aa delivered an address at the conclusion of MTA International’s 2021 Conference. Huzoor aa addressed the conference from his office in Islamabad and MTA staff members listened from an array of countries, including Ghana, Germany, Indonesia, the Gambia, Mauritius, the USA, Bangladesh, Sweden, the UK, Kababir and Canada. The concluding session began with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V aa inviting Basil Butt Sahib from the Canada studios to recite a portion of the Holy Quran. Umar Sharif Sahib, from the UK, was then called to recite an Urdu poem. Hazrat Amirul Momineen aa then called upon the Managing Director of MTA International, Munir-ud-Din Shams Sahib to present the conference report. He reported that every year, MTA International had progressed under the guidance of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya. Eight satellite channels were being run throughout the world with cutting-edge technology through almost 20 international teams. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V