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Myanmar Junta Chief Reveals His Egotism by Awarding Himself
Myanmar Junta Chief Reveals His Egotism by Awarding Himself
Myanmar Junta Chief Reveals His Egotism by Awarding Himself Honorary Titles
Min Aung Hlaing has decorated regime figures and spent hundreds of billions of kyats on titles and pensions when the economy is in chaos.
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Aung Hlaing ,
Ayeyarwady ,
Myanmar ,
China ,
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Arakan ,
Yangon ,
Shan State ,
Russia ,
Kachin State ,
Khin Nyunt ,
Than Shwe ,
Zayya Kyawhtin ,
Agga Maha Thiri Thudhamma ,
Thudhamma Thingaha ,
Yawd Serk ,
Sadoe Maha Thray Sithu ,
U Shwe Mann ,
Saw Maung ,
Myint Swe ,
Thray Sithu ,
Thiri Pyanchi ,
U Aung Kham ,
U Myat Hein ,
U Khin Aung Myint ,
Min Aung Hlaing ,
Wunna Kyawhtin ,
Maung Aye ,
Khun Okkar ,
Aung Myint ,
Soe Win ,
Agga Maha Thray Sithu ,
Sadoe Thiri Thudhamma ,
U Naing Shwe Kyin ,
Pyidaungsu Thingaha ,
Restoration Council Of Shan ,
Armed Forces Day ,
Arakan Liberation Party ,
National League ,
Myanmar Air ,
Pao National Liberation Organization ,
Union Election Commission ,
Mon State Party ,
Karen National Union ,
Order Of The Union Myanmar ,
Senior General Min Aung Hlaing ,
New Year ,
Most Glorious Order ,
Vice President Myint Swe ,
Thingaha Orders ,
Maha Thiri Thudhamma ,
Senior General Saw Maung ,
Prime Minister ,
Senior General Than Shwe ,
General Ne Win ,
Myanmar Air Force ,
Yunnan Province ,
Zahkung Ting Ying ,
Kachin State Special Region ,
Special Region ,
Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement ,
General Mutu Say Poe ,
General Yawd Serk ,
Restoration Council ,
New Mon State ,
Vice Senior General Soe Win ,
Major General Soe Tint ,
Independence Day ,
Presidentu Thein ,