NI company's special technology to improve indoor air quality to benefit our health One local Northern Ireland company believes they have the answer to reduce the transmission of airborne illnesses Sponsored Chief Executive of Ozo Sanitized, Charlene Turkington pictured with their Ozo Duo product. Breathe this in - the average adult, when resting, inhales and exhales about 7 or 8 litres of air per minute. That totals about 11,000 litres of air every day. A healthy person with a good respiratory system should breathe around 16 times in a minute, the equivalent of approximately 23,000 breaths in one day. But do we ever stop to think about what's in the air we breathe? If anything, the past year has made us all more acutely aware of airborne illnesses and how they transmit. Poor air quality also has proven links to increased virus transmission, respiratory illness, reduced productivity and impaired cognitive function.