National Heritage Academies Teacher and Administrator Announced as Finalists for Annual Charter School Educator Awards News provided by Share this article Share this article GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., April 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Last week, MAPSA, a Michigan-based charter school association dedicated to ensuring that every Michigan student has equal access to quality education, announced its Annual MI Charter School Awards Teacher and Administrator of the Year Finalists. National Heritage Academies (NHA) is proud to have both a teacher and an administrator in the final running to be recognized as the 2021 Michigan Charter School Teacher and Administrator of the Year. Jordan Dischinger-Smedes, AP environmental science and human anatomy teacher at Grand River Preparatory High School, was named a 2021 MI Charter Teacher of the Year Finalist, and Kelly Osterhout, principal at Quest Charter Academy, was named a 2021 MI Charter Administrator of the Year Finalist.