criminal conviction? today, the campaign announced a $50 million ad. part of which will be used to highlight the simple fact that their opponent is now a felon. and if there goal is to break through a broad audience with that fact a week before the debate, the announcement is pretty good start. we are going to play in full in just a few minutes and talk to deputy campaign manager about the strategy behind it. but first, as we get closer to election day 2024, it is clear that a key piece of the trump strategy is to continue to stop the same lines they pushed in 2020. and you would think that after charges were brought against the former president at the federal level and against many of his accolades in five different states, they might try a different approach. maybe cut it all out but instead, four years later, the same dog is relying on the same old tricks. but this time, the language is actually getting darker. listen to how trump talk about the election over the weekend. >> the radical left democrats rigged the presidential election in 2020 and we are not going to allow them to rig the presidential election in 2024. >> listen. we are the votes. we got more votes than anybody has ever had. we need to watch the vote. we need to guard the vote. we need to stop. >> do not worry about voting. worry about guarding the boat. stopping the steel. his favorite phrase. trump's daughter-in-law seem to go even further. >> we are also sending a loud and clear message out there to anyone who thinks about cheating in an election. if you cheat in an election, we will find you, we will track you down and we will prosecute to the full extent of the law. >> we will find you, we will track you down. that is not intimidating at all. if it is not clear, there goal is to scare people. to prevent people from voting and spread the falsehood that people are cheating. it mirrors their strategy of four years ago when he temped to fraud the american people and disenfranchise the majority of voters. of course, as you know, there was no evidence of cheating, there was no still to be stopped. the only major prosecutions that did come out of that 2020 election were of trump and his allies who illegally try to overturn the results. but now, trump's allies are using an even darker version of that very same playbook. here is soon to be incarcerated steve bannon. >> if they steal this election and they fully intend to steal it, this republic ends. are you prepared to fight? are you prepared to give it all? are you prepared to leave it all on the battlefield? ladies and gentlemen, it is very simple. victory or death? >> are you prepared to fight ? it is victory or death. now, for anyone who thinks steve bannon is some crazy cranked shouting into the winds , i would like to point out that trump literally called him, that same guy on the screen, on the phone in the middle of a podcast just today. he is also a pretty accurate predictor of what is going on in trump's mind. remember, before the 2020 election, steve bannon said that trump would say that the election was stolen which, of course, he did. it is the same story unfolding yet again. guard the votes, stop the steal. we are coming after you. are you prepared to fight? that is been the message from trump and his allies at rallies, fundraisers, and in conservative media constantly. they are priming their supporters to reject any reality where donald trump does not win. what makes it even more concerning is that trump was also signaling. if we do something illegal to help me, i will just for it. trump is amused about pardoning every which remains a wild think this a lot but it is a fact. think about how extreme something has to be right now to be a bridge too far for people like tom cotton and tim scott? >> you disagree when donald trump says as president, he will consider pardoning everyone of the january 6 writers. he denies that he would. i think what that means is what he did his first term, he takes case on a case-by-case basis. >> anyone who attacks an officer on the capitol grounds or anyplace in the country should serve time. >> not all the insurrectionist. even tom cotton and tim scott, by the way, who will desperately want to be the vice president will not go that far. apparently, neither will the people advising trump. as the washington post reported, some trump advisers and administration alumni involved want trump to limit his political exposure by distancing himself from the most violent offenders. but i do not think trump is going to do that because the most important thing to him as been evidence over and over is to signal to his supporters that if they do something criminal on his behalf, i will be forgiven. guard the vote, stop the steal. get ready to fight and if any of that involves a crime, we have your back. in that same washington post, these insurrectionist sewer in prison was quoted saying it is a badge of honor. most of us got caught up in the fray and i would do it again. considering the narrative that trump and other republicans are pushing, why wouldn't he? the warning signs are flashing bright red and joe biden is starting to call it out. here is some exquisite video we obtained in a fundraiser just over the weekend. >> the institutions matter and this president, what he did on january 6th, he is saying if he doesn't win, there will be a bloodbath. it is outrageous what he is talking about. >> is outrageous what he is talking about. hard to argue with that. starting is off tonight is democratic congressman adam schiff of california. congressman, it's great to see you. i'm looking forward to talking to you about this because you know so much as somebody who is on the select committee that investigated january 6 about these events. what led up to them. we have talked about this before but i kind of went through some of the language that trump, laura trump, steve bannon and others have been using in recent days and weeks. it seems to me like they are laying the groundwork for another effort i want to know what you hear from it. it is something different from what led up to 2020 or is it similar in your view? news is similar and it even worse, particularly when you hear steve bannon basically saying fight or die because trump is doing what he did prior to the last election which is laying the seeds that it he loses, he will challenge it as illegitimate. if there is no way he can lose and look, the thing that donald trump appears more than anything else is being labeled a loser. he is probably even more willing to be called but he is a loser and he is desperately afraid that he may lose again and if he does lose again, he wants to challenge the results. he is laying the foundation. what we saw was even last less rhetoric four years ago that it led to a violent confrontation and a mob descending on the capital. now that they are escalating the rhetoric added to this for trump, if he doesn't win, he's going to jail. if he has all the more reason to contest, it is more the same but even more dangerous. >> you talked about a lot of the show is how much we should be concerned about something? this rhetoric is certainly scary. he has tried to whip up his supporters to show around his court appearances. he has not been successful. at the same time again, which languages gary. how should you, if you are talking to your neighbors, your campaign across california, what are you telling people about the level of concern they should have? i am encouraged by the fact that as you say encourage people to rise up if prosecuted. they did not rise up. there was no this method protest. he was convicted. was barely a stir among rabid base in terms of any public protest. but at the same time, you cannot discount the chance that if he loses again, when he loses again, but he will go to even greater lengths to try to overturn the results. the worst-case scenario is that the result is close. instead of a broad victory like we saw by joe biden four years ago where he won in numerous battleground states by good margins, let's say it comes down to a single state and there, i really do worry and there is simply no institution we can rely on. i would not want to rely on the supreme were in another close contest any more than we saw. because it little confidence, that would be a different kind of catastrophe but the only remedy, really is the one in all of our hands and that is to make sure that joe biden wins. this is not close. that is the best way to avoid any kind of instability postelection. >> congressman, one of the challenges that you have warned about and others have warned about from the committee is the role of enablers. trump and mike johnson met today in mar-a-lago. it was reported in last few days that trump called asking for help in overturning the conviction. that is not a role as far as i concern that the house could play, even the speaker of the house. are there tactics? what could use if he wanted to run interference or tried to have an impact on a conviction that was done in a state court? >> they are really already trying to do that. mike johnson has been trying to do that for some time. acting through the judiciary committee where the committee that i serve on under jim jordan has been subpoenaing witnesses from the manhattan d.a.s office and subpoenaing documents trying to attack alvin bragg holding field hearings in manhattan as our committee did with the idea of somehow trying to embarrass alvin bragg. none has been successful but it is clear by johnson through judiciary committee, for the oversight committee to do trump bidding and try to discredit this prosecution. there is no way that we can overturn it. there are ways that we can further cause mischief which the speaker is trying to do and you look at trump's continuing influence, telling johnson who to put on the intelligence committee. two of his firebrands on that committee. that is a real national security problem and threat. he is already doing enough of the present bidding to be of grave concern. >> i was interested in your view on that. it has been reported and i do not think that this will surprise you that not just democrats but publicans who are a part of the committee are upset about the naming of congressman scott. who were the people you are referencing.. talk to me about the impact in the risk of having people like that on the committee who were named reportedly by the speaker of the house and even the chairman of the committee was not given a heads up on it. >> it is amazing that down to the micromanaging of who johnson puts on committees, trump is still calling the shots. by putting someone like scott perry on the committee, someone whose own cell phone records were subpoenaed by the justice department. someone who is involved in trying to install jeffrey clark, this totally unqualified person of the justice department and in the environmental section 2 install the mess trump attorney general because he thought he would be more useful at overturning the result of the election. someone like that on the committee who is involved in an ongoing investigation. what will mean is the intelligence agencies are simply not going to show the kind of information with the committee as a whole because they can't trust him. it undermines the oversight role if the agencies are not comfortable sharing with you. sadly, though, he will have access to a lot of highly classified written material and there is not much that can be done about that. i am not surprised that even some of the republican members are unhappy with these choices. i have to think both the chair and ranking member are both unhappy about this and again, chose the weakness of speaker johnson and the continued dominance of donald trump. >> no question. asked to put on the committee reportedly and that is what he did. congressman, thank you as always. i really appreciate your time tonight. coming up, a convicted criminal whose only out for himself. it is the new ad making waves across the political world. today, we are going to play a for you and talk about what the biden campaigns. we are back in 60 seconds. seco. , i'm all in with clearer skin. ♪ things are getting clearer ♪ (♪♪) ♪ i feel free ♪ (♪♪) ♪ to bare my skin, yeah that's all me. ♪ ♪ nothing is everything ♪ (♪♪) with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and most people were clearer even at 5 years. skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. 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here to talk to me about it is one of the folks campaign manager and he joins me now. i know you got a lot on your plate. thank you for taking the time. this is a very forceful add which is why we want to play it. as part of a very significant ad. we want to start by asking you who knows more about the swing states and where things work? that is what you oversee. which state is this going to play and of the swing states? if you tell us more about what is going to be? >> we are talking to voters and a number of states. it is the typical states. north carolina, florida. look. we have to get the message out in the method is very clear. this election is about somebody who wakes up every single day fighting for the american people and donald trump who is only in this campaign fighting for himself, he is a convicted felon. the two oldest heard in the ad and he will do anything to hold onto power so that he can continue to run a campaign on revenge and retribution. we have to make sure that the american voters know that donald trump is not thinking about him and meanwhile, president biden is waking up every single day fighting to lower cost, making preparations and that is what this election is about. >> that was the core message of the ad which is a very powerful ad. had the voice of a narrator which i think probably a strategic choice. the first presidential debate is 10 days away. is the ad a review? that tone, that contrast? what we should all expect to hear from president biden on the stage. >> yeah. i think president biden is to make sure that donald trump has the answer for his extreme agenda. answer for why he continues to double down in grip away freedoms from the american people including millions across this country who have less freedoms than their ancestors because of donald trump and what he has done to the country and why he continues to throw the middle class under the bus at the expense of wealthy corporations and his wealthy friends. that is what president biden is going to get on stage and hold donald trump accountable for. >> i also want to ask you about a statement that biden campaign put out following comments from former truncated that confirmed trump talked about getting american. this was a fiery statement. the statement called out trumps thirst for violence and that he is completely snapped. you cannot make this stuff up. a lot to respond to. i was curious because i think a lot of democrats out there, people who have written for biden cheer for that and think this is fiery. we want to see this as close to fiery language. is this the type of language and tone that people should accept expect moving forward? >> look. we are going to continue to make sure we are calling attention to it. some of our statements are a little bit more spicy but it's what it necessitates. this is a pattern in an agenda. that is the whole thing. it's not the fact that donald trump is a convicted felon. it is the fact of why he is a convicted felon. he is literally willing to go to whatever length possible to hold onto power so continue to try to get his way. i run a campaign and we have to make sure that we are calling that out. at that time, spicy statement, but were going to do but at the end of the day, the message is very clear. the contrast in the selection is for donald trump is only in this for himself and he is doubling down and willing to do whatever it takes including break the law in order to get what he wants. >> he's going to keep giving us up to be spicy with, i expect. keep being spicy. before i let you go, i want to get your reaction to something trump told before in an interview. he was asked how he responds to black voters who call him racist and this is what he said. this is a direct quote. i have so many black friends that if i were racist, they would not be friends. they would know better than anybody and fast. i do not know what else to ask you other than your reaction to that statement and what his assessment is of his level of racism, i guess. >> that statement sounds like something a racist would say. i would laugh if the stakes of this election were not so high but they are incredibly high and unfortunately, it is nothing to laugh at. look at what donald trump has done? he has double down before entering politics. african-americans and while he was president, leaving more african-americans uninsured, unemployed. that is the only thing that donald trump thinks about when it comes to black americans. that statement sounds exactly like somebody who is racist and would say to try to prove that they are not. the proof is in the pudding and were going to continue to make sure that black america knows that donald trump cares nothing about them the same that he does not care about the rest of america. that president biden is continuing to put in the work to make their life better. >> folks, you've got a lot of campaign oversight to be spending your time on, thank you for spending some time with me tonight. i really appreciate it. coming up, in case of an emergency, brenda reporting from the new york times on the plans being made right now to resist a second trump turn. later, i will talk to two of the people making the plans. he will be back after this. thi or college, since you like to get schooled. that's a pretty good burn, right? 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