Many western scholars and writers have praised the Prophet as the greatest man in history, but still the western society won’t pay heed Allah (swt) has been very clear in the Quran about the status of the Prophet (pbuh). Not only that, Allah (swt) has cursed those who tried to hurt the Prophet (pbuh) physically or emotionally and spoke ill of him. Once Abu Lahab used offensive language against the Prophet (pbuh), to which Allah (swt) replied through the Quran: “May the hands of Abu Lahab be ruined and ruined be he” (111: 1). Walid ibn Mughaira was an enemy who would speak ill about the Prophet (pbuh). Allah (swt) responded by mentioning his ten flaws in Surah Qalam (68:10-13) and ended by saying that Walid ibn Mughaira was born out of wedlock. For any Muslim, these verses of the holy book are enough to understand how dear the Prophet (pbuh) is to the creator, Allah. Further, these verses are sufficient to conclude that the Prophet is the best of all creations. His slighting is intolerable even to the Almighty.