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MTA Access-A-Ride system discriminates against disabled New
MTA Access-A-Ride system discriminates against disabled New
MTA Access-A-Ride system discriminates against disabled New Yorkers, say disability advocates in federal lawsuit
The suit alleges that Access-a-Ride fails to provide service “comparable to the level of service provided to individuals without disabilities who use the fixed route system,” in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
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Manhattan ,
New York ,
United States ,
Americans ,
Janno Lieber ,
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Luizc Ribeiro ,
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Us Department Of Justice ,
Manhattan Federal Court ,
Justice Department ,
York Integrated Network ,
New York Daily News ,
New Yorkers ,
New York Integrated Network ,
Civil Rights ,
Disability Justice Clinic ,
New York Law School ,
Noonan Jeanne Freelance ,
New York City ,