New York Starts New Program To Help Those Impacted by COVID-19 COVID-19 has really had a terrible impact on so many aspects of our society, from thousands of jobs lost to hundreds of thousands dead from this disease, there are so many things that we need to cope with as a community. Get our free mobile app That's why this new program that was created by the New York State Office of Mental Health, in partnership with FEMA, looks like it could go a long way in helping people recover from the negative effects of the Cornavisur pandemic. NY Project Hope is a new Crisis Counseling Program that was created to provide support, resources, and education that covers, and provides, a wide range of services to help people deal with the impact of COVID-19. There is a helpline that is staffed by trained professional crisis counselors who are very knowledgeable and can help you cope with just about anything that is happening to you due to COVID-19.