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No to educational 'partnerships' with partisans : comparemel
No to educational 'partnerships' with partisans : comparemel
No to educational 'partnerships' with partisans
Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters has once again garnered mostly negative publicity and coverage of his recent decision to “partner” with Prager U to endorse using the conservative organization’s videos
Related Keywords
Florida ,
United States ,
Oklahoma ,
Alaska ,
American ,
Cindy Allen ,
Dennis Prager ,
Ryan Walters ,
Candace Owen ,
Mike Gravel ,
Gravel Institute ,
Youtube ,
Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters ,
Academics Standards ,
Politics ,
Education ,
Nstitutions ,
Chool Systems ,
Advertising ,
Rade ,
He Economy ,
University ,
Ournalism ,
Edia And Communication ,