Posted on 8833 As the COVID-19 pandemic deepened, leading U.S. engineering and construction firms joined forces in May, leveraging their deep safety expertise and best practices in a campaign to ensure the well-being of crews and office teams facing the outbreak’s complex challenges. Now for that push with pilot projects already in play, the NEXT Coalition is being honored, winning Construction Dive magazine’s coveted “Innovator of the Year” award. That “Dive Award” for Innovator of the Year, one of several handed out each year by Construction Dive and its stable of trade publications that also cover utilities and other sectors, affirms the vision of the NEXT Coalition founded by peer companies Black & Veatch, DPR Construction, Haskell and McCarthy Building Companies. Swinerton, Truebeck Construction and Alabama Power have since joined the group, which from its outset has been committed to addressing the need for tools to help the industry adjust to the “next normal.”