I say that maybe i need something, i, he he says, dad, if you need something, a stroller, something else, but i dont, i dont impose myself, no one really wants anything there, so everything is in order, in the newspapers they write rdovichenkov provided his son with elite housing , phil from the brigade is getting into trouble here, you gave your son an apartment for 18 years, who gave you, who is pouring into your ear, questions, i didnt give my son an apartment for 18 years, first of all, well, you never know what he writes, my my daughter has an apartment, i give it to her. the actor left the apartment in moscow to his daughter veronica and her mother , actress Olga Filippova, after the divorce. Vdovichenkovs exwife often organizes bachelorette parties there with her friends Ekaterina Klimova and vulyuchenko. You can endlessly look at fire, at water, at how another person works. Vdovichenko shares his feelings and communicates with his daughter often. I love her, and i am always on her side, no matter what. Vdovichenko supports his daughter. In amorous affairs, if mother Olga Filippova keeps her mouth shut, the boys probably run after her in crowds, i dont know, i didnt notice in crowds, then dad reveals all his cards, she had a fiance one time, veronica was in the hospital for some reason, and he came so heroically, tried to get into this hospital through the fence, there the guards tied him up, my daughter told me, dad, you help there, i say, stop, stop, stop, guys , hes with me, the doctor came out there, they say, heres your office, talk there, just do nt kiss, she has rotavirus, im. Well, we only have one mask left that we havent figured out yet, damn, thats right, im i could have come there wearing a mask, but be upset, im bulgarian, of course, dont worry about it. Im sorry, but what do you allow yourself, and you no one will believe it anyway, chushpan , im malikov, and malikov is perfect, you tell me, did you just like it or not, no, okay, then what, faith, and whats happening, im not faith, im lera kudryavtseva, what are you like, lera kudryavtseva, who doesnt use patches. Yes, this is some kind of nonsense, its me, lera kudryavtseva, who was born in uskaminogorsk in kazakhstan, i look more like a person who was born in kazakhstan, and with me you will live in moscow city. And with me you will not engage in escort czechoslovakian wardrobe, soviet workers hid in he has a stash, Party Workers are lovers, and highranking Party Workers are lovers, in short, regarding the money, i throw in 1. 950. And grandma s gold teeth, that is, i bet both money and mouth, the first joke , here they are, here they are, platskart faces, here they are, rootless dogs, here they are, unwashed asses, yes, yes, all the wild ones are afraid of fireworks, they immediately break up , ill show you moscow, damn it, well probably start with avocado , but think about it, if someone is watching this now without sound, its just cool, and i want to say, cool in an acting way, maybe there are some candidates for the second season, hypnosis, but everyone should be taken, shozhil, the uprising of erolas, by the way, who is the star, well, it seems to me, mikhail efremov, why . Well, why doesnt he come out . And think about it, where will you get 2 million . No damn thing, if hes lost, call samoilova , the fact that we have a zhigan is great, it would be great to figure out what to do with him, what a problem, timati hasnt figured out what to do with him in so many years . Timothy, by the way, came up with an idea, i just dont want to stand there screaming, cappuccino, well listen to the star, i want say, if he has learned it, this is my text, dont read it. Other teams will have artists, and all the actors and comedians, they have a whole king behind them. Aphrodite. Cleopatra. Ive already paid, thats it, i dont like that hes already paying for us, now ill tell you everything, i only went there for 5 minutes. I dont know, i got a little headache at some point, it was very funny, so much so that it was downright funny. If the night lights up the stars in the sky again, it means someone needs it, life is a game of stripes, just do what you have to do in it, we accepted the challenge, let it become the motto, we are already behind the scenes, all the roles are written, we came out again and entered this hour, the stars were eight bright and sorrowful, stars, stars, stars, stars , stars, stars. Hello everyone, dear friends, my name is azamat masagaliev, and this is your new favorite show stars. Our project involves 10 of the most popular stars, whom the whole country knows, they came to us, some even came to choose a team of comedians to compete in humor for the main prize. Each star brought with it 2 million rubles threw them into the general bank, creating an unrealistic prize fund of 20 million rubles. At the end of the project. Only one winning team will receive an impressive amount, and we will all get great pleasure and all our 10 stars have already promised that if they win , they will send their winnings to charity, for which we thank them very much, today it will be funny for you, but it can always be funny for you , to do this, download the vk video application, download episodes, enjoy the show at any time, anywhere and even where there is no internet, vk video, stars, well, on lets meet the rest of the five, also last week we saw five cool performances by the stars of their teams, and today in the final of tonight all 10 teams will be given points, because we have those who will distribute them, our no less stellar, but downtoearth cozy jury chair, author of the soundtrack of our lives, Sergei Zhukov. Seryozha, we havent seen each other for a week, my baby, i missed you, how are you doing, great, how are you in the mood today, the anticipation of the holiday, tell me, seryozha, will you be in a bad mood, bad the mood will be when we have to give only one point, and there are 10 participants, you will have to do this today, yes, you will have to, get together, the most famous comedian in the country, the owner of a sausage shop, here he is vertically, garik kharlamov. How do you feel about something new in this field, great, you, im here alone, theres no halfling who leaves his 50 kopecks everywhere, theres no lazy bag of chairs that exists, everything is in front of you, there, its just there im on the side, here im in front you, i havent changed much, im happy that youre in front of me by me, and not from the side, well, well, you were just as beautiful a week ago as you are now, thats how it is. This is really so , everything that youre wearing suits you very well, i understand, golden letters, ntv, how are you, how quickly did you settle down, lets move on, vk design director, owner of the Artemy Lebedev studio, Artemy Lebedev, Artemy Lebedev, my favorite member of the jury, i swear, azamat, hello, artemy, i counted, hello, on the last program. You said eight words, four of them we beeped, how are you, before i gave birth, just like that, right away, right away he said three words, right away, right away, i understood what you expect from this evening, artemy, as well as from the past, to be funny sometimes, and that from the past i didnt get it, last time it was funny once, okay, artemy, welcome, we still trust you, thank you, lover of chat, artemy levedev , director of the acclaimed superpopular series the boys word blood on the asphalt, owner of a set of hair bands, Zhora Kryzhovnikov, zhor, last time you said a little more words than artemy, there were even moments when did you really like it, what do you expect from this evening . Well, so that there are more favorites, thats what ekaterina said earlier, thats how you know, we all watched these films. Garik has been with catherine for a long time, recently in the past, and zhor, please tell me, if you dont like the ending of our show, will you reshoot it . Well, if you give me a chance, we can try, vk ambassador, owner of 20 million likes on social networks per day, valentin vasilyevin carnival, valechka, hello, hello, how are you in the mood . Im in an amazing mood, im generally in the wildest im delighted, this is a dream job, im sitting in a pleasant company, incredibly talented people come out , they do funny, fun things, and in general im happy , thats it, here you go, so, were starting, friends, meet the first star and the team that she chose. Good evening, hey, take it easy, let it last forever, you will feel good today, all the boys know us, i represent the team, along with them. Well put on a show, one is married , the other is twice single, one is a tatar, one is a little stupid, the other is dancing like hes being sarcastic to no one, theres a girl, but no one, then you youll watch us on repeat, bellies, tear us up, excuse me, the jury will tell us, what are you doing, youve got me hooked, my best friends. Amazing taste, this is a studio union, they hooked me, hello my good ones, hello my family, how i miss you, whats your name anyway . So, sasha, this is vitya, artyom, aidar, lelya, sasha and me, kirill, no, well, i dont remember that, i only remembered sasha, my respects, well, of course, yes, lets do it this way. Youll be the longest , you are short, you are fat, you are tataryusha and sesyusha, that sesyusha, dont be angry, but sasha, roar, roar, rheumatism, still chechika 49, lets move away, lets move away, maybe you dont understand something, but this red washcloth is mine, understand . Not really, im saying that this is clearly a beushechka giving birth with me, cut short, not very much, remember, ill break the love for this little kisaryon, aidar, maybe thats enough, but lul, im actually defending your honor here, so aidar, take your place, please, sasha, let s make it clear right away, who are you here as, a singer or a comedian . By the way, im also a film actor and producer, a comedian, and in general, little guys. Nuance, i want you to remember, im not here with you, but you are with me, by the way, i threw in two lamas, have you ever seen 2 million, no, lord, but eyes, and these are just eyelids, but how will we to divide the money, well, of course, fairly, 50 for me, 50 for Arthur Pirozhkov, who cares, do you hear, dog, so, vitya, what, this is ntv, here its respectful, but think about it . So friends, lets start already, okay, we present to your attention a performance performed by, so stop, stop, stop, igor, listen to me, im actually kirill, i know, listen to me, i want to say that your presentation is wrong, you need to present it in a slightly sexy way, lets try it together, start, a performance is presented to your attention. The opinion of the creators of such hits as winter cold, and in fact its big, the masha doll, the dasha doll , if you lift it up a little, they will become older, and also this is not a woman, this is dima malikov, the immoral ensemble of artists is shortened to a, studio arthur, look, enjoy, hey we are all packed, we are all stuffed, in general, we are all enchanted, bewitched. Yes, im glad to see you, and i know the whole scenario, which is well known motive, performed by my team, despite the cute face, we look very patriotic, we love russia with all our souls, we love russia. And thats great, no guys, the text is good, correct, but where is the original . Well, the guys and i played a little trick, but i see that you guys are independent and can handle it without me, okay, so sasha, dont you want to help us . Of course, ill help, Pay Attention to the screen, sasha . Theres nothing here, so friends, what are we going to do . So what, maybe sing songs the Old Fashioned way . Do you have songs . At least chew your butt, so much, eh im more about quality, so sing, come on, yeah, auriki, auriki, auriki, there are deaf men Walking Around there, you are auriki. Whats on your head, we actually have a serious project, were broadcasting on ntv, oh, hello, so, sasha, take it away, take it away, so, artyom, do you have any songs . Well, of course, i m a hereditary singer, come on, sing, then, sing, come on, dont show off, now, okay, lets put it on the table, motherfucker. I have a problem, i saw a psychologist yesterday, he told me that my parents are to blame for everything, guess what, the psychologist did the same for me i said, seriously, yes, your parents are complete goners, vitya, are you a fool or what, what s going on, guys, everything is fine with us, i m just worried, well win me 20 million, so sasha, somethings not visible , what are you worried about, we wont win like that, okay , guys, its good, its not me for you guys, well , be more optimistic, you cant lower your head, i saw how you know how to work, you like it, work, so sasha , nothing will work out for us, it will work out, i believe in you, so, what kind of star is this . And lyolya, lyolya, lyalechka, i hope halalechka, im afraid to seem oldfashioned, even conservative, but ill still ask, have you ever had sex together, so aidar, what are you talking about, lyolya, sing us a song, yellow morons, in the cirrhosis department, for your recovery. I raise a toast, i raise a toast, uhu, thank you, thank you, thank you. Bravo, thats enough, okay, come on, maybe ill sing a song, come on, spring has come, march is coming, then april will come, may will come, june, july will pass, and august september, october, november, december, january, february, spring has come again, its coming, so thats it, vitya, what was it, i mean, what was it, circle, so, are you a fool or what, oh, think for yourself that again, guys, everything is fine with us, im just worried , so sasha, youre going somewhere, where did you get this from, im just taking out the trash and throwing it away, a months worth of collection. Sasha, stop fooling us. Do you think youre better than us . Yes, look, im no different from you. I am an ordinary person like you, but not a beggar. But you dance worse than me. Oh, what did you tell me . I, i said. That you dance worse than me, and now im about to vomit from your words, you know that i have known the language of dance since childhood, 2, 3, 4 times, podbra, podbra, one, two, miguel, i can handle it myself, miguel , thats it, thats enough, finish it, thats enough, i say, finish it, so finish it, motherfucker, dear friends, alexander reva was on stage and. He was good, both, im a rude, sexist boor, alone straight burning, another funny one, beautiful face, muscles, everyone loves roar, they want arthur, show me closeup, on everyones screen. Kiss tv screens are ready, your mother is at your place, closeup plans, wow, wow, prepare 20 lyams, run away. It was Arthur Pirozhkov with his backing vocalists. Well, val, the singing team, is this your thing . It seems to me that even seasoned talents like you are sometimes excited to come out first, but i didnt feel an ounce of excitement from you at all, you came out relaxed, relaxed, did the right thing, showed the right way. It was very cool , the prokisarity completely killed me, the language of the dance is just a bomb, you came out and you had a blast, you had a blast, tell the buzz, they had a blast, they had a blast, it was cool for me and we had a blast, i really liked it, thank you very much, val, thank you, lets listen to our lighter, artemy, lighter without gas. I have a very simple attitude towards any creativity, if people use , process any already existing creative product, be it a song, be it a style, be it something else, firstly it is always secondary, secondly it shuts up completely progress, that is, we are stewing in the same compote, when the act consisted of some things that were cool, well, theres all the mechanization, theres a massage table, its all cool, the joke about boys is normal, i just want to. I want to hear new songs, i want there to be new music, well, look, any remade song is already new, you know, no, this is a secondary joke, i will fight for it until. Hold this bar for the most musical, probably the song team itself, thats why ill keep an eye on you, but today i smiled, sang the songs you sang, thank you, well, thank you, in short, seryozha wants to say, keep busy, rehearse, there is a prospect, there is a prospect, how do you like it, are we going on vacation . Cool, and we are going for the third year, and we havent started saving, so open a vtb savings account, the rate is 16 , save up faster and transfer your salary to vtb, it will be even more profitable, lets go to the bank, mountains, skis, speed, you have saved up faster than you go down, vtb, together everything will work out, everything you are interested in is collected in vk video, even the show that was before. 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Compare to yours. In the country. Results of the week, tomorrow at 19 00 on ntv. So, petya is curvy, tick is thin, katenka and vanik are colored. Pancakes are different. Dr. Bakers alone. Dr. Bakers, prepare love. Passengers can ride here like that. I came for my brother, call sign passenger, already at the cinema, 10 celebrities who came not only to amuse the audience, but also