Northland Māori seats poll petition to be delivered despite looming law change 3 Feb, 2021 04:00 PM 4 minutes to read John Bain (left) and fellow Democracy Northland campaigner Robin Grieve outside the Northland Regional Council building in Whangarei. Photo / Susan Botting Susan Botting is the Local Democracy Reporter for [email protected] More than 14,000 signatures from Northlanders wanting to have their say on three Tai Tokerau councils' Māori seats decisions will still be delivered to the councils. This is in spite of the Government this week announcing it is removing the legislation that allows such petitions to happen. The signatures - across three Democracy Northland petitions - make up New Zealand's biggest polling demand from local electors pushing to have their say on already-made decisions by Northland Regional Council (NRC), Whangārei District Council (WDC) and Kaipara District Council (KDC) in favour of Māori seats.