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New Horizon Prize in Physics awarded for black hole photon s
New Horizon Prize in Physics awarded for black hole photon s
New Horizon Prize in Physics awarded for black hole photon sphere research
Alexandru Lupsasca and Michael Johnson won the physics prize for their work on photon spheres — weird rings of light around black holes that may reveal a theory of quantum gravity.
Related Keywords
Marko Simonovi ,
Michael Johnson ,
Alexandru Lupsasca ,
Mark Zuckerberg ,
Oliver Philcox ,
Sergey Brin ,
Priscilla Chan ,
Julia Milner ,
Anne Wojcicki ,
Mikhail Ivanov ,
Harvard University ,
Breakthrough Prize Foundation ,
Columbia University ,
Vanderbilt University ,
Simons Foundation ,
University Of Florence ,
New Horizon Prize ,
New Horizons ,
Event Horizon Telescope ,