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New species of Jurassic pterosaur discovered on the Isle of
New species of Jurassic pterosaur discovered on the Isle of
New species of Jurassic pterosaur discovered on the Isle of Skye
A new species of pterosaur from specimens found on the Isle of Skye, Scotland, has been announced by scientists from the Natural History Museum, University of B
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China ,
Bristol ,
City Of ,
United Kingdom ,
Leicester ,
Scotland ,
Paul Barrett ,
Susane Evans ,
Laura Thomas ,
Liz Martin Silverstone ,
Skye Eileana Che ,
Natural History Museum ,
University Of Leicester ,
University Of Bristol ,
University Of Liverpool ,
Early Jurassic ,
Middle Jurassic ,
Merit Researcher ,
Skye Eilean ,
Professor Susan ,
Newswise ,
Terosaur Darwinoptera Ceoptera Dinosaurs ,
Dinosaurs ,
Evolution And Darwin ,
Paleontology ,
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