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tirade. and, calling on the a-list. president biden got some help from a listers in a record- breaking democratic fundraiser in los angeles. we will see how our panel reacts to biden's warning about the supreme court. i will be joined by actress and comedian marsha warfield, known as the unforgettable bailiff, roz, and "night court." she weighs in on the lgbtq+ community by making us laugh as part of a new program called "outstanding." this is the sunday show. good evening. donald trump seems to make a lot of assumptions about the black community. among them, being that we love sneakers and we are sympathizers to convicted felons but perhaps his boldest assumption lately is that the black community has lost its short-term memory. see, trump apparently wants us to believe that when it comes to race, donald trump the person is somehow different than donald trump the president . how else could he go to detroit last night, one of the countries blackest cities, and proclaim once again that he is the best president for blacks since abraham lincoln. keep in mind, trump has previously demoed -- denigrated detroit as a disgrace and likened it to living in hell but now, donald trump wants us to believe he is not the same guy who in the 1970s, was sued along with his dad, by the justice department for refusing to rent to black tenants. and then there was the time when he bought a full-page ad in new york newspapers calling for the death penalty for five innocent black and latino teenagers back in the 1980s after the now exonerated youths were falsely accused of a vicious attack in central park. or, maybe he wants us to forget that he is the same guy who started the birther nonsense and spent years trying to delegitimize the first black president by pushing the lie that president obama was born in kenya and not hawaii. as a huge michael jackson fan, man in the mirror is one of my favorite songs of all time so it's possible that someone could stand up and make that change, except he didn't. remember back in 2017 when president trump and -- he was president then, he declared that there were very foreign people on both sides after a deadly right -- white supremacist rally in virginia where there was also the time he called african nations -- whole countries. i don't even think i can say that on television. he is hardly made a case for black voters support, at least not with the things he has said, but none of that stop trump from watching a black americans for trump outreach group during a visit to a detroit church last night. he was attempting to paint president biden is the one who has the awful record on race. let's listen. >> he's been the worst president for black people. he's been the worst president for hispanic people. there's never been anybody so bad. >> listen, i like a bold argument as much is anyone else but even for me, this is a tall order to believe. we are expected to buy into the idea that trump is better for black people than the guy who actually chose a black woman to be his vice president and who nominated the first black woman to the supreme court? i'm not sure if i'm buying it. but ultimately, it is about the facts and i care about policy and details in these things matter and i believe that you should, too. when it comes to donald trump's on record with blacks in their voting and lack voters, he likes to tell his support for hbcu's and black lives matter. over the course of four years in the white house, donald trump tried to cut the budgets for hbcu's. it was actually congress who provided more funds, not donald trump. and while he does get credit for signing the first act when he was in office it's important to note that was the result of years of activism across the political spectrum before he even took his first see that the resolute deck but still, donald trump is playing the criminal justice card and helping black voters will feel a connection to him because he's a convicted felon. really? while many may think this is not the flex that trump thinks it is, some people are actually buying it. >> the fact that he has these felonies now and they are actually fake felonies but the fact that he has these actually would probably more help his cause because there are a lot of people in the black community who have felonies. >> i'm a former prosecutor. i'm not sure what a fake felonies but this is what we are dealing with, folks. let's not get anything confused. the same guy who claims he is down with the community because he has a mug shot is the same guy who once told police to be more violent when handling suspects, so when it comes to trump's outreach to the black community. remember, there is what he says and then there are the receipts. do with that what you will. joining me now is pastor lorenzo sewall, goes to donald trump's roundtable on saturday at the 180 church in detroit where he served the senior pastor. i want to thank you for being here. he reached out to you, donald trump, that is, to arrange this roundtable, basically to appeal to black voters before the november election. you told voters that you thought it was a joke. talk to me about why you agreed to let him speak at your church in the first place. >> thank you so much for having me. we are a praying people. we are a praying church. i'm so excited to see another black man in the position you are in. for us, because we are a praying people, we believe everyone should come into god's house regardless of politics, regardless of posturing. we want to make sure that whether it is president biden or former president trump or anyone who has power, we want to make sure they can hear the voices of those in 48227 because often times, we are the ones on the menu and we are never at the table. >> pastor, last year i recall reading an op-ed you wrote for you basically touted the infrastructure plan from the biden-harris administration in the context of wanting to strengthen detroit's super information highway, essentially. to provide better access to the digital divide and to lessen that. should we interpret your allowance of donald trump and your -- i don't want to call it adulation but supportive families coming to your church as switching sides in terms of political allegiance? >> well, i don't have a political allegiance. my allegiance is to jesus. i don't worship a donkey or an elephant. i worship the lamb of god that was slain for the sins of the world and anybody that can come to his house and be prayed over, they are more than welcome. obviously, i'm excited about what our current president did as pertains to the digital divide because he is helping our committee. i was so excited that former president trump actually physically came to 48227, a place where women are human trafficked as we speak. a place for our kids can't read, write, nor do math, a place where people are hurting. i was so excited to see the former president there. >> i want to take a look at this video from the congregation and the church during yesterday's event that was really geared toward black voters. when you pull out to see the crowd, it seems like what we are looking at here are more white trump supporters, so was the audience mostly quite? did that message of outreach to the black community actually hit its target? >> to be frank, i was very surprised to was there. there were famous rappers i didn't even know, but my 15- year-old, he knew. i was surprised to be very frank and honest with you, about how many black people were actually physically in the building. i remember walking down grand river, a place that is absolutely desolate, on the west side of detroit, walking down the street and just inviting people, saying hey, the former president is here. if you want to come, come, and they were just laughing like i was when i was first approached, so i walked them through the front of the line through secret service and they were there. in terms of outreach i think is something that quite frankly surprised me, as well. >> that has been pastor lorenzo sewall. thank you for your time. we appreciate you. now with me is reverend dr. wendell anthony, the president of the detroit branch of the naacp and the pastor in detroit at fellowship chapel. thank you for being here. let's start with your take on donald trump's visit to that to try church which we were just talking about along with reverend sewall. what is your take away? >> thank you. obviously, you articulated what needed to be said within your commentary. first of all, it was not an outreach. it was in in reach. you called it right. there were more white folk there than african-americans and the fact he was coming to charge and talk to the african- american community, he did not. it is amazing to me how one can utilize the black church, a sacred institution for your pernicious, perilous bargaining relative to what you want to do to propel your political concerns. it is not a question of coming in for policy. he did not articulate any policy. he articulated the fact that he wanted to come and get some black votes, but where is the policy? we believe in policy. the very community he came to needs education. you just heard the pastor talk about that. they need the infusion of economic development and small business loans. putting your face on a t-shirt, that is not policy. coming in talking about $16 billion for hbcu, that is policy, having an infrastructure bill to create jobs and opportunities in the same community that this pastor is from, that is policy. talking about a policy where people are treated fairly and equitably by the criminal justice system -- trump talked about wanting to end crime. well, why don't you institute the crime bill? why don't you pass the george floyd justice in policing at? that is policy. why don't you pass the john lewis boating rights advancement act? that's policy. talking about what you're going to do with some sort of cracked that plan when you had an opportunity to do, that's frivolity, not policy. holding a bible upside down in front of a church talking about you love the lord when you've never opened up the book to see what the lord says in terms of loving your neighbor as yourself, treating people like you want to be treated -- i was a stranger and you took me in, i was hungry and you fed me. i was thirsty and you gave me water. i was a prisoner and you came to see me. those are policies. that is what we need. we don't need people to stand up on frivolity. we need you to come in and talk about policy. we know what you have done. the question is, if you have another chance, what will you yet do which is not in our interest. >> dr. anthony, i got to stop you before you preach another sermon. you already worked today. donald trump sat down recently for another interview with semaphore and had this to say. i have so many black friends that if i were racist, they would not be my friends. they would know better than anybody, and fast. he told me they would not be with me for two minutes if they thought it was a racist and i'm not a racist. is this an effective appeal to black voters? i know you talked about policy, but at the same time, there is a portion of black electorate members, particularly black men, who feel as though they are not being spoken to. is there a danger that donald trump may appeal to this particular demographic in a way that takes away votes from the democratic party? >> there is always a concern relative to people who are going for the okey-doke, the misnomer, the miscommunications. the fact that donald trump comes in and talks about what he's done for white people, look at the record. by their fruit you shall know them. you just call that what is not done with regards to the central park five. he never apologized. he wanted them to get the death penalty. he is called black people s- whole countries. he has haiti and the congo and ethiopia and the sudan in addition to what is happening in gaza and the relief there, that it is against educational enhancement. he is not talked about a program to assist hbcus. he wants to end social security as we know it . some of the folk in the church, we need to make sure that we look at the records. when you look at the record, it is clear. i think donald trump has a song he likes about oscar brown jr. i've heard him quote it. he talks about a snake that a woman had pity on and she took him in. she took him in and the snake once she took him up fed him, gave him clothing, gave him everything that he needed, the snake turned around and bit her and said woman, you know i was a snake when you took me in. don't fall for the stake because every time you're going to get bit. >> dr. wendell anthony, thank you for your time, and on this conversation, be sure to catch the msnbc documentary special, " black men in america." we explore politics through black -- the eyes of black men in america. this is streaming right now on as well as on peacock. coming up after the break, how democrats plan to combat the far right's vision for the future and a potential second term. congressman jared huffman, who is leading the efforts against project 2025, joins me next. later, the maga crowds war on the justice department. how steve bannon another allies say they will go after the house prosecuting the former president. stay with us. you are watching the sunday show on msnbc. e watching the s show on msnbc. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. 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>> thank you for having me, and thank you for you and your network talking about project 2025. honestly, the most important thing any of us can do is to take this dystopic agenda out of the shadows of this right- wing fever swamp and just make it known to the american people, how extreme it is and how seriously it should be taken, so congressional democrats are stepping up with this task force to do our part in that regard. >> we are talking about a 1000 page outline sketch for the future of american democracy. i know this may be a tall task, but what is it in that document the concerns you the most around this becoming a reality? >> that is a tougher question than it sounds like it should be, because every part of project 2025 is a wrecking ball towards our government, our democratic institutions, or fundamental rights. i think the piece that disturbs me the most is the explicit extremism embraced in this workplan for the maga right wing republicans, and the fact that there are no longer any constraints. they are just blasting through norms, and it's not even clear that they will be bound by the rule of law as they roll this agenda forward, so we could talk about the sweeping away of the civil service, repopulating the federal workforce with these vetted trump loyalists that are going to be from a database maintained by the heritage foundation. we could talk about eliminating the department of education, rolling the military into blue cities, so many aspects of this are just extreme and dystopic, but it is the explicitness of the extremism and the fact that it is coming from the highest echelons of donald trump's inner circle that troubles me the most. >> in some ways, i feel like democrats have a bit of an advantage here because, as you have pointed out, this is not a secret. you know it is coming. you know this is what the plan from the right is, so instead of being reactive, my question is, what proactive steps -- you have this task force. can we expect to see any actual legislation introduced or being designed to stave off some of the things that we already know are coming out of project 2025 so that we are not reactionary? >> good question, charles. we are going on offense here. we have legislation. in the previous congress, we passed hr1, which would have at least to some extent mitigated against this type of agenda. we are a little bit shorthanded in the house right now because we don't have the majority and we have a senate still subject to the filibuster, so our ability to legislate these solutions is somewhat limited right now. the best thing i think we can do right now is to make sure that members of congress and the american people are crystal clear on what is in this thousand page manifesto, and why they need to take it very seriously. how things go in the election will determine some of the tools we would have available in the unthinkable event that donald trump somehow wins the election, but plan a is to definitively kill this thing by re-electing joe biden and kamala harris. >> the problem with that is when you have a plan like this, the plan is not just going to die with donald trump. it will stay with other conservatives and other right- wing candidates. we have to dodge the dismantling of row because we did not do anything proactively to federally legislate a woman's right to do what she wants to with her own body, so we see this coming. even if donald trump is not elected, this is still an issue. am i wrong? >> no. i could not agree with you more. we are going to have to legislate. were going to have to codify all of these fundamental rights that they have either taken away, or that they will be taken away in the months ahead. we are going to have to codify things that in the past have just been norms that we thought safeguarded our democracy and the rule of law, that donald trump and his inner circle have taught us that there are no longer any constraints. they're not bound by norms. they're not even bound by elements of the rule of law so we are going to have to legislate when we win the election and that will be one of the most important things we do right away. >> california congressman jared huffman, thank you so much for being here. coming up next, there are republican allies were doubling down on threats against the justice department, and this will only intensify in a potential second term for donald trump. what does all of this mean for democracy and the rule of law? we will talk about it along with congresswoman madeleine dean, a member of the house judiciary committee who is going to join in on that very discussion next. stay tuned for more of the sunday show. of the sunday show. 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who can treat this? stop typing, and start talking. it could be a medical condition called peyronie's disease, or pd. you're not alone, there is hope. find a specialized urologist who can diagnose and treat pd. visit today. co., merrick garland, the senior members of doj that prosecuted president trump. this is not about vengeance, this is not about revenge, it's not about retribution. it's about saving this republic. we're going to use the constitution. we are going to use the constitution. we are going to use the constitution to win the rule of law to go after you and hold you accountable. november 5th is judgment day. january 20th, 2025 is accountability day. >> saving it from what, the rule of law? what is this guy talking about? that was former trump aid and future federal corrections inmate, steve bannon, laying out in no uncertain terms how the republican party plans to attack the justice department should donald trump win the presidency again in november. keep in mind, bannon has been ordered to report to prison by july 1st to serve a four-month sentence for ignoring a subpoena from the house january 6 committee so he's actually not the real poster child of law and order and accountability . but still, the attacks on the doj are also coming from inside congress. on friday, house speaker mike johnson vowed to take the gop's contempt of congress case against attorney general merrick garland to court. that is after the doj declined to prosecute garland saying he committed no crime when he failed to turn over audio of special counsel's interview with president biden in the classified documents case. the justice department says garland is protected by president biden's assertion of executive privilege over the materials. the doj has already turned over the written transcript of the interview. with me now is democratic representative natalie dean. she serves on the house judiciary committee and is a former trump impeachment manager. thank you for being here. i want to get your reaction to these comments we just heard about from steve bannon and coming after the attorney general and how is this not retribution and political warfare? >> i'm so glad to be with you on this sunday, june 16th father's day. happy father's day to all the fathers out there including my husband and two of my sons. it's also my brother's birthday. i think of the stay in a very different way. i bet you remember nine years ago today on june 16th, 2015, donald and melania trump sailed down a golden escalator to announce his bid to become our president. i thought at the time it was a metaphor, a scary metaphor for where he might take us if he was ever elected president, that he would take us down. usually you're going to fight to be president of the united states he would say i want to take us up. i want to take us to a better place. that is not where he took us in this is all connected. steve bannon's words, his indictment at the time, is all connected to the very thing we talked about. merrick garland was in front of our committee in recent weeks and he talked about the dangerous place. i had never heard him speak with this kind of urgency. he's been before the committee multiple times, but with real genuine determination to uphold the rule of law and to uphold the 115,000 people who work for the department of justice, not in political positions but a civil servants -- he said we are in an extremely dangerous place and if you remember further into bannon's testimony, his speech, he said victory or death. this is an incredibly dangerous time for this country, for our democracy and merrick garland is just trying to do what he has done his whole career, what you did your whole career, uphold the rule of law. >> congresswoman dean, you talked about a few areas. i want to ask you about when i think is really important. last week, donald trump paid a visit to washington which is the first time he'd been to the capital since january 6. you were there on january 6. can you talk about what the contrast of that imagery feels like for someone who was literally in danger on that day and had to move around to see someone who instigated it come back last weekend receive a hero's welcome? >> he was celebrated by the top republican leaders in the house and the senate. it is shocking to me. it is dismaying and so disparaging that these top republican leaders were fetching the snow fell in of a former president and celebrating his first return to capitol hill to the republican club following the insurrection , the excitement, insurrection where people took an american flag and beat police officers in search of anyone of us hoping to hang mike pence, kill nancy pelosi. i was taken out along with my other colleagues and members of the press in gas masks, out of the capital, out of the house chamber as they were breaking through the ceremonial glass doors. we were terrified, and every single one of those republican would-be leaders is complicit when they celebrate and set this felon of a former president. it is a very sad day. it would be one thing if it was just donald trump out on a limb, an autocrat, narcissistic despot but look at how he is celebrated by these people who are so false. it is a very scary time. elections matter, as mr. merrick garland said, upholding the rule of law matters, and these folks know better. speaker johnson knows far better. >> seeing you in that gas mask, truly a harrowing image as we think about what it means for the former president to return to the scene of the crimes on january 6. congresswoman madeleine dean, thank you so much for being here. still to come, donald trump's efforts in court regarding black voters in detroit concluded a lot of fear mongering about immigrants. we are going to talk and get reaction from our sunday sound off panel to that and a lot more coming up on the other side of the break. this is the sunday show on msnbc. s the sunday show on msnbc. sup? 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(elevator doors opening) (inaudible sounds) i thought you were right behind me. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, ♪ ♪ liberty. ♪ welcome back to the sunday show. joining me now a senior white house correspondent as well as [ inaudible ] former chief communications officer to former house speaker paul ryan and press secretary to former house speaker john bader. so glad you guys are here for our sound off. we have a lot to talk about so i'm going to spend as much time as we can. you're going to hear some stuff and we are going to hear some reactions so let's get to it. >> elect me again and i will tell you why. you know, i'm not just saying. the next president is likely to have two new supreme court nominees. two more. the idea that if he is re- elected he's going to appoint two more flying flags upside down is really -- i really mean it. the supreme court has never been as out of kilter as it is today. i mean, never. >> interesting place to talk about, particularly with some of the decisions we are expecting this week. brendan, your reaction. >> the supreme court has clearly become a motivating issue for democrats and the way it never really was for a long time. republicans have always used the supreme court in an effective way to turn out voters and democrats have been able to flip the script on that, particularly as it relates to abortion. people now on the left are taking a closer look at the supreme court and its power and the potential issues, the way it could change life for a lot of people in joe biden clearly has a base enthusiasm problem and i think that is a pretty wise approach to try to get people really focused, whether or not you're excited about joe biden, be excited about some of the things that stake the selection. >> april, do you think this is the conversation that energizes voters and begins to chip away at some of the voter apathy we've been hearing about? >> it's one of the many conversations. we are right now in the 60th anniversary of the civil rights act, and the supreme court has knocked down affirmative action. we are now in a post- affirmative-action era, and that is one of the issues. the messaging is what this administration has to get out, exactly how this impact to that, and that is the thing biden has to do in the weeks and months before the election to make people understand the connection to folks, particularly black folks. >> let's roll the tape and see what we can get. >> we are going to get your children jobs. we're going to make it possible for them to work. were going to stop illegals from coming in because your biggest threat are the illegals taken the jobs. we have threats as to security, too because again, so many of them come from prisons and jails, from mental institutions and even insane asylum send the first community, and this is open knowledge, that is being affected and affected very badly is the black community because they're taking your jobs. >> april, i talked a little bit about lbj and how he sort of played racial politics to get the misdirection and everybody pointing at one another. is this just another remixed version of that, and will it be a cell for black voters? >> it's not remixed, it's trump mix. bottom line, he talks about national security issues. he is the biggest national security threat in this moment because there is a fear of what he could do and what he could unleash if he does not get his way. let's talk about that and as he is talking about the border, he talks about this blanket statement that there are criminals coming to the border. there are people looking for a better life. brown, black -- people from africa, the caribbean, even china, even ukraine, so let's figure out -- the immigration system is broken but he wants his way to shut people up. do not believe he is this friend to black america because let's talk about the central park five. let's talk about him putting the seas on housing forms for college. he did not want black people in his establishment and there was a justice department issue on that and let's talk about the justice department. he and his term, he cut out the civil rights division of the justice department that dealt with issues of people filing complaints about racism, et cetera, so he is the biggest threat. it is not immigration. yes, the immigration system is broken and that is an economic issue if he does shut down that border. we could talk about this a long time but i've got to shut it down right now. >> we sure could but brennan, how does donald trump take something like that, a comment like that then appeal to latino voters? >> look, clearly he has in his head that he's going to win black voters and hispanic voters and i really question whether it is his smarts or political tactic. this is a democratic -- demographic that is voted consistently for a long time for democrats and the idea that he's going to reach over and make a significant impact in that demographic is questionable when there are a lot of voters who voted for republicans for a long time and of left recently. he's ignoring them, the nikki haley voters, as we talk about. he gets ideas in his head that are not usually very sound political moves. i will be surprised if any of this actually ends up helping him attract black and hispanic voters. >> april ryan and brendan buck, thank you both for helping us sound off. coming up, a new netflix documentary that features some of the most iconic lgbtq+ comedians discussing how difficult the entertainment industry has been for them, and how they overcame it all. legendary actress marsha warfield, one of the commenters highlighted in the film, joins been asked to discuss. o discus. ♪♪ at evernorth, we're helping to unlock barriers. ♪♪ using our 35 plus years of pharmacy benefits management experience to save businesses billions while boosting medication adherence. helping plan sponsors and their members be at their best. that's wonder made possible. evernorth health services. lawmakers are trying to shut down planned parenthood. the health care of more than 2 million people is at stake. our right to basic reproductive health care is being stolen from us. planned parenthood believes everyone deserves health care. it's a human right. future generations are beginning to lose the rights we fought for. the rights for ourselves, our kids, and our grandkids. gone. just like that. i can't believe this is the world we live in, where we're losing the freedom to control our own bodies. last year, politicians in 47 states introduced bills that would block people from getting the sexual and reproductive care they need. where does it end? 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>> for me, i am the late bloomer in the group. everybody else took their steps out long before i did publicly. i did not come out till i was in my 60s, and so it's important for me to let people my age who grew up like i did, roomed to be straight and ashamed of who they really are, and to let them know it's okay. it's okay, and so i was very -- and very happy to be involved in this show. i was very happy that roz got married to a woman on night court and there is more representation for people like me who came out in their 60s on facebook. >> you talked about just a moment ago, the notion of coming out in the documentary talks about and explores the personal stories from some of the comedians who came before them and influence them in their decision to come out. can you talk a little bit about who that was for you particularly in your industry? >> well, you know, ellen coming out was the big watershed moment and then the defense of marriage act 20 years later was another big moment but i was retired when that kind of stuff happened, mostly, so i did not come out until much later, and i came out on their coattails. i'm very lucky that they did the heavy lifting, and i get to come in and do interviews with you. >> for that, i am super thankful. how do you describe the impact that community, your community, has had on comedy making it easier, opening doors for all of the lgbtq+ community and other spaces that are not entertainment? wow. >> you know, the entertainment is the propaganda arm of america so the more representation you have, the better for everybody, and when i was coming up, there were no people publicly out. it just was not a thing, even people who later now are well known to be homosexual. they cannot say that them, so i did not really have any of those role models that i know of. of course, there was [ inaudible ] i didn't find out that she was family until much later so it's all very new, late in life thing for me, and to see the rosie's and ellen's take those steps and be bold and come out was huge for me. >> well, regardless of when you came out, your story is an inspiration, and you serve is not only a pioneer but also a role model, so thank you, marsha warfield, for being here. we have more of the sunday show coming up after a break including a very special father's day tribute. stay tuned. al father's day tribute. stay tuned. nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. 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Tape , Let S Roll , Threat , Illegals , Children , Prisons , Jails , Lbj , Knowledge , Asylum , Version , Another , Pointing , Cell , Misdirection , Fear , Bottom Line , Mix , Let , Blanket Statement , Border , Talk , Criminals , Africa , China , Ukraine , The Caribbean , Friend , Immigration System , Seas On Housing , Figure , Civil Rights Division , College , Racism , Establishment , Complaints , Et Cetera , Immigration , Yes , Head , Comment , Tactic , Smarts , Ideas , Moves , Hispanic , Nikki Haley , April Ryan , Documentary , Comedians , Commenters , Entertainment Industry , O Discus , Evernorth , Film , Pharmacy , Barriers , Legendary Actress , 35 , Plan Sponsors , Planned Parenthood , Management , Experience , Medication Adherence , Lawmakers , Evernorth Health Services , Health Care , Human Right , Reproductive Health Care , 2 Million , The World We Live In , Generations , Grandkids , Freedom , Gone , Care , Bodies , Politicians , Bills , States , 47 , Gift , Code , Call , 9 , 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