Transcripts For NTV Mesto 20240704 :

Transcripts For NTV Mesto 20240704

Sectors of the economy, while we understand what risks and factors can lead to a slowdown in the Economic Growth of our development as a whole, this is, first of all , a lack of qualified personnel, our own advanced technologies or their absence in some areas, here we need to work proactively, so today i will go into detail on these two strategically important topics, i will start with the personnel base. There is a large young generation growing up in russia, oddly enough, yes, there are demographic problems with population growth, thats a big the young generation, we have it it has a place to be, in 2030 there will be 8. 3 million citizens in the country under the age of 20 from 20 to 24 years old, in the thirtyfifth year there will already be 9. 7 million, 2. 4 million more , than than. From school to university, they must work in a single logic, for a common result, and of course , the participation of future employers is important here, starting from the current Academic Year , a Career Guidance system has been deployed in all schools in the country, children starting from the sixth grade can get acquainted with different specialties, i am now addressing the heads of enterprises, scientific and medical centers, please invite schoolchildren to your place, let the guys. Look at the workshops, thats what i was offered on one of my trips, factory museums, laboratories, be sure to get involved, i ask you, in this work, on the principles of close cooperation, education and Enterprises Real sector , we are implementing a professionalism project, it has allowed us to update Educational Programs for aircraft and shipbuilding, pharmaceuticals, electronics, defense and other industries, for these areas up to 2000. Training for schools, hospitals, clinics, for service sectors, tourism, cultural institutions, creative industries. Separately, i instruct the government, together with the regions , to implement a program for repairing the equipment of secondary Vocational Education institutions. It is necessary to put in order not only educational buildings, but also sports facilities. Dormitories of Technical Schools and colleges over 6 years we will allocate 120 billion rubles from the federal budget for these purposes, we will also allocate an additional 124 billion rubles, and in the next 6 years we will carry out Major Repairs of about 800 dormitories of universities. School, task, so that the center of science and education develops throughout the country. To achieve this, we will build 25 University Campuses by 2030. We have already talked about this, but now i think it is necessary to say it again, i propose, in this regard, to expand this program and build at least forty such campuses in total. And to allocate for these purposes, it will be necessary to allocate about 400. Billion rubles from the federal budget for these purposes, naturally, naturally, providing all the conditions on campuses so that students, graduate students, teachers, young families can study, work and raise children. In general, we need to literally sort through all the life situations that Young Mothers and young parents face, and adjust the work of the Public Service system with this in mind. Social sphere, healthcare, urban rural infrastructure, i ask the government and the regions to carefully consider all these issues. Further, in last years message, he announced significant changes in the organization of Higher Education and the need to use the best domestic experience here. Professional the foundation of a future specialist is laid in the first years, where fundamental disciplines are taught. I consider it necessary to increase the level of remuneration for teachers of such subjects and ask the government to propose specific parameters for this decision, to begin their implementation on september 1 in a pilot mode, Additional Resources will be required, according to preliminary estimates, somewhere this year 1. 5 billion, then 4, 5 billion, we have also counted this money, it is important for us to increase potential and quality. The basis of the basics is science, of course, on meeting, at a meeting with scientists , employees of the Russian Academy of sciences, which celebrated its tricentenary this year, he said that even in the most difficult periods, russia never refused, did not refuse to solve problems of a fundamental nature, always thought about the future, and now we must to do the same, well, as a matter of fact, we are trying to do so, for example, such. Scientific facilities of the megaience class, like russia, do not have any country in the world today, these are unique opportunities for both our scientists and for partners, researchers from other countries whom we invite to cooperation. The domestic Scientific Infrastructure is our powerful competitive advantage both in the field of fundamental science and in creating the groundwork for pharmaceuticals, biology, medicine, microelectronics, the Chemical Industry and the production of new materials for the development of space programs. I believe that we must more than double the total investment of the state and business in research and development. Bring their share to 2 of gdp by 2030 year, according to this indicator, to become one of the leading scientific powers of the world, and i repeat again, we must significantly, i want to repeat once again, at the same time, investments in science and from private business must increase significantly, no less than double by the thirtieth year, of course however, the main thing is the effectiveness of such investments, we are talking about achieving a specific scientific result in each specific case, here we need to use the positive experience of our federal Research Programs in genetics, agriculture, projects Russian Science foundation. Taking into account current tasks and challenges, we have adjusted the strategy of scientific and Technological Development of russia, in its logic we are launching new National Projects of technological sovereignty, i will name their main directions first we must be independent, have all the technological keys in such sensitive areas as preserving health citizens, food security. Secondly, it is necessary to achieve technological sovereignty in crosscutting areas, which ensures the sustainability of the entire countrys economy. This means of production and machine tools, work equipment, all types of transport, unmanned, aviation, marine and other systems, data economics. New materials and chemistry, third, we must create globally competitive products, relying on unique domestic developments, including in the field of space, nuclear and new energy technologies, now we need to create a Legal Environment for the development of industries and markets of the future, to form a longterm, as at least until the end of this decade , an order for hightech products to companies understood. Budget financing, i ask for development mechanisms, we will ensure that the priority government and the federal assembly take this into account when preparing the budget, i always ask to see this as a main priority, technological sovereignty projects should become an engine for the renewal of our industry, help the entire economy emerge to the forefront of efficiency and competitiveness. I propose to set a goal here the share of domestic hightech goods and. Services in the domestic market over the next 6 years should increase by one and a half times, and the volume of nonresource and nonenergy exports by no less than 2 3. Let me give you a few more figures in 1999, our share of imports reached 26 of gdp, we were almost 30 , almost everything was imported from abroad, last year it was already 19 of gdp. We dont need to strive for this in order to produce everything, but the government knows what needs to be worked on, i emphasized, given the demographic challenges we face, the high need, and frankly speaking, the shortage of personnel for us it is critically important to radically increase Labor Productivity, one of the key tasks, and this means the introduction of Digital Technologies in management, the growth of energy and resources of effective economic. Proposals and the implementation of such proposals, the endtoend modernization of industrial capacities, their robotization and automation, by 2030 number of industrial robots, russia should be among the 25 leading countries in the world, you know, if we keep in mind what we have today, this will be a good result, we will continue to create special industryspecific Competence Centers where the best lean practices will be generalized and replicated. Production in the economy and social sphere. By 2030, at least 40 of mediumsized large enterprises, basic, nonresource sectors of the economy, and i will add all social institutions. It is necessary to cover projects to increase Labor Productivity; this is a general, huge, but very important work. In addition, the reequipment of production should be aimed at increasing the efficiency; advanced engineering schools, which are created on the basis of universities. We set a goal to create 50 such schools, 30 of them have already been created, and we are launching another 20 this year. I propose to expand this program by another 50 engineering schools, that is, in total , to develop a Network Across the country, a network of 100 such centers that will train highly qualified specialists, i propose that they will train specialists and offer original technical solutions, and in a variety of areas in industry. In agriculture, construction, transport, social sphere. And of course, always and in each of these areas, use Artificial Intelligence, we need to strive for this, we also need to modernize the network of scientific and technical libraries in universities and scientific organizations, make them real Digital Centers of knowledge and information, we will also allocate additional funds for these purposes, 9 billion rubles for the last year. Dear colleagues, in recent years hundreds of new Factory Production plants have opened in russia, but they are opening, opening, as if we were already accustomed to it, this is such an ongoing work, but among them are such industrial giants as the udakan mining and metallurgical plant in transbaikalia, the taishetsky aluminum smelter in the irkutsk region, and the murmansk cropat construction center. Tonnage offshore structures, zapsip neftekhim in the tyumen region, this list can certainly be continued. Please note that in the next 6 years, the level of gross added value of the russian Manufacturing Industry should increase by no less than 40 compared to 2022. Such accelerated Industrial Development means the creation thousands of new industries, modern, well paid. Jobs, we have already formed a kind of industrial menu, companies implementing Industrial Projects can choose the optimal support systems, an Investment Protection agreement, special investment contracts, a cluster Investment Platform and so on, thats enough. With an emphasis on the placement of small production facilities , we will continue the development of Industrial Technology parks of mediumsized businesses according to our technological priority, it is important to use the advantage of the cluster approach when. Industrial projects with investments of more than 200 billion rubles will be supported for 2 years using equity funds. The meaning of such a mechanism is that the russian Web Development corporation, with the participation of commercial banks, enters the capital of hightech companies and provides assistance during the phase of their active growth. I have already given instructions to launch a special regime for initial Public Offerings of shares of companies that operate in. The central bank, it is necessary to accelerate the launch of this mechanism, including compensation of costs for placement of securities. Well, you have to do it eventually. I repeat, the russian stock market needs to strengthen its role as a source of investment. Its capitalization by 2030 should double compared to. Years, the certificate will be irrevocable, which means that banks will be able to offer clients higher, more favorable interest income, and of course, these citizens funds will also be insured by the state in the amount of up to 2,800 thousand rubles, that is, twice as much as for ordinary bank deposits. Let me emphasize i will emphasize. All measures of state support, investment, creation and modernization of Enterprises Must be linked to an increase in employee wages, improvement of working conditions and social packages for workers, and of course, the fundamental requirement of domestic business must operate in russian jurisdiction, not withdraw funds abroad, where as it turns out it is possible. What to lose, and now my business colleagues and i are meeting and thinking about how to help them, get something out of there, well, theres no need to take them there, then we wont resolve issues, how to return, invest resources in russia, in the regions, in the development of companies, in personnel training, the most reliable protection of assets, capital of russian business, our strong, sovereign country. The vast majority of entrepreneurs take domestic patriotic positions, and businesses that operate here in russia must have guarantees of inviolability. In industries such as manufacturing, tourism, it exceeds 21 . Hundreds of new domestic brands made their presence known. Last year in russia 1,200 thousand new companies in the field of small mediumsized businesses have been registered. Please note that this is the highest figure in the last 5 years. People strive to start their own business, believe in themselves, in their country, in their success. I would especially like to note that in 2023 the number of young entrepreneurs under the age of 25 increased by 20 ; today there are more than 240,000 of them. Such Creative Energy must be supported so that the average income per employee employed in the field of small mediumsized businesses grows faster in the next 6 years increase in gdp, that is , the efficiency of such a business should increase, its quality indicators. In addition, i instruct the government, starting next year, to provide a mechanism for not a sharp, but rather a gradual increase in the tax burden for companies that are switching to a common tax system. Next, we adopted a solution such as a temporary moratorium on inspections. This measure has fully justified itself; companies that. High quality goods and services are responsible to consumers, you really can and should be trusted, so i think it is possible from january 1 , 2025 to abandon temporary moratoriums on business inspections; instead, taking into account the accumulated experience, completely switch to a riskbased approach, enshrining it in law, where there are no risks, it is necessary to apply preventive measures and thus minimize the number of checks. And again, and again, i propose to grant Small Businesses a special right, once every 5 years , to issue credit holidays for up to 6 months without deteriorating their credit history, i repeat, we need to create all the conditions for small and Mediumsized Companies to develop dynamically, and for the quality of this growth to be enhanced through hightech areas. Own business. In general, the tax regime for small mediumsized Manufacturing Enterprises should be relaxed. I ask governments to provide concrete proposals in this regard. We have talked about this many times. Please, the proposals are already ripe, in fact. I would especially like to note the work of small mediumsized farming businesses in the agroindustrial complex. Now we are not only completely we provide ourselves with food. Russia is the leader. In the global wheat market, we are among the twenty leading food exporting countries. I thank the agricultural workers. Farmers, specialists involved in agriculture in general, thank you for the impressive results. By 2030, the volume of production of the russian agroindustrial complex should still increase by at least a quarter compared to the twentyfirst year, and exports will increase by one and a half times. We will definitely continue to support the industry, as well as the comprehensive Development Program rural areas, including renewal and modernization. Dear colleagues, in modern conditions , increasing the efficiency of all areas of Labor Productivity is inextricably linked with digitalization, with the use of Artificial Intelligence technologies, i have already mentioned this. Such Solutions Make it possible to create digital platforms that allow optimal interaction between citizens, business and the state. So we have to create a platform that will help citizens support and preserve health throughout. Throughout life , use the potential of the entire healthcare system, for example, based on digital profile data, he will be able to obtain a remote opinion from a specialist at a federal medical center, and a doctor, family doctor, will be able to assess the holistic picture of a persons health, predict t

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