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the way the founders thought senators should had be elected. the state legislature chose and voted for reed smoot to go to the united states senate to represent the state of utah. in his 30-year career as a senator, reed smoot rose to the most powerful chairmanship in the senate, chairman of the senate finance committee with jurisdiction over the federal government's two ways of raising revenue, bringing money into the treasury, taxation and tariffs. with the stock ■çmarket crashin in 1929 and the country entering the great depression reed smoot had the worst idea any chairman of the senate finance committee ever had. it was an idea that would end his career in the senate. the house ways and means committee had the same jurisdiction in the house that the finance committee has in the senate, taxation and tariffs. the chairman of the house ways and means committee, willis hawley, loved reed smoot's very bad idea. that idea also ended chairman hawley's career in the house of representatives. in 1930 with the country sinking deeper into an economic depression chairman smoot and chairman hawley dthe tariff act of 1930 through their committees and then they both got it passed in the house of representatives and in the senate. by the time it reached the president's desk for signature it had come to be known as the smoot-hawley tariff act. it raised tariffs astronomically higher than ever before on thousands of goods. it was exactly what donald trump is now proposing as a presidential candidate. economics was a much less complex field of scholarship in 1930 than it is today. the analytical tools available to economists were far fewer and very unsophisticated compared to today, but even ■ç then the smoot-hawley tariffs were something economists could agree on. over 1,000 economists signed a petition to president herbert hoover asking him to veto the smoot-hawley tariffs. america's most famous industrialist at the time, henry ford, knew it would be a disaster for business and the economy. he went to the white house to try to convince the republican president herbert hoover to veto the tariff bill written by republican senator reid smoot and republican congressman willis hawley and passed with overwhelming republican support in the house and the senate. henry ford called the smoot- hawley tariffs "an economic stupidity." j.p. mozg@n's chief executive said, "i almost went down on my knees to beg herbert hoover to veto the asinine smoot-hawley tariff." herbert hoover, successful businessman in his own right, thought he knew better and he signed the smoot-hawley tariffs into law and in the next election herbert hoover lost his reelection campaign for the presidency to the governor of new york, franklin deleanor roosevelt. in that same election in 1932 when voters were living with the disaster of reed smoot's bright idea and willis hawley's eager support of that idea, senator smoot and congressman hawley lost their reelection campaigns. there is universal agreement i rpt+háariffs made the great depression even worse. those tariffs did not protect american jobs. they killed american jobs. it meant that the portrait of willis hawley hanging in the offices of the house ways and means committee along with the portraits of all the other chairmen of that committee and the portrait of reed smoot hanging in the office of the senate finance committee with the other chairmen of that committee, it meant that those portraits hang forever in disgrace and infamy. smoot and hawley hurt america more than any other chairmen of the senate finance committee and the house ways and means committee ■çin history. they destroyed lives. people lost their homes, lost their jobs, lost their hope because of what senator smoot and congressman hawley did when they did not have any idea what they were doing just like donald trump. so when you hear economists now saying donald trump's idea about tariffs is even worse than smoot and hawley, you have to know something about smoot and hawley to really understand just how bad donald trump's idea is. henry ford would have to reach for a new rhetorical extreme to describe it because henry ford's phrase an economic stupidity would feel inadequate. last week donald trump said he wants to ■çeliminate the tax code, eliminate the personal income tax and corporate income tax and replace the income tax with nothing but tariffs. donald trump wants to eliminate the income tax, replace the revenue to the government with nothing but tariffs, the biggest tariffs in american history. cnbc reports donald trump on thursday brought up the idea of imposing an all tariff policy that would ultimately enable the u.s. to get rid of the income tax sources in a private meeting with the republican presidential candidate told cnbc. every trump supporter who attends trump's rallies believes donald trump's big lie when he says this. >> nobody ever ■çtook money out of china. i took hundreds of billions of dollars out in the form of tariffs and taxes. >> nope. he didn't take a penny from china. it's reasonable to assume most trump voters believe that china pays the tariffs imposed by donald trump because donald trump says china pays the tariffs, but in high school they should have learned and maybe before high school they should have learned tariffs are paid by the people in the country that imposes the tariffs. that's how tariffs work. you don't have to take advanced placement american history in high school to learn about tariffs, including the smoot- hawley tariffs. donald trump knows china does not pay the tariffs ■çthat he imposed. he knows that american consumers pay those tariffs. they function as sales taxes on american consumers. donald trump is consciously lying when he says that to his audience about china paying the tariffs. because american consumers pay the mx(:tz donald trump would inflict with this idea which harvard economist lawrence summers who was the first to raise concerns about possible inflation during the covid-19 pandemic says is the worst economic policy proposal in u.s. history, in u.s. history. larry summers knows economic u.s. history and that means that donald trump's idea is worse than smooth-hawley, much worse. >> replacing the income tax with revenue with tariff would be the worst ■çmacroeconomic policy proposal in u.s. history. it, of course, burdens the middle class and the poor who purchase goods that exist on international markets. so it's regressive as many economic commentators have suggested, but that is actually the least of it. think about it this way. the smoot-hawley tariffs which did enormous damage, some people would say made the depression great, were 0.6 of 1% of gdp. if you replaced half of income tax revenues, not all like he talked about, if you replaced half of ■çincome tax revenues with tariffs, those would be tariffs six times smoot-hawley levels. that's got the potential to do enormous damage to the competitiveness of every u.s. exporter, to do huge damage to all kinds of workers who use imported goods in what their businesses produce, to create a downward spiral as much higher prices for everything we import means consumers have less to spend on everything else, create worldwide economic warfare as the ■çrest of the world responds. this is a prescription for on the mother of all stagflations. >> stagflation is stagnant economic growth, no economic growth, combined with high inflation and high unemployment all at the same time. we have not seen stagflation in this country in the 21st century, but donald trump is now running to make stagflation great again. robert rush served as secretary of labor under president bill clinton, professor of public policy at uc berkeley and co- founder of inequality media. professor rush, thank you very much for joining us. i know you ■çhave much to say about trump economic policies, but i want to do a quick back of the envelope sketch here because i know for some people out there they're hearing what, get rid of the income tax? i'd be better off. let's say you're making $100,000, in the 22% income tax bracket. you'll have sales taxes on a lot of things that would be up, sales taxes through tariffs in effect, that could approach 20% or above. you could have interest rates on home mortgages that go way up into the double digits and all sorts of other ways in which you are economically much worse off under this sales tax tariff regime than under an income tax regime and, oh, by the way, when you lose your job because of all of this, your ■ç tax bracket actually goes to zero. >> lawrence, we have come to have such low expectations in terms of the coherence and rationality of donald trump that these kinds of proposals can very easily get under the radar. people say well, he's just mouthing off again. the fact of the matter is this is serious. he doesn't put forth many serious proposals. this one seems to be serious because he does say it in a way that makes you think well, the income tax, getting rid of the income tax, might be a pretty good idea until you actually think about the consequences. in order to have enough revenue from ■çtariffs to match what yo would lose by getting rid of the income tax, you would have to have a tariff that was at least in the range of 130 to 140%. this is way beyond smoot- hawley. this takes us onto another planet because with that kind of a tariff, that's like the largest sales tax you could conceive of. that would bring the economy to not only stagflation, but probably much worse. >> yeah. that $30,000 car you have your eye on becomes a $60,000 car and there's nothing about having your income tax reduced that makes that more affordable for you. professor rush, there's more. even before he got to ■çthis utter madness of let's just finance the government through tariffs, there's so much more about what he's been saying about economic policy that you have been taking apart in your way. take us through some of that. >> well, i mean he's talked about exerting control over the federal reserve board which would basically eliminate the credibility of the fed in terms of the fed setting interest rates. he's talked about rounding up 11 or 15 million people who are in the united states who are undocumented which would have drastic effects on our labor market, not in a positive way because we need those people if you look at what they do and "b$ow much revenue they actuall bring in. he is talking about reducing taxes on the highest income earners and we're talking about all sorts of taxes and what's the effect there? remember in his term of office as president, he told us that he would cut the taxes on the refuse and on big corporations and we would all, all of us, get a $4,000 bonus as it trickled down to everybody else. well, did you get a bonus? did anybody you know get a bonus? we could go on and on. this is the most ridiculous -- to call it a plan dignifies it. >> then there's the other elements which are economic elements, for example, just getting rid ■çof obamacare. that's an incredible economic hit. never mind the health conditions that could be affected by it, but the actual economic life of people who depend on obamacare who cannot possibly afford health insurance without it. >> the interesting thing, lawrence, is we are having a substantive discussion now talking about real people, real policies, real laws, real economics and donald trump doesn't live in this realm. he throws things out there and says yes, i'm going to get rid of the affordable care act, yes, i'm going to give the oil and gas industry free rein to do whatever they want to as long as they give me $1 billion to my campaign, i'm going to basically wreck the economy with the smoot-hawley ■çkind of the most egregious form of smoot-hawley on steroids you could imagine and people on are not putting this together. they're not seeing the disaster for what this actually is. i mean yes, all the things he said about the democracy about our democracy are bad enough, but taking a wrecking ball to our economy and really imposing extraordinary costs and hardship on so many working class, middle class, and poor people, well, it's hard to find the words, quite frankly. >> henry ford's word for it was an economic stupidity. professor robert rush, thank you very much for starting off our discussions. >> thanks. coming up, you might notice that this program is concentrating as much ■çon sena elections as the presidential election. we will be joined later by someone who knows more about the united states senate than i ever will. irish shapiro has worked in the senate and written about the senate for 50 years and will explain the importance once again of the senate no matter who is president. next we will be joined by te the democratic senate candidate in texas running against republican senator d cruz, congressman colin allred joining us next. gr s of protein. 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judiciary committee. lauren miller is one of the 30 million texans who republican senator rafael edward cruz is supposed to represent. >> ■çsenator cruz, who is on th subcommittee, couldn't even be bothered to show up. he either simply was too much of a coward to face the situation that he had forced me into or he just didn't care. >> texas congressman colin allred who is running for senate against senator cruz met with lauren miller before that hearing and he heard what senator cruz did not want to hear. lauren miller traveled over 700 miles to colorado to get the life saving medical treatment that she was denied by the republican government of texas. there are several texas cities now trying to pass abortion travel bans that make it illegal to use local roads and highways to help a person access an ■;p!ortion outside of texas. congressman allred heard all of that today from the amarillo reproductive freedom alliance. the group successfully defeated a petition in the city of amarillo that would have adopted an abortion travel ban there. here's what congressman allred had to say. >> we don't have to be embarrassed by our senator. we can get a new one. that's what this is all about. that's what this is all about. it's about the women in the panhandle standing up to billionaires who want to ban travel on local roads to access an abortion. they're winning, by the way, and it's about the mother of two who has a much wanted and much prayed for third ■çpregnan and gets the news we hope we all won't get. the pregnancy's not viable. the baby's not going to make it and she has to make one of the most heartbreaking decisions any person will ever be faced with and because of extremists like ted cruz she can't get the care she needs close to home. so she has to flee our state under threat of criminal prosecution. that's not my texas. in my texas we believe in freedom. we believe in the freedom to make your own healthcare decisions, including access to an abortion. >> joining us now, democratic congressman from texas, colin allred, a democratic nominee running for the united states senate in texas against senator cruz. thank you very much for joining us tonight. you are part of our campaign here to convince viewers and voters to understcn importance of the senate in our election no matter who wins the presidency. it's incredibly important either way. what we're also seeing here is that for the people of texas, ted cruz does not seem to believe that he represents all of them. he certainly doesn't represent women who come to testify to him about the struggles he has imposed on them. >> that's right. thank you for having me on. happy juneteenth. it was a texas holiday. now it's a federal holiday. listen, lauren miller is an eighth generation texan and she lives in my district not far from where i'm sitting now. she came to the senate to tell her story. just like what amanda zurowski who we talked about a few months back, ted cruz is on that committee, çrefused to hea her out, wouldn't even show her the basic respect of just sitting in the seat and hearing her tell her story because as you said, i don't think ted cruz does see himself as representing all 30 million of us as texans and he certainly does not want to take responsibility for the fact his extreme policies, this is the endpoint of it. this is what it looks like when you pass an extreme abortion ban and you also have municipalities trying to say folks can't travel through that municipality. this is what it looks like. it's a mother who gets the news we all hope we don't get when she's hoping to welcome twins, that one of those babies is not going to make it and it's killing her and the other one. instead of getting a 15 minute procedure close to home, she has to go to colorado, an eighth generation texan. that's not who we are as texans and that's why on0çnovember 5th we're going to get rid of ted cruz. >> the last travel ban in this country was on the free movement of enslaved people to move both out of a state and across these states. as youd, juneteenth today originated in texas. what does it feel like to be the people of texas this day? >> juneteenth is a texas holiday i've celebrated my entire life. i'm so glad now the entire country is getting a chance to celebrate it. i think it's about freedom, but i also think it's a chance to recommit ourselves to the promise of our founding documents, to recommit ourselves to the idea we haven't really ever fully completed but have been working towards and trying to perfect our union. that's what i think we've been talking about here today in dallas. we had ■ça great march with dr. opal lee, grandmother of juneteenth, a wonderful person. this i think does cross into reproductive freedom, the ability to make your own healthcare decisions, the ability to make your own decisions about your life and that so much of that is at risk here in texas. the folks think it won't come to you if you're not in texas. let's be very clear. if ted cruz gets a chance, he will pass a nationwide ban on abortion and force what's happening to texas women onto women all over this country. we can't let it happen. it's not who we are as texans or americans. i need folks to go to colin >> there is very strong support especially with the current speaker of the ■çhouse to pass national abortion ban. the current speaker i'm sure lives for nothing more than that, wants nothing more than that. with a republican senate they could do that. >> that's right. they wouldn't stop there. we've seen them talking about ivf. when you support the fetal person laws which our speaker supported, co-sponsor of that legislation which ted cruz supported in 2016 when he ran for president, that means ivf is no longer something that's going to be legal. they are openly talking about birth control. it's hard to even imagine in 2024 we're talking about this. we've seen this before where they start talking about something that seems extreme and like it will never happen and then a few decades later they actually do it. that's what we saw ■çwith roe. now they're aiming their sights at other freedoms. we can't let it happen. i just know we're not going to. that's i think good news for folks that i want them to know about us in texas. folks are standing up. they know that's not who we are. they know we have to fight back against this. i know across the country the biggest coalition that we have is a pro democracy, pro freedom coalition, one that fundamentally understands those freedoms are at risk. i think that's the one we'll see come out november 5th. >> thank you very much for joining us. coming up, vladimir putin's excellent adventure in north korea today produced an agreement not worth the paper it was written on which, of course, was not made ■çpublic. the desperation of vladimir putin is next. if you have generalized myasthenia gravis, picture what life could look like with... vyvgart hytrulo, a subcutaneous injection that takes about 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else wants to go and everyone living there wants to escape, north korea. vladimir putin has been reduced to the status of a begger in the presence of a ■çdictator, even crazier than vladimir putin. kim jong un welcomed vladimir putin yesterday. north korea is literally having trouble keeping the lights on in its desperation for fuel to run the country's primitive power plants. kim called putin "the dearest friend of the korean people." it sounds like kim has already forgotten this guy. >> i got a very beautiful letter from kim jong un. he really wrote a beautiful three-page i mean right from top to bottom, a really beautiful letter. we fell in love, okay? no, really. he wrote me beautiful letters and they're great letters. we fell in love. >> it is no longer easy to say that kim jong un is crazier than vladimir putin because at least kim jong un ■çhas not launched a war that north korea cannot win against south korea. today kim and putin tried their best imitation of serious world leaders by signing an agreement that they claim is a pledge for each country to assist the other in the event of aggression from another country. according to "the new york times" translation, vladimir putin said, "this is a truly breakthrough document reflecting the desire of the two countries not to rest on their laurels." good idea for two countries that don't have any laurels to rest on. the document is, of course, a fraud and no copy of it will be released publicly. when historians finally get their hands on it, possibly decades from now, it will no doubt be seen to be ■çnothing a mean nothing. in the meantime what everyone in the world knows, including vladimir putin and kim jong un, is neither one of them can be trusted in any situation to do anything no matter what piece of paper they might have signed today. just remember anyone in the news media who is describing this deal to you has not seen a single word of the deal and many of them are making the mistake of believing that it is actually possible to make a binding deal with either vladimir putin or kim jong un. nothing happened today. there's nothing on that piece of paper that means anything. north korea does appear to have agreed to sell more arms ■çto russia which only highlights russia's desperate inability to continue to supply the russian military. joining us now is richard stengel who served as undersecretary of state in the obama administration, an msnbc political analyst and author of "information wars, how we lost the global battle of disinformation and what we can do about it." rick, thank you very much for joining us tonight. this seems to be a meeting of the most exaggerated importance exclusively by the news media if you take in certain views of it. neither one of these guys believes the other guy means a thing the other guy says, right? this is a meaningless exchange. >> yes. they're both, as ■çyou put it, lawrence, authoritarian pariahs on the world stage. they come from the two most sanctioned nations in the world. they are probably the two most sanctioned leaders in the world. it's a pact of desperation. as you said, vladimir putin, the head of what was formally a superpower, going fur hat in hand to north korea to get artillery shells for his war in ukraine, is a huge come-down. as you say, nobody goes to north korea, but he had to go to north korea. we're looking at a world and i'm sorry to go straight to it, but you did it in your introduction, a world where if donald trump is elected, these two pariah nations will go from being excluded from the family of nations to being included. they'll be exchanging love letters. good for the united states. it's not good for our children or our children's children. that's what we're looking at. >> there is a terrible turn of history here. it happened a while ago. vladimir putin we thought sometimes used to try to be helpful. american diplomats would ask the russians to help coax north korea into a more reasonable position on certain things, try to inch them one way or the other. that's gone. there's absolutely no possibility of ever asking vladimir putin to do that again. it was never clear how much putin was able to do when we were asking him to do that. >> lawrence, for a decade he was for the denuclearization of the korean peninsula. he voted for that in the security ■çcouncil and in the u.n. he doesn't want nuclear weapons near him or on the korean peninsula. north korea is right beside him. he's so desperate to get arms through this illegal obscene war in ukraine he's going back on a policy that actually jeopardizes russia. that's how desperate he is. it's too bad because we often used to do things with russia that were in our mutual interest and now putin is only doing what is in his interest, which is not in the interest of anybody else in the world at all. >> richard stengel, thank you very much for joining our discussion tonight. >> thank you. coming up, ira shapiro worked in the senate longer than i did and he has thought and written more wisely about the senate ■]han i have and he will join us to consider the stakes in this year's important senate elections. why didn't we do this last year? before you were preventing migraine with qulipta®? remember the pain? cancelled plans? the worry? that was then. and look at me now. you'll never truly forget migraine. but qulipta® reduces attacks, making zero-migraine days possible. it's the only pill of its kind that blocks cgrp - and is approved to prevent migraine of any frequency. to help give you that forget-you-get migraine feeling. don't take if allergic to qulipta®. most common side effects are nausea, constipation, and sleepiness. learn how abbvie could help you save. qulipta®. the forget-you-get migraine medicine™. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. 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sell a new car to someone who wants to buy a new car than someone who hasn't even thought about buying a new car. same with presidential candidates. so the biden campaign is going to have ■çto convince millions voters who don't think they have anything at stake in the presidential campaign or don't like are the one of the candidates to understand what's at stake and to vote for joe biden. there will be no comparable national effort made with those same voters to make them understand what is at stake in the next line on their ballots which will be their votes for united states senators. in his book about the senate now out in a new paperback edition called "the betrayal, how mitch mcconnell and the senate republicans abandoned america," ira shapiro who knows more about the senate than i ever will writes, "i believe that trump's presidency was an unmitigated disaster for ■ç america with continuing repercussions that inflicted grave damage on our country with echos all over the world. i stand by my view that he will go down as the most revealed american president in our history, but in our system no one man or woman, even the president, is supposed to be able to destabilize our democracy. for that reason, i contended that the responsibility for the catastrophic failure of government resided with the senate, specifically with mitch mcconnell and the senate republicans. it was the senate's role to stop a president who was threatening our constitutional democracy and the polarized degraded senate knowingly and repeatedly failed to do so even after trump instigated the january 6th attack on the capitol ■çin his indefensible effort to remain in power after losing the 2020 election to joe biden." joining our discussion now is it ira shapiro who served over a decade in senior staff positions in the united states senate and served in the clinton administration. ira, thank you for joining us tonight. we meet on this subject in sadness because we are always -- it might not be fully apparent to others, -- mourning what the senate used to be, the senate that we lost where we could easily respect the positions of republicans who were opposed to our views and legislative engagement on the senate floor and sometimes come out with a compromise solution, sometimes not, but never think we were up against a force thatç was trying to either destroy the senate or harm the country in any way. >> well, thank you, lawrence, for having me. of course, you and i go back in the senate and we look at the senate and long decline of it with sadness. on the other hand, i was interested in updating the book to find in 2022, for instance, the senate actually came up with quite a few bipartisan accomplishments. president biden and senate leader schumer unified the democrats for the most part and then were able to find a dozen or 15 republicans for the first gun safety legislation in a long time, the marriage equality act, the chips ■çand science act. i think the republicans to some extent wanted to make up for their catastrophic failure in failing to stop donald trump. so the senate with democratic leadership and control can actually accomplish some things which makes this election cycle so critically important to keep the senate majority, which is now hanging by a thread. >> yeah. so that's what's at stake in every one of these elections whether you might not think your particular senate race in your state matters very much to you, but control of the senate, who is the chairman and run these committees, who is going to be in control of the way it works, which party, that's just% night and day. >> it wasn't always that way. we had shifts in the senate. we go back in 1980 or '86. control shifted and yet the senate tended to function either way because the senators had a concept of what the senate was about. they knew how to do the business of the senate, but as we become a more polarized country and in recent years the control of the senate is an absolutely critical imperative. we had the biden administration and the schumer majority senate which contrasted so dramatically from the mcconnell- controlled senate which failed the country and gave ■çus the extreme supreme court majority that has imperiled our rights on a continuing basis. >> you have a quote that i had actually forgotten in this edition from senator daniel patrick monaghan who i worked for where he makes the point he said in the next century america will have to consider how the representation pattern in the senate, the two per state, and how that has turned out in a way the founders could not have imagined, with a state the size of california having two and each dakota having two. , so that people are wildly overrepresented in the senate from some states, wildly underrepresented in the senate from other states such that now you pointed out ■çthat there's nine states where you have almost a majority of the country represented by only 18 senators. >> the senate's legitimacy hangs on that. the notion that california has only two senators when wyoming has two senators offends our concept and yet it's baked into the constitution. what was the solution to that in practical terms? in practical terms it was that so many excellent senators came from small states and they proved to be, whether it was south dakota or vermont, all over the country small ■çstate senators, montana like mike mansfield proved to be great senators and as a consequence, the senate operated and we weren't so conscious of the disparities in population, but when the senate breaks down, then the inequity of california having two senators and as opposed to wyoming having two, that is striking to us. >> you have a proposal in the book for having at-large senators, a group of senators, 15 maybe, who were elected nationally. >> well, that is my idea and i'd like people to think about it at some point. fundamental change in the senate is probably years off, but i thought if you elected 15■ senators nationally, these national senators would have a different sense of their responsibilities. they would upgrade the senate overall and i think they would encourage the other 100 senators to think about their commitment to the national interest as opposed to simply being representatives of their state or party members. the senate's deteriorated quite a bit because the senators have become fundamentally partisan operative, many of the republican senators particularly, became partisan operatives as opposed to people looking at national interests. >> when we get to the other side of the election, we have to talk about ira shapiro's ■ç reform of the senate ideas. thank you very much for joining us once again. >> thank you, lawrence. are. we'll be right back. shop etsy for thoughtful pieces made by real people to bring a little something extra to the ordinary. find items that add wow to walls and make you fall in love with your family room again. when you want one-of-a-kind pieces to 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