View all 5 Earlier this month, a dog went on a possibly magical, but more likely harrowing, journey from the Upper West Side all the way to Long Island City. During her journey, she was spotted darting between cars inside the Queens-Midtown Tunnel during rush hour, and was finally rescued about a week after going missing. Today, the MTA honored that brave dummy, as well as the officers who helped ensure she wasn't run over by a car and was brought home safe. Indie, a rescue pup from Kolkata, India who was only adopted three months ago, ran away from a dog walker near Amsterdam Avenue and West 78th Street on June 8th. Before she even realized she was gone, owner Heather Angus said that people were already posting about seeing a dog running around the streets of the UWS on Nextdoor. One person wrote they saw a dog “running at speeds never before seen” while evading people and vehicles.