Navy Fleshing Out Requirements for Next-Gen Logistics Ship LOGISTICS AND MAINTENANCE 3/8/2021 Navy photo The Navy wants to build a new class of at-sea resupply ships, but it has more work to do to develop requirements and secure adequate funding for the effort. The service announced in 2020 its Next-Generation Logistics Ship program, or NGLS, which is planned to be a new class of vessels that will enable refueling, rearming and resupply of Navy ships while complementing its existing logistics forces. The NGLS program is part of the Combat Logistics Force, said Tom Rivers, executive director for amphibious, auxiliary and sealift programs at the program executive office for ships. The Navy’s current combat logistics ships include oilers, or T-AOs, dry cargo and ammunition ships, or T-AKEs, and fast combat support ships, or T-AOEs. These ships are all large auxiliary vessels.