New national electricity plan 2021 approved Business April 23, 2021 ISLAMABAD: The government on Thursday approved a new national electricity plan 2021 and Indicative generation capacity expansion plan (IGCEP) for the next 10 years after abandoning its earlier plan for the next 27 years. The cabinet committee on energy took the decision during a meeting presided over by Minister for Planning and Development Asad Umar. Sources said the wholesale generation cost accounts for 80-85 percent of the end consumer cost therefore the generation planning needs a clear roadmap. The IGCEP is a 10-year plan updated on annual basis and required to be submitted by National Transmission and Despatch Company to the regulator by April 15 every year that limits the impact on end consumer tariffs by Central Power Purchasing Agency over the period of 10 years. Since the preparation of the plan for 27 years till 2047 has not yet reached its final stages, it is proposed that the exercise should be abandoned and a new exercise for the year 2021 should be initiated.