New budget options to prevent Elgin fire service cuts don't sway enough councilmen
The Elgin City Council discussed several budget cutting options Wednesday to avoid affecting service at Elgin Fire Station 6 at 707 W. Chicago St. but didn't vote for them. Rick West | Staff Photographer
Posted2/25/2021 5:05 AM After hearing three new options to cut $430,000 to balance the 2021 budget, the Elgin City Council voted 6-3 in favor of moving forward with a previous plan to change service at Fire Station 6. Council members Corey Dixon, Baldemar Lopez and Tish Powell were the three dissenters in the preliminary committee-of-the-whole vote.
With pandemic-related budget shortfalls projected, city officials had previously asked firefighters to forgo their contractual 2.5% salary increase in exchange for having one year added to their contract, which expires in 2021. City administrators said nonunion Elgin employees and managers have foregone raises, helping to keep the budget balanced for a third straight year. Collective bargaining units like the firefighters were exempt from other furloughs, pay cuts and layoffs city workers have endured.