Transcripts For NTV Osnovano 20240703 :

NTV Osnovano July 3, 2024

How many chemistries tan had, in my opinion three or two , i dont remember, there were relatives, acquaintances, yes, friends nearby, i didnt really advertise it because i didnt want people to treat me strangely, it was hard, well, more like just a little uncomfortable, well, yes, its not very pleasant, ill be honest , physically, well, yes, i understand people, i lost my hair, of course, well, its no big deal, its amazing, lera, thank you, this mutually, thank you, dear, it was an absolutely amazing group, quarter , yes, there really was a group that will take its place in the history of light music in russia, we went to the quarter, this is urban music, this is soft rock, soft rock, this the music of the city districts, it was very fresh, it was unexpected for us in the nineties and it gave such smooth, cantilever vocals, it was melodious, then you also had sofia akran, a singer who, on the contrary, gave dynamics, such power, optimism, and tatyana gave lyricism, together with such a rigid rhythm of the quarter, it created an extraordinary harmony, how nice, you see, how nice it is to remember such things, thank you dear, thank you, thank you, this is a miracle, we definitely need to talk about creativity. Even if the stars go out, we still see their light for a long time, these are songs, films and poems, and may they shine for us forever, this was the program the stars aligned, see you on the ntv channel. On that november day, resuscitation doctors at the kursk City Hospital will later remember it like footage from some kind of thriller. Here the lifeless body of the capitals star irina ponorovskaya is brought to them straight from the concert. The next shot is of the singer on the operating table, her heart is not beating, her kidneys are not working. The Regional Committee proposes to send the star on special flights to moscow, but the local surgeon said, as he cut it off, he wont make it. An incredibly complex operation takes 5 hours, the surgeon is exhausted , overworked, everyone is sure that panorovskaya is no longer a jerk, when the kidneys fail for a day, death is guaranteed, the singers kidneys did not work for 42 hours, but suddenly the famous patient opens eyes, well, she opened her eyes, looked, then it was all over, it was a real miracle, after the resurrection in her room on. There was some excuse to look at the star up close, so they came in to either count her pulse or measure her blood pressure, or just ask how you feel, irina ponorovskaya was first called an alien only then after two clinical deaths in a row, however, the ladies are not from this world, she was considered even before these. Where did i get so much patience, and then completely left the stage in english, stronger than anyone all the men i saw together, she says when i feel very bad, i hide out of sight, clean my feathers, put myself in order, well, as for her. From not only the world of the stage, but from this big social circle, friends, acquaintances there, it was her decision, it was her choice , remaining in memory as such a wonderful beauty, a wonderful artist, a queen of the stage, maybe ira was motivated by this, maybe some circumstances of her personal life, i cant say anything , in any case, i was sorry when she disappeared, the sudden and mysterious disappearance of ponorovskaya ruffled the nerves of tv viewers for many years and was the topic of various investigations in the tabloid press, about a fatal illness, a will that had already been drawn up, that irina was never able to survive the loss of her daughter anastasia, and even that after three razvodovskaya decided to hide from the bustle of the world in a monastery, but only those closest knew the truth why the star chose hermithood and became a recluse, when i found out that, for example, she wanted to leave completely for a while, from the stage, from the stage, from the stage completely. Herself to her family, then i, for example, understood her, shes just tired already, yes, she doesnt need it, shes after another fiasco, that is, the destruction of her life with one of those very men who accompanied her through life, it seems to me that her soul is very tired , her voluntary renunciation of fame seemed madness to many, because for the sake of the stage panarovskaya literally tortured herself from her youth, to the point of exhaustion, worked in the gym, starved herself of diets, i there was a coach, she beat me with a whip, so i was furious i shout banarovskaya, where are you, why didnt you come out . It turned out that she, and they explained this to me, had a hungry faint, she did everything to look like this, and she would never stop , even before the thirtythird clinical death, but was her career worth such sacrifices, and most importantly, was the iron lady ponorovskaya able to forge her personal happiness, the singer preferred to remain silent, the pain did its job and the pain, of course, was there, the mysterious and charming irina ponorovskaya, what did she have with leontyev and safronov, with whom her husbands cheated on her and how the star was used by the favorites, how bonorovskaya ended up in the company of tsoi and vysotsky, but pugacheva was not taken there, after which she had to be pulled out from the other world twice. Why did panorovskaya put her adopted daughter in an orphanage, how her own son was kidnapped, why. Now she has become a recluse and from whom is the letov black and white drama hiding, look right now, this city is no longer yours, it capitulated, and who are you, my last name is too famous to name, you are like that same fly in a flower field , youll definitely find a bunch, inga oboldinina, where is bolabin, vadim andreev, well, thank you, god, i see that everyone is alive, all of us, ivan agapo, i even guessed. I just missed you, dont miss your favorite series, well, when, where, tomorrow at 22 15 on ntv, if you want the best, then choose 12, 12 . 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Black floorlength dress, gloves, snowwhite fur coat, well , exactly lady diana stepped onto the stage of the moscow variety theater straight from buckingham palace. Her songs never sounded from every voice, she was not given titles and ranks, but every appearance on the ponorovskaya stage became an event, not even that, a high phenomenon. Inaccessible, a little cold, of course, distant, detached , this is how it should be, so as not to look at it from top to bottom, from bottom to top, this is all very well thought out, this is an artist, not of the soviet breed, this is western breed, a very beautiful woman, a sophisticated expression in her eyes, if i may say so, this is her leningradskaya. By the way, in general, in her youth, she raised the temperature of all my male acquaintances, irina ponorovskaya received her first title, you will only laugh in february 2019, at the age of 66, she became an honored artist of russia, but foreigners always loved this russian diva, there were two signature singers irina ponorovskaya, being a russian girl, and laima vaikuli, they were farm girls, they were western artists, they looked with a needle. Brand new, so, well, it was impossible not to fall in love with such people. Midseventies, roccora, jesus christ, superstar is thundering in the west. Ours dont want to be left behind and are producing a musical performance, orpheus and eurydice. The role of eurydice goes to the young soloist of the leningrad singing guitar ensemble, irina ponorovskaya. And not morkay, no, he is completely different, the one whom i love so much and my future, soviet spectators, unspoiled by musical shows, flocked in crowds to the outlandish performance, all its soloists instantly became famous. Performed the role of orpheus singer albert asadulin. It was a cultural bomb on the whole country, it was simple, it was instantaneous, wherever we went, people even went , they didnt even understand what arfivridics was, and when they came, they simply took possession, simply from the fact that. And it was a shock, a real shock, the group of singing guitars does not get out of tours and even goes for export, staging an opera in the gdr, they were noticed there and invited to an International Competition in. If it werent for love, the day would not have been born, one performance by a debutante would immediately receive an avazia award, grand Prix International recognition, so a shy girl from leningrad suddenly becomes a star, the female lot is such that she does not resist the goal of fate. She didnt resist, fate itself pushed her forward, while ponorovskayas envious people whispered that in dressden she was simply lucky; in just a year, irina was already being sent alone to a new prestigious competition in poland. Sabi to the ends of the earth, the festival in sopot, at that time the main european vocal show, Something Like modern eurovision. Sopot it was such a window into europe, as if it didnt matter such a socialist europe, but still to europe, because really western artists came to sopot, and there was such an Eastern European stage, which we were almost not shown here, there were wonderful bulgarian groups, the same polish ones, gderovskie and so on then this was the place where you could see. The best artists of those years, well, eastern, mainly europe, of course, representing the soviet union there was an honor, prestigious and responsible, and although in the midseventies the Party Leadership had the choice was wide alla borisovna has already excited the whole country with her harlequin, about swan fidelity, where are you my beloved, return the scarecrow, but unexpectedly for everyone, they send the sophisticated and aristocratic ponorovskaya to charm the countries of the socialist camp, then they said for a reason, maybe she has someone at the top, experience it was very difficult to get in, firstly, there were no open selections to get there, you had to go through all the authorities , from the District Party committee to the Central Control commission, it was a very closed topic, by this time there was such an attitude towards ponorovskaya, they told me about this older colleagues, like an upstart, what kind of thieves upstart, where she was placed by acquaintances through connections, and the attitude towards her was a little disdainful, i will love myself. Irina, i believe, was sent there by the leadership , which are definitely smart people, professionals, they calculated, we need to send an artist there who would give us a victory, not only for himself, about our country, our system , everything we live by, ira, shes just such a flash, the pleas of this girl with the then fashionable with pashs haircut, we set off. It didnt matter to the jury whether she was sent to the festival due to connections or whether she really deserved it, after the performance the audience stood up, they didnt let her go for a long time, her name was nabis, and then unexpectedly for everyone, it was she, a littleknown singer from the ussr, who gets the grand prix, and ponorovskaya, such a success in sopot there was only one performer from the soviet union, in the seventysecond year Lev Leshchenko took the grand prix, after her only Alla Pugacheva will succeed, in the seventyeighth year she will conquer poland. Kings can do anything with a song, it would seem that the Company Speaks for itself, but at home, for some reason, ponorovskaya did not reach the level of pugacheva and leshchenko, i have an unhappy fate, although she sounded on television in the soviet union, but she did not go, did not go, and today not everyone will even remember this song, although they can proudly call themselves that the winner of the sopot festival , irina comes out in one, say a concert or in one event, thats it, everyone else fades away, everything is destroyed, you know, of course, this does not go unnoticed , of course, therefore, it is no coincidence, in general, lets be honest, envy , human envy, professional envy, it always interfered with irina, because it was someone elses envy that interfered with her, immediately after the victory in poland there was serious talk on the sidelines of the stage that this upstart would outshine everyone, and the audience then discussed only. Two topics pugachevas novels, ponorovskayas outfits. She attracted not only her manner of performance, her repertoire, but above all, absolutely. Outfits, which well talk about later the women around me talked, discussed, and in my opinion imitated. The year is 1979, the spaceships of the ussr are roaming the expanses of the universe with might and main, the country is observing a new type of progress, for the first time, a communication session with cosmonauts at the mir orbital station is broadcast on television. Before the historic moment , the crew is allowed to choose any person they want to talk to. The astronauts unanimously choose this. Im always interested in when you will return, and what you are doing there, and how you feel, well , everything, everything, everything, by the eighth of march on tv they traditionally show the Festive Edition of the blue light, the program was hosted by pugacheva, panorovskaya was among the guests, the audience then felt that a spark of hatred flashed between the stars, or did it show up . And who is it . Who, who is it . This is such a beautiful tin, who is so beautiful . This is a beautiful woman, yes , i very often have to make ponorovskaya my last name, irochka, vanorovskarovskaya, you will be rich, look carefully, pugachova communicates with ponorovskaya in a patronizing tone, they say the primo did not go as far as the beginner, but Irina Vitalievna holds the blow, she will sing, she will sing, they will dance one more question, no, i will not dance this time. This is blue blood, you will immediately change it, right now , no, i said, between the song, by the way, this is the same blue light in which allasovna kissed sofia mikhailovna rataru, supposedly as a sign of eternal friendship, the people later called this public gesture of theirs, kiss of judas, and lets kiss, come on, so as not to say anything, then just a few air minutes later pugacheva tries to make fun of ponorovskaya, but not on those attacked, alla borisovna, who is this . Guess stop making jokes like that. In the early nineties , everyone imitated western stars. Here, a stones throw from the kremlin, on the site of the russian concert hall, which used to be located in this very place, they decided to create Something Like a hollywood walk of fame, a square with personalized tiles in honor of the main people of the outgoing century. Tv presenter Vladimir Berezin led the ceremony of laying star stones. He remembers how, because of the ponarovskaya surname , a beautiful ceremony at one point turned into a scandal. And magamaeva was pawned, and esambaeva were laid, gorbachev was laid, but against the background of this performance, this stamp , for which one can lay a star, ira ponorovskaya, she did not fit into the system of ideas about the right to have her own star under the feet of the audience who go to the state central concert hall of russia, there were a lot of disputes then, whether she was worthy or not, there were such names , almost some of our classics. The star of irina ponorovskaya appeared on the square next to claudia shulzhenko, Leonid Utesov and vladimir vysotsky, pugacheva among almost fifty nam

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