Nanyang Polytechnic collaborates with Microsoft to open Cent

Nanyang Polytechnic collaborates with Microsoft to open Centre for Applied AI to help SMEs experiment, conceptualise and deploy artificial intelligence solutions

The collaboration will drive AI adoption through hands-on learning and real-world AI experiences SINGAPORE, June 14, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP) recently collaborated with Microsoft to open the Centre for Applied AI (C4AI) to empower small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with the platform, tools, and expertise to drive AI adoption, as they embark on their digitalisation journey. Supported by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG), the collaboration will also nurture AI talent for the workforce through co-certification of full-time diploma courses with NYP for a resilient, digitally inclusive Singapore. C4AI will offer SMEs the opportunity to experiment, conceptualise and deploy Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions, as well as learn from similar AI adoption from other local SMEs in a range of sectors including manufacturing, urban farming, logistics and retail. 2 AI gives computer systems the ability to mimic human intelligence and perform tasks at accelerated rates based on the information collected using math and logic. In the age of rapid digitalisation with global revenues for the AI marketexpected to cross the USD$500 billion mark by 2024[1], C4AI plays an important role in realising Singapore's Smart Nation goals. At C4AI, NYP learners are trained to curate plug-and-play AI solutions on Microsoft Cloud that SMEs can use responsibly and safely. By embracing tech intensity through AI, SMEs can increase efficiency and productivity by reducing repetitive and labour-intensive tasks. Learners are also equipped with the latest AI skills, to become enablers of AI adoption in Singapore. 3 NYP will work closely with SMEs to identify their business needs before recommending ready-to-use AI solutions and developing a roadmap for effective AI implementation through Microsoft Cloud solutions including the Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service, Azure Container Registry, Azure virtual machines and Microsoft Power BI. NYP will also help companies to develop workplace learning practices for AI and train staff to adopt AI solutions sustainably to improve their operations.At C4AI, NYP will also work closely with other AI solution providers such as Tiger Analytics, YITU, and Senquire when needed, to accelerate the AI adoption for SMEs. Supported by SSG, C4AI will also conduct relevant training or workshops to help SMEs better identify, analyse, and adopt relevant AI solutions in their digital transformation journeys. The Centre is an example of how market leaders or SkillsFuture Queen Bee enterprises can work with Institutes of Higher Learning to develop AI-related skills and capabilities for individuals and companies, particularly SMEs. 4 NovaGlobal, a SME that provides AI, High Performance Computing (HPC), and Microsoft Cloud solutions to companies, is one of the early adopters tapping on C4AI's expertise. In collaboration with NovaGlobal, NYP developed theXpanAIPlatform, which curates all relevant AI resources - including software, data, and tools - to accelerate the workflow used to develop an AI application. This solution has made it easier and faster for aspiring SMEs to develop their own AI application. Fully integrated with Microsoft Azure, XpanAI works for the development of any type of AI applications across industries - from designing conversational AI chatbots to manage customer queries in the retail and F&B industry, to developing credit risk models that can help SMEs with limited resources and expertise minimise cash flow disruptions. 5 Shoppers who prefer fully stocked shelves will also benefit from C4AI's solutions. C4AI developed an AI-driven smart shelf and store management system in collaboration withOMRON,SKALE, and ACCSS Digital for the retail industry. One of the key features of this use case is anauto-stocking AI robot, which identifies items that are running low in the store and determines the right time for a restock.This has helped retailers with sales maximisation and happy customers. 6 Retailers can also customise AI solutions to further enhance the robot. Through a virtual assistant feature, the robot can offer personalised instant recommendationsto customers based on their purchase history. The robot is also able to showcase the complete collection of items available for purchase, including bulky items that are unavailable for viewing in-store due to space constraints. With diverse technology partners and interest from companies such as Pet Lovers Centre, shoppers may soon enjoy a whole new shopping experience. 7 Mushroom World, a local SME with commercial farms in the region is also working with C4AI to curate AI solutions to enhance food production processes via smart farming. Currently, in the conceptualisation phase, the AI solution will leverage the Internet of Things (IoT) and Azure platform to monitor the growth of mushrooms and trigger harvesting when ready, to enhance the growth cycle of mushrooms in a controlled environment. 8 The C4AI solutions are also a boon for manufacturers, especially those involved in Computer Numerical Controlled (CNC) machining - a process involving the use of computers to control machining tools. Coolants are one of the most important components of CNC machining as they prevent overheating and help extend a machine's lifespan. As such, it is important to accurately monitor the coolant conditions such as concentration levels, acidity and temperature to ensure they are not higher than the recommended levels. To help manufacturers such as the RLC Group (Singapore) Pte Ltd - a manufacturer of components for the aerospace industry - better monitor the coolant conditions of the CNC machines, NYP developed an AI dashboard powered by Power BI and Azure. Instead of having to manually analyse data of the different parameters of the coolant, the AI dashboard analyses all the information automatically and presents the data in a user-friendly manner for manufacturers to accurately determine the conditions of the coolant in the manufacturing process and perform quick intervention if necessary. 9 In addition to having the opportunity to work on industry collaboration projects at C4AI, NYP students will also hone their skills by participating in projects led by AI Singapore, a national programme dedicated to building Singapore's AI capabilities. 10 NYP will work with Microsoft to develop and nurture future AI talent, drive innovativeAIsolutions for real-world problems, and enable more companies to incorporate and adopt AI solutions into their current businesspractices as they embrace tech intensity for a resilient, digitally inclusive Singapore. 11 Through integrating skills into the curriculum, students enrolling in the two courses at NYP - the Diploma in Applied AI & Analytics (previously known as the Diploma in Business Intelligence & Analytics) and the Diploma in AI and Data Engineering - will receive theMicrosoftCertificate in Visual AnalyticsandAzure AI Fundamentalscertification upon completion of thepre-requisites in their diplomas. Both diplomas will be taught under the new NYP Professional Competency Model (NYP-PCM), which structures the diploma course based on workplace competencies instead of subject lines. The Diploma in AI and Data Engineering is also the first engineering diploma in Singapore to integrate the development of engineering, AI, and data skills holistically. The co-certifications are a testament to NYP students' future-ready skills in the AI field, giving them an edge over theirpeers. 12 Principal & CEO of NYP, Ms Jeanne Liew, said:"The last two years have delivered various shocks to many industries, hastening the need to constantly innovate and enhance their operations to remain competitive. The Centre for Applied AI will be a key resource centre for companiesto leverage expertise from both NYP and Microsoftas theylearn, curate, and adopt AI toboost productivityandcapabilitiesin a sustainable manner. The co-certifications from Microsoft and the hands-on experiences for our students here will also equip them with future-ready AI skills to support industry needs." 13 Lum Seow Khun, Director, Public Sector Group, M

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Singapore , Lum Seow Khun , Jeanne Liew , Group Singapore Pte Ltd , Centre For Applied , Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service , Public Sector Group , Microsoft , Lovers Centre , Skillsfuture Singapore , Artificial Intelligence , Smart Nation , Microsoft Cloud , Azure Container Registry , Microsoft Power , Tiger Analytics , Skillsfuture Queen Bee , Higher Learning , High Performance Computing , Microsoft Azure , Pet Lovers Centre , Computer Numerical Controlled , Pte Ltd , Business Intelligence , Data Engineering , Visual Analytics , Competency Model , Seow Khun , Microsoft Singapore , He Collaboration Will Drive Ai Adoption Through Hands On Learning And Real World Experiences Singapore , June 14 , 022 Prnewswire Nanyang Polytechnic Nyp Recently Collaborated With Microsoft To Open The Centre For Applied Ai C4ai Empower Small And Medium Sized Enterprises Smes Platform , Tools , Nd Expertise To Drive Ai Adoption , S They Embark On Their Digitalisation Journey Supported By Skillsfuture Singapore Ssg , He Collaboration Will Also Nurture Ai Talent For The Workforce Through Co Certification Of Full Time Diploma Courses With Nyp Fora Resilient , Igitally Inclusive Singapore C4ai Will Offer Smes The Opportunity To Experiment , Onceptualise And Deploy Artificial Intelligence Ai Solutions , S Well As Learn From Similar Ai Adoption Other Local Smes Ina Range Of Sectors Including Manufacturing , Urban Farming , Ogistics And Retail 2 Ai Gives Computer Systems The Ability To Mimic Human Intelligence Perform Tasks At Accelerated Rates Based On Information Collected Using Math Logic In Age Of Rapid Digitalisation With Global Revenues For Marketexpected Cross Usd 500 Billion Mark By 2024 1 , 4ai Plays An Important Role In Realising Singapore 39s Smart Nation Goals At C4ai , Yp Learners Are Trained To Curate Plug And Play Ai Solutions On Microsoft Cloud That Smes Can Use Responsibly Safely By Embracing Tech Intensity Through , Mes Can Increase Efficiency And Productivity By Reducing Repetitive Labour Intensive Tasks Learners Are Also Equipped With The Latest Ai Skills , O Become Enablers Of Ai Adoption In Singapore 3 Nyp Will Work Closely With Smes To Identify Their Business Needs Before Recommending Ready Use Solutions And Developinga Roadmap For Effective Implementation Through Microsoft Cloud Including The Azure Kubernetes Service , Zure Virtual Machines And Microsoft Power Bi Nyp Will Also Help Companies To Develop Workplace Learning Practices For Ai Train Staff Adopt Solutions Sustainably Improve Their Operations At C4ai , Yp Will Also Work Closely With Other Ai Solution Providers Such As Tiger Analytics , Titu , Nd Senquire When Needed , O Accelerate The Ai Adoption For Smes Supported By Ssg , 4ai Will Also Conduct Relevant Training Or Workshops To Help Smes Better Identify , Analyse , Nd Adopt Relevant Ai Solutions In Their Digital Transformation Journeys The Centre Is An Example Of How Market Leaders Or Skillsfuture Queen Bee Enterprises Can Work With Institutes Higher Learning To Develop Related Skills And Capabilities For Individuals Companies , Articularly Smes 4 Novaglobal , A Sme That Provides Ai , High Performance Computing Hpc , Nd Microsoft Cloud Solutions To Companies , S One Of The Early Adopters Tapping On C4ai 39s Expertise In Collaboration With Novaglobal , Yp Developed Thexpanaiplatform , Hich Curates All Relevant Ai Resources Including Software , Data , Nd Tools To Accelerate The Workflow Used Develop An Ai Application This Solution Has Made It Easier And Faster For Aspiring Smes Their Own Fully Integrated With Microsoft Azure , Panai Works For The Development Of Any Type Ai Applications Across Industries From Designing Conversational Chatbots To Manage Customer Queries In Retail Andf Ampb Industry , O Developing Credit Risk Models That Can Help Smes With Limited Resources And Expertise Minimise Cash Flow Disruptions 5 Shoppers Who Prefer Fully Stocked Shelves Will Also Benefit From C4ai 39s Solutions Developed An Ai Driven Smart Shelf Store Management System In Collaboration Withomron , Taskale , Nd Accss Digital For The Retail Industry One Of Key Features This Use Case Is Anauto Stocking Ai Robot , Hich Identifies Items That Are Running Low In The Store And Determines Right Time Fora Restock This Has Helped Retailers With Sales Maximisation Happy Customers 6 Can Also Customise Ai Solutions To Further Enhance Robot Througha Virtual Assistant Feature , He Robot Can Offer Personalised Instant Recommendationsto Customers Based On Their Purchase History The Is Also Able To Showcase Complete Collection Of Items Available For , Ncluding Bulky Items That Are Unavailable For Viewing In Store Due To Space Constraints With Diverse Technology Partners And Interest From Companies Such As Pet Lovers Centre , Hoppers May Soon Enjoya Whole New Shopping Experience 7 Mushroom World , A Local Sme With Commercial Farms In The Region Is Also Working C4ai To Curate Ai Solutions Enhance Food Production Processes Via Smart Farming Currently , N The Conceptualisation Phase , He Ai Solution Will Leverage The Internet Of Things Iot And Azure Platform To Monitor Growth Mushrooms Trigger Harvesting When Ready , O Enhance The Growth Cycle Of Mushrooms Ina Controlled Environment 8 C4ai Solutions Are Alsoa Boon For Manufacturers , Specially Those Involved In Computer Numerical Controlled Cnc Machininga Process Involving The Use Of Computers To Control Machining Tools Coolants Are One Most Important Components As They Prevent Overheating And Help Extenda Machine 39s Lifespan Such , T Is Important To Accurately Monitor The Coolant Conditions Such As Concentration Levels , Cidity And Temperature To Ensure They Are Not Higher Than The Recommended Levels Help Manufacturers Such As Rlc Group Singapore Pte Ltda Manufacturer Of Components For Aerospace Industry Better Monitor Coolant Conditions Cnc Machines , Yp Developed An Ai Dashboard Powered By Power Bi And Azure Instead Of Having To Manually Analyse Data The Different Parameters Coolant , He Ai Dashboard Analyses All The Information Automatically And Presents Data Ina User Friendly Manner For Manufacturers To Accurately Determine Conditions Of Coolant In Manufacturing Process Perform Quick Intervention If Necessary 9 Addition Having Opportunity Work On Industry Collaboration Projects At C4ai , Yp Students Will Also Hone Their Skills By Participating In Projects Led Ai Singapore , A National Programme Dedicated To Building Singapore 39s Ai Capabilities 10 Nyp Will Work With Microsoft Develop And Nurture Future Talent , Rive Innovativeaisolutions For Real World Problems , Nd Enable More Companies To Incorporate And Adopt Ai Solutions Into Their Current Businesspractices As They Embrace Tech Intensity Fora Resilient , Igitally Inclusive Singapore 11 Through Integrating Skills Into The Curriculum , Tudents Enrolling In The Two Courses At Nyp Diploma Applied Ai Amp Analytics Previously Known As Business Intelligence And Data Engineering Will Receive Themicrosoftcertificate Visual Analyticsandazure Fundamentalscertification Upon Completion Of Thepre Requisites Their Diplomas Both Be Taught Under New Professional Competency Model Pcm , Hich Structures The Diploma Course Based On Workplace Competencies Instead Of Subject Lines In Ai And Data Engineering Is Also First Singapore To Integrate Development , Hi , Nd Data Skills Holistically The Co Certifications Area Testament To Nyp Students 39 Future Ready In Ai Field , Iving Them An Edge Over Theirpeers 12 Principal Amp Ceo Of Nyp , S Jeanne Liew , Aid Quot The Last Two Years Have Delivered Various Shocks To Many Industries , Astening The Need To Constantly Innovate And Enhance Their Operations Remain Competitive Centre For Applied Ai Will Bea Key Resource Companiesto Leverage Expertise From Both Nyp Microsoftas Theylearn , Accurate , Nd Adopt Ai Toboost Productivityandcapabilitiesina Sustainable Manner The Co Certifications From Microsoft And Hands On Experiences For Our Students Here Will Also Equip Them With Future Ready Skills To Support Industry Needs Quot 13 Lum Seow Khun , Director , ,

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