New York Jets Flight Connections 5/8/21 Bringing your daily links to the NFL’s New York Jets Photo by Al Pereira/Getty Images Good morning, GGN! Yesterday the Jets started rookie mini camp, where this year’s draft class can get some reps with the team and starting learning their respective playbooks. The man of the hour, of course, was quarterback Zach Wilson. Wilson was spotted wearing a #2 jersey, after wearing #1 throughout college. It’s been speculated he chose that number with the Jets for a Jordan-esque reason; as a reminder that he didn’t go No. 1 overall in the NFL Draft. Regardless of the reason, it’s hard not to get excited as a fan knowing we aren’t too far away from the start of training camp. We’ll see how it all breaks down until then. With that, here are your links to the team to start your morning.