NHS to expand mental health services for new mothers Around one in four mothers estimated to experience problems such as post-natal depression or anxiety during pregnancy 6 April 2021 • 6:00am Thousands of new mothers will be offered NHS counselling and support in an expansion of mental health services. The new services – for around 6,000 women – aim to offer help to new, expectant and bereaved mothers from 26 hubs across the country. Around one in four mothers are estimated to experience mental health problems such as post-natal depression or anxiety and distress during pregnancy. Sir Simon Stevens, the NHS England chief executive, said: "The pregnancy and the birth of a new child are a special time for families, but if things go wrong it can have a huge impact on women, their partners and even other children. That is why the NHS is developing maternal mental health services to help them get back on track as part of our long term plan."