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Nearly 1 in 6 "fully vaccinated" for covid American adults n
Nearly 1 in 6 "fully vaccinated" for covid American adults n
Nearly 1 in 6 "fully vaccinated" for covid American adults now suffers from serious health problems
Recently, John Zogby Strategies conducted a survey revealing that upwards of 15 percent of all American adults who got "vaccinated" for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) now suffer from [...]
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United States ,
Wuhan ,
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Centers For Disease ,
Children Health Defense ,
Natural News ,
John Zogby Strategies ,
Health Defense ,
Operation Warp Speed ,
Disease Control ,
Fauci Flu Shot ,
Big Pharma ,
Biological Agents And Warfare ,
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Harmful Medicine ,
Vaccines ,
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Badmedicine ,
Biological Weapon ,
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Censored Science ,
Chemical Violence ,
Dangerous Medicine ,
Deception ,
Pandemic ,
Survey ,
Vaccine ,
Vaccine Damage ,
Vaccine Injury ,