Nomination papers available Feb. 1 in Hatfield Hatfield Town Hall KEVIN GUTTING Published: 1/22/2021 3:47:05 PM HATFIELD — Nomination papers to run for office at this spring’s annual elections will be available at the town clerk’s office at Memorial Town Hall beginning Feb. 1. The annual town election is set for May 18, with residents having until April 21 to register to vote. Following are the positions and terms that will be on the ballot, as well as the incumbents in those positions: Select Board for three years, Edmund E. Jaworski; School Committee for three years, Heather Cahill and Jillian B. Robinson; Planning Board for five years, Michael F. Paszek; Library trustee for three years, Dodie Gaudet; Board of Assessors for three years, Scott McCoy, and for two years James Lavallee, Jr.; Board of Health for three years, Jeffrey Zgrodnik; Cemetery Commission for three years, Lucinda Williams; Hatfield Housing Authority for five years, Alex Malinowski; and Elector under the Oliver Smith Will for one year, William J. Betsold, Jr.