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No time for a trip to the coast? Catch a wave in Waco : comp
No time for a trip to the coast? Catch a wave in Waco : comp
No time for a trip to the coast? Catch a wave in Waco
Texas has lots of spots to do a little surfing — Surfside, South Padre Island, Matagorda, Port Aransas, Galveston — but there is another place to wax up a board
Related Keywords
Matagorda ,
Texas ,
United States ,
South Padre Island ,
Utah ,
Lakeside ,
Baylor University ,
Colorado ,
Port Aransas ,
Harry Urmeister ,
George Betros ,
Sammy Citrano ,
Texas Restaurant Association Hall ,
Tarleton State University On Aug ,
Waco Surf ,
Surfside Shack ,
Dive Bar ,
Wedge Grill ,
Mclane Stadium ,
Tarleton State University ,
Air Force ,
Deion Sander ,