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Mumbai: Activists of Maneka Gandhi's NGO defend FIR over ext
Mumbai: Activists of Maneka Gandhi's NGO defend FIR over ext
Mumbai: Activists of Maneka Gandhi's NGO defend FIR over extorting money from pet owners
Parmar has registered three cases against Bhatnagar and his apparent partner Salim Charania
Related Keywords
Mumbai ,
Maharashtra ,
India ,
Ghaziabad ,
Uttar Pradesh ,
Malad ,
Salim Charania ,
Lata Parmar ,
Ravi Vikram Bhatanagar ,
Durga Rai ,
Maneka Gandhi ,
Raigad Court ,
Sion Police ,
Free Press Journal ,
Ghaziabad Police ,
National Human Rights Commission ,
High Court ,
Mumbai President ,
Kurar Police ,
Kashmira Police ,
Sahibabad Police ,
Maneka Gandhi Ngo Fir ,
Maneka Gandhi Ngo Case ,
Mumbai Ngo Money Extortion Case ,
Extortion From Pet Owners ,