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No-trust motions part of democracy: Balochistan CM Bizenjo -
No-trust motions part of democracy: Balochistan CM Bizenjo -
No-trust motions part of democracy: Balochistan CM Bizenjo - Pakistan
Beleaguered CM sacks those cabinet members who signed the motion.
Related Keywords
Yar Mohammad ,
Sindh ,
Pakistan ,
Balochistan ,
Hazara ,
Punjab ,
Magsi ,
Quetta ,
Mir Abdul Qudoos Bizenjo ,
Mir Niamatullah ,
Kamal Khan Alyani ,
Asghar Achakzai ,
Awami Party ,
Awami National Party ,
Jam Kamal Khan Alyani ,
Yar Mohammad Rind ,
Nawabzada Tariq Hus ,
Chief Minister Bizenjo ,