uncertainty. we can fix that. and that's what i'm going to do today. fix it. >> biden's historic announcement about legal protection for the undocumented spouses of american citizens, to keep hundreds of thousands of american families together. plus, white boy summer. the new symbol of white nationalists and the latest recruitment tool for the far right. but we begin tonight with the lucrative politics of climate collapse and the greed that is literally letting our country burn. today, millions of americans from iowa to maine are suffering through heat warnings, watches, or advisories. cities across half of the country like chicago, st. louis, indianapolis, detroit, philly, and now new york are hitting temperatures exceeding 90 degrees fahrenheit. though it feels closer to 100. many of these cities could experience heat indexes hitting 105 degrees by sunday. these increasingly oppressive hot days aren't a coincidence. they are the predictable impact of a climate crisis. and they're not just an inconvenience. they're also killing us at higher rates. heat related deaths among older americans have increased 54% in recent decades. in florida, changing weather patterns are bombarding the southern tip of the state with a seemingly never-ending series of storms that have left whole streets flooded, cars crippled and two people dead. in california, more than 20 fires were sparked across the state since saturday, burning over 20,000 acres. these aren't just climate stories, they're actually economic stories because people are getting paid good money to ignore them. billionaire donors like paul singer and joe ricketts who name a few or fossil fuel industries like the koch industries are paying politicians big bucks to poison you and dirty your air and let fires and floods destroy your homes so they can reap unlimited unregulated profits. some of their favorite politicians are donald trump, ron desantis, rick scott, ron johnson, because they really do deliver. nationally, trump promised to allow oil companies to drill with impunity on public land, said he would roll back climate protections and deregulate big business for the small price of a billion dollars and a presidential exemption from going to prison. his allies project 2024 promises to increase fossil fuels, roll back climate investments, and stop tracking the economic impact of climate change. on the state level, desantis signed a law that would literally erase climate change from state statutes. last week, he downplayed what everyone in his state is seeing with their eyes, which is that these extreme weather events aren't happening once in 100 years but multiple times a year. while his climate denialism is making his money, it's costing you so much more. home insurance prices have increased 102% in the last three yours. and costs floridians three times more than the national average. according to the associated press, insurance companies are so sick of these climate disasters which republicans are actively ignoring that homeowners in florida, california, and louisiana are finding it nearly impossible to find an insurance company that will cover their property, which makes it harder to own a home. not only have big donors bought themselves some politicians, but they have also bought themselves a federal judiciary that cares more about rich corporations and wealthy donors than they do about your health and wellbeing. the supreme court is the most pro-oligarch of all time. the six leonard leo justices, barrett, cask na, gorsuch, roberts, and thomas have the most, i repeat, the most pro-big business voting records in the history of the court. they have ruled that corporations are people, that the environmental protection agency cannot protect you from pollution, and they're ready to go further by stifling the regulatory power of all federal agencies. while corporations are protecting class, your environment is not, women are not, those who want to avoid being slaughtered by guns are not. and right now, the maga billionaire class are desperate to stop joe biden from getting in the way of their goals by increasing their taxes, by letting trump's massive tax cut for the super rich expire next year. and to stop the irs from ending a loophole they have used to hide their massive sums of money so they don't have to pay taxes. buying politicians and judges who are willing to sacrifice you and your future is the easiest way for the ruling super rich to insure that they remain america's ultimate and only protected class. joining me now is robert reich, former secretary of labor, and mark joseph stern, senior writer for slate. thank you for being here. i'm going to go to you first, robert. i feel like i have just stolen your social media for probably the last six months. in putting this together, because you have been screaming about this, trying to get people to focus on this. we're focused, my friend, because america is burning and somebody is getting paid for it. your thoughts. >> joy, this is something that is getting really under the radar, i'm glad you're putting it on the radar, but big business billionaires in this country are pouring huge amounts of money into our politics. we know this because a lot of things are not being done that should be done. now that we are approaching perhaps the most important election in american history, and one of the candidates, donald trump, says that environmental problems and climate change are a hoax, he called it a hoax. and the republicans are falling in line behind trump and grabbing the money that's coming to them. big business really is exchanging the climate and the health and the safety of america and our democracy for the sake of, what, tax cuts. and regulatory rollbacks and more profits. it is really shameful. it is something that hopefully people will not tolerate. i mean, i think we are all consumers. we all have some power. and we ought to exercise that power. >> and let me just, to get you in the audience to understand this, the top recipients of oil and gas money in congress are representative august fluger of texas, of course, ted cruz is number two, senator kevin cramer of north dakota, nikki haley when she was governor, donald trump is number five, ron desantis is number six, then you go down that list, mike johnson, speaker mike johnson is number eight. you have steve scalise, john barrasso. these are people getting the most lucre. the top recipients of gun rights money. donald trump is number one there, ted cruz is number two. mike johnson is number three, nikki haley, you keep going down the list, jim jordan who loves to do hearings. you go down that list. let's last go to the defense industry. this as donald trump is considering mandatory military service for americans and automatically registering young men for the draft if he gets back in. you have roger wicker of mississippi, joe biden is on the list, but not -- right behind him is donald trump, this is the defense industry. i want to come to you quickly, mark joseph stern, because there are no judges on this list, but they might as well be. you have politicians who are essentially paying, being paid, at least their pacs are being paid, their campaigns are funded by billionaires and then you have these judges. you go all the way up to the supreme court. that feels like pay to play as well. >> absolutely. some of the conservative justices might as well have exxonmobil stitched across their robes like they're race car drivers. these justices are doing everything in their power to make it impossible for the government to fight the climate crisis. just a few years ago, hobbling joe biden's ability to cut carbon emissions from some of the dirtiest power plants on the planet, now poised to issue decisions for the epa to bring regulatory action and penalties against big polluters who are poisoning our air and water. the judges are doing the dirty work of politicians because politicians realize it's pretty unpopular for them to go out there and say hey, these gas industries and oil industries and polluters deserve every right to go out and destroy the climate and the country, but if they outsource the work to judges who are unelected, who have life tenure, they can just sit back quietly while the supreme court does, again, the dirty, dirty work. and i think this is a connection that few voters end up making. i think the genius of the republican party's plan by outsourcing this work to the courts is they can pretend as though they have clean hands. that voters are not looking at the massive heat waves, the novel hurricanes starting earlier and earlier every season, at the poisoned water and poor black communities, especially across the country, and saying the supreme court made this happen. or donald trump's federal judges in the lower courts made this happen. they're throwing their hands up and they're frustrating saying why isn't the government doing anything? some may be blaming joe biden saying he's president, why isn't he doing anything? the answer is because president biden is not being allowed to do what he so desperately wants to do. he's boxed in at every turn by the judges who are doing the work of the fossil fuel industry. >> they work as a tag team. because you have judges who are willing to do the work, and you have politicians who are taking money. if i put them back up really quickly to let you comment as well. if you look at the top ten recipients of the oil and gas money, they're all republicans. all ten of them. the top ten in gun rights, they're also all republicans. there are two democrats, only two democrats on the list for defense money, but other than that, we're talking about all republicans. now let me let you listen to a republican. this is senator pete ricketts. he was opposed a bill to ban bump stocks which essentially turn firearms into machine guns. here he is about the bump stock bill. >> we need to be very clear why the majority leader is now holding the show vote. the supreme court made a decision last week that he didn't like. a 6-3 majority in the supreme court ruled the bureau of alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and explosives overstepped their authority when they tried to reclassify bump stocks as machine guns. the supreme court made the right decision. in january, i joined colleagues in filing an amicus brief urging the supreme court do what they did. >> first to you, robert. he filed an amicus brief to make sure bump stocks were legal, which clarence thomas did, and he is number 18 on the list of top recipients of money from gun rights organizations. 18, number 18, so he didn't make the top ten. your thoughts, robert. >> this is a corruption and bribery, and it should be understood as corruption and bribery. but fundamentally, we have to get big money out of american politics. we have talked about this before, but the big money is getting bigger. every election cycle, it gets bigger. more billionaire money, more big industry money, and it is not for the public interest. it is not for anything that all of the rest of us get anything out of. in fact, very often, it is just tax breaks and regulatory rollbacks. the rollbacks of health and safety and environmental protections that the rest of us need. >> and by the way, mark, going back to clarence for a minute, clarence thomas. they're -- he's acting like a politician that has a staff that simply writes his rulings. he literally copied and pasted from a gun organization that's to the right of the nra, and their verbatim, maybe not verbatim, but they copied and pasted. >> quite literally copied and pasted this from the firearms paul asian coalition's amicus brief. this is an extremist organization that uses violent rhetoric, encouraging its supporters to support the abolition of atf and all gun regulations that uses language that sounds in the rhetoric of assassinations and violence against political leaders. clarence thomas is trusting them to do the thinking for him. clarence thomas is taking their materials and saying these guys got it right. we need to take a step back and say who is funding these groups? these are getting funded by the same billionaire donors, the same dark money donors that are funding the fossil fuel industry, that are funding much of the defense industry, that are saying we can buy the courts and the courts will do the dirty work for us. this decision on bump stocks is indefensible to the hilt, but the supreme court pretended as if it were wrong, congress could overrule it. they could clarify the law and enact a new bump stocks ban. we all know congress isn't going to do that, because republicans are getting too much money. >> by the way, this house bill that passed registering young men for the draft, if anybody tries to object to that and goes to the supreme court, they'll affirm it and the defense industry gets more cannon fodder. >> absolutely. it's so difficult to explain this to voters. i'm glad you're doing this segment, but people feel the supreme court's work is wrapped in the shroud of legalese they can't understand. the supreme court takes advantage of that. the more indefensible and controversial the decision, the more legalese the supreme court will deploy to make it seem impenetrable to normal people. all this stuff, people can understand without a law degree. they should be paying attention to the mischief and frankly the lawlessness that's going on at the supreme court, because those justices work for them, they are not representing the american people right now. they're representing a very small and wealthy segment of the elite. >> from all this description, i'm going to give you the final word, how are we not an oligarchy? what's the difference? >> we are living in an oligarchy, joy. i think it's very important we understand that. the question is, how do we get people, voters, to understand that we have an obligation to future generations, to ourselves, to our democracy to get this big money out of american politics, and it is possible. it was not here 50 years ago, i'm old enough to remember, we had a system that was not like this. we have got to return to a system that is basically of the people, by the people, for the people. >> that's right. absolutely. you can do that by voting. you have to vote smart and not vote party line. you vote smart. people who are doing this, they should not be re-elected. thank you both very much. up next, president biden made a big, huge move on immigration today, announcing a new policy protecting undocumented spouses of u.s. civil zns from deportation. around 500,000 people, huge. 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advanced cyber security, it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. and it's all from comcast business. folks, i'm not interested in playing politics with border of immigration. i'm interested in fixing it. i said it before and i'll say it again, i'll work with anyone to solve these problems. >> president biden earlier today announcing a sweeping new executive action, one official told nbc news it is the biggest thing since daca. the new policy will shield from deportation about 500,000 immigrants already living in the u.s. allowing non-citizens who have been in the country for at least ten years and who are married to a u.s. citizen as well as their children to apply for permanent residency without leaving the country. today's announcement comes on the heels of a separate executive order that restricts asylum access at the border. an action which earlier this month faced opposition from immigration advocacy groups. this latest order which followed this weekend's 12th anniversary of daca struck an entirely different chord. and is drawing parallels with president obama's dreamer moment in more ways than one. with biden arguing and showing that you do not have to engage in what the president called republicans' false choices and that it is possible to secure the border, while also opening up pathways for citizenship. joining me now is congressman camilla jayapal. she's ranking member of the subcommittee on immigration integrity, security, and enforcement and she was at the white house today for the announcement. good to see you. this is huge. talk about how president biden got from that previous executive order which a lot of immigration advocacy groups denounced, to this. >> yes, it is huge. it is the biggest thing that we have seen since daca in terms of protections for people. half a million people, joy, and these are folks who are married to u.s. citizens, have been here for at least ten years, have u.s. citizen children in some cases not in some cases, and to be able to say to them, president biden is keeping your family together. he is making sure that you do not have to leave the country and go through some arcane process. >> and maybe not be able to get back in. which is why most people didn't do it. i think this has been a long road. obviously, when president biden first came in, he introduced on day one within his first 90 days i should say a comprehensive humane immigration reform bill. that bill didn't make it anywhere in congress. and so we have been stuck with this broken immigration system, when everybody wants the same thing. we want an orderly system. we want legal pathways for people to be able to come in. we want to preserve asylum so that people from all over the world that are fleeing terrible circumstances can come. but unfortunately, republicans have kept it out there as an election year issue, and it's taken some time to say to the white house, look, you need to continue to create legal pathways. what's happening at the border is directly related to the fact we don't have ways for people to be in the united states. and i led a leter last november with 87 of my colleagues asking for this in particular because, again, it is something that the administration did with service members, with veterans. so we know this is possible to be able to protect these folks. and it's going to be -- it really is a transformational thing. i got tears in my eyes today at the press conference listening to this young man, javier, who worked during covid at a hospital saving people's lives. he's a dreamer, married to a u.s. citizen. he's going to be able to stay. >> you had a lot of grace. they're following donald trump's issues. they want chaos at the border. but there's a thing happening in the conversation on immigration on the ground level which is polling, and we don't know how reliable it is and how ids worded, that you seem to see more even democrats or at least a third of democrats and even latinos in some cases in favor of mass deportation. i guess it's a question of people's fear of, i guess, employment competition or fear of, you know, a disorderly process that they didn't have to go through. i went through the orderly process. what do you think is behind that? >> first y think the polls are all over the place. there was