always available and easy to use. Apollon union promotes cell regeneration and accelerates metabolism. With the soyuz sapolon device you will see the future. Which every man deserves persistent erection, regular sex life, a healthy prostate is the main goal of physiotherapy at home, give yourself confidence, vigor and return the pleasure of youth, 800 100 exactly 14 18 800 100 exactly 14 18 free anonymous call. This is the Meeting Place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we dont have much time left, about the intricacies of psychology, lets now look at a few more examples, these are Different Countries where alexey gennadivich, these laws exist, but in each country Law Enforcement practice, to put it mildly, differs from the following after 2017 laws on home nosiriya were adopted in egypt, tunisia, mongolia, morocco, and the united arab emirates, but each has its own nuances. For example, in the emirates, a man, father, husband or son, if a woman is already a widow, is considered her opikun and participates in making important decisions. In morocco, despite the law adopted, the concept of Domestic Violence is not spelled out; only the most brutal crimes are subject to criminal liability. And in malaysia, where the law on Domestic Violence has existed for decades, not so long ago a local official advised husbands to beat their wives for disobedience. If the wife still refuses to follow. Advice or change their behavior, husbands may try to use physical force, hitting her lightly, to show his severity and how much he wants her to change. In recent years, laws against Domestic Violence have been adopted in many countries of the postsoviet space. For example, in moldova the law was tightened in 2016; last year, the country, with the support of the eu, launched the first helpline for victims of Sexual Violence. Invited to the ceremony european officials and un representatives. This service should solve a number of problems that my Police Colleagues face. We are also talking about a quick and enhanced response to sexual crimes, because in the case of Sexual Violence , different structures must respond effectively and take responsibility. Last year, penalties for Domestic Violence were tightened in uzbekistan. Recently, the head of the countrys senate came to the next session of the commission on womens rights. There is such an organization oestr, well, the same thing like the un approximately, that is, it is an international institution, based on the data of which a country is given a credit rating, its Investment Attractiveness increases, kazakhstan has long been present in the programs of the same ossr, if you open the criterion by which the state meets cheap money. Some basic question as a final one. The inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation, Vladimir Vladimirovich putin. Tomorrow at 12 00 moscow time on ntv. Via superstar premieres on sunday at 20 20 on ntv. It is profitable to retire with sberbank. 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The russian general staff, to teach the president a lesson , begins preparations

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