Mystery continues to shroud shooting of FPI members 15th December 2020 Chief of the Public Relations Division at the National Police Insp Gen. Raden Prabowo Argo Yuwono (second left) present at crime scene reconstruction related to the shooting of six Islamic Defenders Front in Karawang, West Java (ANTARA/ HO-Polri) FPI Jakarta (ANTARA) - The National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) has disclosed its intention of seeking more details of each aspect of the police shooting of six guards of Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) leader Habib Rizieq Shihab. As part of its inquiry into the case, the commission summoned Jakarta Police chief, Insp.Gen.Fadil Imran, and state-owned toll road operator PT Jasa Marga's president director, Subakti Syukur, on Monday.