NSR: Satcom Industry Contracts by 2.7%, but Bright Spots Exist in Post-COVID Era CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Dec. 15, 2020 — NSR’s Satellite Industry Financial Analysis, 10th Edition report, released today, finds an industry enduring stunted growth with bankruptcies and revenue declines across the satellite operator and service provider segments. However, some gains can be seen with Hughes, ViaSat, and SES all registering large wins on the back of Broadband, Mobility and Gov/Mil deals. While Integrated Operators and some data segments continue to post gains, video continues to struggle, shrinking the global satcom industry by 2.7% in 2019. Industry leaders like Speedcast and GEE were unable to weather the COVID-19 headwinds with low cash reserves – declaring bankruptcy, while Gogo sold its commercial aviation division to Intelsat in mid-2020. Notable bankruptcies also included Intelsat and OneWeb, which could not restructure debt or raise fresh funds.