Kansas City nurse and musician Jenna Rae has a song on Never Records' "Apocalypse Anthems." New York artist Ted Riederer uses his label Never Records to archive what's happening in various moments in history. He'll release "Apocalypse Anthems" on Feb. 14. Ted Riederer seizes moments in history by recording songs, poems, and other bits of sound through his label Never Records. Typically, he creates a popup studio and issues open invitations for free recording sessions. In 2016, at the height of the Middle East refugee crisis, he set up shop in Amman, Jordan, and invited people to record their songs, poems, and thoughts. In 2018, Riederer spent two months in Kansas City during the citywide Open Spaces art exhibition. He understands now that he created an audio snapshot of a Kansas City free from any notion of a pandemic.