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NAB 2023: BirdDog Talks X120 NDI|HX3 PTZ Camera - Streaming
NAB 2023: BirdDog Talks X120 NDI|HX3 PTZ Camera - Streaming
NAB 2023: BirdDog Talks X120 NDI|HX3 PTZ Camera - Streaming Media Producer
BirdDog CEO & Co-Founder Dan Miall joins Streaming Media's Shawn Lam in the BirdDog booth at NAB 2023 to discuss the BirdDog X120, a new NDI|HX3 20X PTZ cam billed as the world's first Wi-Fi production PTZ that lists for $995.
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Dan Miall ,
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Founder Dan Miall ,
Streaming Media ,
Shawn Lam ,
Streaming Media Contributing Editor Shawn Lam ,
4k Hd Production Gear ,
Educational Video ,
Live Switching Webcasting ,