New midwifery unit set to be built at Wick hospital By David G Scott | Updated: 11:47, 05 February 2021 Get the Northern Times sent to your inbox every week and swipe through an exact replica of the day's newspaper The general manager of Caithness General Hospital expressed her delight over a new midwifery unit soon to be built at the Wick site that will "greatly improve facilities and access to care". NHS Highland announced today that Caithness firm GMR Henderson has been awarded the construction contract to refurbish the Queen Elizabeth West Wing at CGH to create a new community midwifery unit. Pam Garbe said: âOn behalf of the team at Caithness General Hospital, we are delighted to have received this funding which will improve services locally to meet the changing needs in health care. The expansion and development of the emergency and the outpatient departments will greatly improve facilities and access to care.â