MDC-211-WF reads the data on connected Modbus RTU devices according to the user-defined command table then integrates the data from different Modbus RTU devices, concentrating all the data onto one device. The remote Ethernet host can then connect to MDC-211-WF over wired Ethernet or Wi-Fi to access the data from multiple Modbus RTU devices from one network location. This device centralizes Modbus data management, making it easier to establish a stable remote monitoring system; it reduces the Ethernet network traffic load, and enhances system efficiency. MDC-211-WF Modbus data concentrator is perfect for working with Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems. With a few simple settings, the data concentrator makes it easy to link distributed Modbus RTU devices with the Ethernet control network, a simple solution that users can employt to establish a remote monitoring control system quickly.