NORD/LB partners with Trade Ledger to bring fast finance to

NORD/LB partners with Trade Ledger to bring fast finance to corporates

Partnership streamlines processes for faster lending decisions by offering a next-generation digital solution LONDON, Oct. 4, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- NORD/LB, one of Germany's largest commercial banks, is accelerating access to finance for its large corporate customers, in a partnership with Trade Ledger, the global data-driven lending technology provider. NORD/LB will use the Trade Ledger platform to originate and manage receivables finance facilities for large corporate customers. Processing and managing large receivables secured loans is admin-heavy and has previously required significant amounts of manual work on an ongoing basis, limiting the ability to distribute this popular product. NORD/LB currently releases funds within 7 working days of a receivables finance client raising an invoice. Through the Trade Ledger platform, the bank expects to reduce this to just 24 hours, significantly improving access to working capital finance for its customers. The Trade Ledger platform, which is designed specifically for asset backed business lending solutions, gathers and analyses digital data required for loan origination, including acquiring invoices direct from borrowers' enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems such as SAP. It augments and in some cases automates the bank's operations with the analysis and insight they need to make better lending decisions. Real-time digital data can feed NORD/LB's downstream systems, meaning end-to-end processes are kept in sync, and an always up-to-date view of the customer's funding position is maintained. Martin Hartmann, Head of Markets at NORD/LBsaid: "We selected Trade Ledger because it has an innovative technology suite and already works successfully with large banks in the trade receivables finance space. We are really excited to develop this into a unique proposition for our large corporate customers, working to provide data driven working capital solutions on a digitised platform." Martin McCann, CEO at Trade Ledger, added: "For NORD/LB we are creating something truly market-leading - there is no equivalent fully digital solution in the large corporate receivables finance space. This is a world first and a great opportunity for both companies to create something really innovative." Trade Ledger is a leading global technology provider for the commercial banking and financial services industry, supporting banks by enabling lending products to be created and offered at the right time, over the right channel. Its platform provides an API-first lending-as-a-service (LaaS) capability that accelerates business lending decisions and loan origination. Trade Ledger has global customers headquartered in the UK and Australia, and the addition of NORD/LB further strengthens the fintech's presence in Europe. About NORD/LB NORD/LB Norddeutsche Landesbank is one of the leading German commercial banks. The core business segments include business with corporate customers, private and commercial customers including private banking as well as special finance in the energy and infrastructure sector, aircraft finance and commercial real estate finance. The bank is headquartered in Hanover, Brunswick and Magdeburg and has branches in Bremen, Oldenburg, Hamburg, Schwerin, Dsseldorf and Munich. Outside Germany NORD/LB is represented by a Pfandbrief Bank (NORD/LB Covered Bond Bank) in Luxembourg and branches in London, New York and Singapore. About Trade Ledger Trade Ledger was founded in 2016 to help the financial services sector reimagine complex business finance for SMEs and mid-market corporates in the digital economy. The lending-as-a-service (LaaS) platform supports secured and unsecured business lending products, transforming data sources from the supply chain into actionable insights and tasks. This enables the right lending products to be created at the right time, over the right channel, quickly, at low risk. Its clients boost profitability, realising average 60% origination cost reduction, 50% reduction in dropouts and loan book growth potential of over 100% through embedded finance. Backed by venture capitalists Point72 Ventures, Foundation Capital and Hambro Perks, and other notable investors such as Court Lorenzini (founder of DocuSign), Trade Ledger is scaling globally to accommodate a fast-growing client base of global trade banks, regional and national banks, and alternative finance providers. To date it has raised Pound 16.6 million. Trade Ledger was awarded LendTech Initiative of the Year 2020, Lending Platform of the Year 2019, and Startup of the Year 2019. To find out more about Trade Ledger, SOURCE Trade Ledger

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Hanover , Niedersachsen , Germany , New York , United States , Australia , Hamburg , Munich , Bayern , United Kingdom , Singapore , Luxembourg , Magdeburg , Sachsen Anhalt , London , City Of , Brunswick , German , Martin Mccann , Norddeutsche Landesbank , Martin Hartmann , Lendtech Initiative Of The Year , Court Lorenzini , Pfandbrief Bank Nord Lb Covered Bond , Foundation Capital , Trade Ledger , Outside Germany , Pfandbrief Bank , Bond Bank , Hambro Perks , Lendtech Initiative , Blending Platform , Partnership Streamlines Processes For Faster Lending Decisions By Offeringa Next Generation Digital Solution London , Act 4 , 022 Prnewswire Nord Lb , Ne Of Germany 39s Largest Commercial Banks , S Accelerating Access To Finance For Its Large Corporate Customers , Na Partnership With Trade Ledger , He Global Data Driven Lending Technology Provider Nord Lb Will Use The Trade Ledger Platform To Originate And Manage Receivables Finance Facilities For Large Corporate Customers Processing Managing Secured Loans Is Admin Heavy Has Previously Required Significant Amounts Of Manual Work On An Ongoing Basis , Imiting The Ability To Distribute This Popular Product Nord Lb Currently Releases Funds Within 7 Working Days Ofa Receivables Finance Client Raising An Invoice Through Trade Ledger Platform , He Bank Expects To Reduce This Just 24 Hours , Ignificantly Improving Access To Working Capital Finance For Its Customers The Trade Ledger Platform , Hich Is Designed Specifically For Asset Backed Business Lending Solutions , Athers And Analyses Digital Data Required For Loan Origination , Ncluding Acquiring Invoices Direct From Borrowers 39 Enterprise Resource Planning Erp Systems Such As Sap It Augments And In Some Cases Automates The Bank 39s Operations With Analysis Insight They Need To Make Better Lending Decisions Real Time Digital Data Can Feed Nord Lb Downstream , Eaning End To Processes Are Kept In Sync , Nd An Always Up To Date View Of The Customer 39s Funding Position Is Maintained Martin Hartmann , Ead Of Markets At Nord Lbsaid Quot We Selected Trade Ledger Because It Has An Innovative Technology Suite And Already Works Successfully With Large Banks In The Receivables Finance Space Are Really Excited To Develop This Intoa Unique Proposition For Our Corporate Customers , Orking To Provide Data Driven Working Capital Solutions Ona Digitised Platform Quot Martin Mccann , Eo At Trade Ledger , Dded Quot For Nord Lb We Are Creating Something Truly Market Leading There Is No Equivalent Fully Digital Solution In The Large Corporate Receivables Finance Space This Isa World First Anda Great Opportunity Both Companies To Create Really Innovative Trade Ledger Global Technology Provider Commercial Banking And Financial Services Industry , Upporting Banks By Enabling Lending Products To Be Created And Offered At The Right Time , Ver The Right Channel Its Platform Provides An Api First Lending Asa Service Laas Capability That Accelerates Business Decisions And Loan Origination Trade Ledger Has Global Customers Headquartered In Uk Australia , Nd The Addition Of Nord Lb Further Strengthens Fintech 39s Presence In Europe About Norddeutsche Landesbank Is One Leading German Commercial Banks Core Business Segments Include With Corporate Customers , Rivate And Commercial Customers Including Private Banking As Well Special Finance In The Energy Infrastructure Sector , Ircraft Finance And Commercial Real Estate The Bank Is Headquartered In Hanover , Runswick And Magdeburg Has Branches In Bremen , Oldenburg , Schwerin , Sseldorf And Munich Outside Germany Nord Lb Is Represented Bya Pfandbrief Bank Covered Bond In Luxembourg Branches London , Ew York And Singapore Https Www Nordlb Com About Trade Ledger Was Founded In 2016 To Help The Financial Services Sector Reimagine Complex Business Finance For Smes Mid Market Corporates Digital Economy Lending Asa Service Laas Platform Supports Secured Unsecured Products , Ransforming Data Sources From The Supply Chain Into Actionable Insights And Tasks This Enables Right Lending Products To Be Created At Time , Ver The Right Channel , Quickly , T Low Risk Its Clients Boost Profitability , Ealising Average 60 Origination Cost Reduction , 0 Reduction In Dropouts And Loan Book Growth Potential Of Over 100 Through Embedded Finance Backed By Venture Capitalists Point72 Ventures , Oundation Capital And Hambro Perks , Nd Other Notable Investors Such As Court Lorenzini Founder Of Docusign , Rade Ledger Is Scaling Globally To Accommodatea Fast Growing Client Base Of Global Trade Banks , Egional And National Banks , Nd Alternative Finance Providers To Date It Has Raised Pound 16 6 Million Trade Ledger Was Awarded Lendtech Initiative Of The Year 2020 , Ending Platform Of The Year 2019 , Nd Startup Of The Year 2019 To Find Out More About Trade Ledger , Eewww Tradeledger Io Source Trade Ledger ,

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