City hopes for $18.6M from feds Marks left on an East Avenue sidewalk after an April 7 single car accident. (Contributed by Bradford Craighead) NORWALK, Conn. — No one was hurt when a car ran off East Avenue, right over the sidewalk and into somebody’s yard, but a local activist contends last week’s accident shows just how badly pedestrian improvements are needed in the area around the town green. “While I was alarmed by the fact that a car could so easily and crazy/dangerously run up off East Avenue and over the sidewalk and end up on the front lawn at my neighbor’s building… I was secretly almost delighted that such an event would occur with Police fanfare / action because we have worked so hard on trying to get the City to address this particular section of the EA corridor,” Bradford Craighead wrote in an email to NancyOnNorwalk.