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Multiple candidates formally accept write-in nomination for
Multiple candidates formally accept write-in nomination for
Multiple candidates formally accept write-in nomination for November election
Multiple write-in candidates in the May 16 primary, who received enough votes for their respective offices to qualify for the November general election, formally have accepted their nominations.
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Rome ,
Lazio ,
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John Sundback ,
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Jesse Walker ,
Emmy Arnett ,
Mark Roche ,
Eric Coston ,
Dave Powers ,
Roseann Staab ,
Tom Chatham ,
Neil Bullock ,
Daniel Dickey ,
Cinnamin Vroman ,
Paula Digiacomo ,
School District ,
Republican Party ,
Democratic Party ,
Titusville City Council ,
Voter Services Office ,
Crawford County Election ,
Jessalyn Mcfarland ,
Voter Services ,
Bill Croker ,
Bloomfield Township ,
East Fallowfield Township ,
East Falllowfield Township ,
North Shenango Township ,
Spring Township ,
Jerome Township ,
Sadsbury Township ,
West Mead Township ,
Politics ,
Nstitutions ,
Postal Service ,
Ob Market ,
Jaw ,
On Criminal Law ,