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Newly elected village councilor in Pasay shot dead : compare
Newly elected village councilor in Pasay shot dead : compare
Newly elected village councilor in Pasay shot dead
MANILA, Philippines: A newly-elected village councilor (kagawad) was shot dead inside the Village Hall (Barangay Hall) in Pasay City early morning Monday, a report from the Philippine National Police (PNP) said on Tuesday.
Related Keywords
Manila ,
Philippines ,
Pasay City ,
Pasay ,
Philippine ,
Benguet ,
Lina Camacho ,
Hall Barangay ,
Christel Carlo Villanueva ,
Philippine National Police ,
Terms Of Service ,
Village Hall ,
Barangay Hall ,
Manila Times ,
Newly ,
Elected ,
Village ,
Councilor ,
In ,
Shot ,
Dead ,