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months away but donald trump has already begun his campaign to undermine the results of this year's presidential race. he has started to sow seeds of doubt about the integrity of the election that hasn't happened yet. during the speech last night at an event hosted by turning point usa, he even appeared to cast doubt on the entire electoral system. >> when i go to california, we have 100,000 people show up. i said why are we losing california? why would we lose it? it is so corrupt. the whole election process. >> setting aside for the moment this insidious lie about the electoral process, in the event that twice impeached recently convicted ex-president trump does when ski in november, conservatives already have a very well thought out plan ready to implement on january 20 of 2025. it is known as project 2025 and it's a 920 page playbook spearheaded by the heritage foundation that includes plans that a second trump administration could implement on day one. it primarily seeks to consolidate power within the presidency and overhaul the federal government. the department of justice which ordinarily operates independently would be placed under direct presidential control. chilling. trump promises to immediately cracked down on immigration and that could also be accomplished with project 2025's proposals to expand the powers of executive agencies like the department of homeland security. other project 2025 does not call for a nationwide ban on abortion, it does include plans for a trump doj to renew enforcement of the comstock act. it's a victorian era law that prohibits the distribution of so-called obscene articles. this victorian era law could be repurposed to limit access to abortion pills like mifepristone. that's the same pill that just this week the supreme court ruled could remain on the market, for now. project 2025 is not just a fringe movement on the right. the heritage foundation tells that already has 100 coalition partners of right-wing groups that have signed on to be part of its advisory board. that includes groups like moms for liberty. so-called parents rights group that has led efforts to ban books and schools. it also includes prominent antiabortion groups like the susan b. anthony pro-life america and turning point usa. the group that gave trump such a warm welcome in detroit last night. joining me to discuss all of this is representative stacey plaskett of the u.s. virgin islands. she is a top democrat on the house select subcommittee on the weaponization of the federal government. she previously served as a house manager for donald trump's second impeachment trial. welcome, presented a. >> thank you for having me and thank you and happy father's day to everyone out there. >> i want to talk about this effort outlined in project 25 playbook that would place the doj under the control of the president. this sounds like the kind of thing the weaponization committees has the committee been working on this? has it been a productive month getting together a plan to counteract what project 2025 is proposing? >> definitely not. jim jordan has no desire to be engaged in discussions about anything which might touch on the presidency of donald trump, pastor gut forbid, a future one. this week i will be sending him as the ranking member, a request for a hearing on project 2025 because of the overreach that this project proposes to the american democratic system at all levels. you talk about the department of justice and ensuring the department of justice is not, in fact, becomes an arm of the presidency. moving the fbi director from the 10 year term to one in which each president is the one who appoints this individual. having loyalty tests for individuals entering the federal government. taking civil servants at will employees so that they must, in fact, been to the will of the president. that is the weaponization of our federal government to really follow a fringe movement within america, that christian nationalist, hyper- conservative theorists and former donald trump loyalists. all of whom are pushing this project 2025. >> so, you said that the chair of the weaponization of the federal government committee jim jordan has not been focused on this. i want to turn your attention to what he has been focused on. he recently asked manhattan district attorney alvin bragg who led the case in which donald trump was recently convicted to testify before your committee. i should note for our viewers that alvin bragg is not a federal officer. is the manhattan district attorney so a local prosecutor. it seems outside the camp it of the committee but he said he's willing to testify and will do so at a later date. do you support holding this hearing is within the charge of the subcommittee? >> i think it's a waste of time for the weaponization committee. let's be clear. the entire committee is a waste of time because the chair is only interested in following the whims of steve bannon, fox news, and in fact, donald trump. we know trump has told the speaker, mike johnson, to do what he can to overturn his conviction which congress should have absolutely no authority over. the president has asked through his emissaries and i'm sure to jim jordan himself to do what he can to advance his agenda. that is all jim jordan has been interested in. when suggestions have been made to have balance, to talk about weaponization that may be occurring with disproportionately, black taxpayers and out two 2025, there's absolute silence from the republican side. >> let's talk a little about project 2025. the proposals and project 2025 would consolidate government authority in the office of the president rendering the president unaccountable to ordinary checks and balances. you famously served as an impeachment manager for the second trump impeachment. can you say a little more about the whole idea of holding these individuals accountable whether it's a former president, future president, how has the fact that donald trump has been convicted of a felony that remains unrepentant about almost everything. what do you make of that and how are we to hold him or any other future president accountable going forward? >> i am grateful to district attorney's, attorney general's in the states that are doing their job, who are removing themselves from the pressure that donald trump and his minions are pushing on unfortunately many of my colleagues in the house as well as in the other chamber in the senate. ensuring that no one is above the law. i look at individuals like special prosecutor jack smith as well who is doing what he can to ensure that the laws of our country are followed. of course, let's look at the complete difference in mindset between president biden and how he has treated the judiciary and trump and how he has. president biden has not been indicted, not been convicted of anything. his son has had a guilty verdict and said let the courts do what they are supposed to do. i am not going to get myself involved in that. it's inappropriate for the executive branch, and we see trump doing the exact opposite. >> cannot ask about president biden? mentioned his respect for the rule of law and the vertex of the core. he is still trailing in the polls. it's a close race according to polls. what does -- what can president biden do to pull ahead and make clear those differences between his administration and this new perspective trump administration? >> i think president biden is doing what he is supposed to be doing which is leading the country. showing the empathy and the care he has and the concern for every american, putting that message across. i think it is for us and the media to show the start difference. my clarion call particularly to my constituency and to black americans is you need to look at project 2025 and see the stark difference that the presidents have for our people. for women, for lgbtq, and even for black people, removing affirmative actions, project 2025 dismantles diversity, equity, and inclusion. dismantles rights for lgbtq as well as women's reproductive rights. those are the things we as surrogates, individuals, need to make the american people aware of. i think the polls will do what they are going to do, but americans will vote how they need to vote. >> that is representative stacey plaskett of the u.s. virgin islands. thank you so much. coming up next. donald trump just launched a new coalition aimed at winning over black voters. this is trump we're talking about. this news is being punctuated with pronouncements about how extremely not racist he is. gullet the united states of texas louisiana and mississippi. we will take a deep dive into the outsized roles of the most conservative appellate court and how it became a virtual clearinghouse for the same right-wing french legal theories that are now shaping policy across the entire country. supreme court justice samuel alito has been under fire for asserting that america needs to return to a place of godliness. that's just the latest in a broader embrace of christian nationalism and u.s. politics. all of this up next on velshi. velshi. 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>> thank you. let me say about christian nationalism is it's a belief that the founders and framers wanted this to be a christian nation, but more than that, what white christian nationalism is saying they want white people to be in power. they are the ones who have the true christianity and if you see to what they want, especially white male leadership, then the country will be saved. the country will be in the right hands. part of this has to do a lot with our history. i talk about this in my book about how white evangelicals especially thought they were the ones who were able to bring gut into this nation. when you hear talk from people like the speaker of the house mike johnson and others talking about america as a christian nation, with they are also saying is they want white men to be part of that leadership in this christian nation. >> christian nationalists and those who subscribe to that ideology are a minority of the country. they are nonetheless a significant minority and we are seeing more people in real positions of prominence and power embracing christian nationalist values. we showed the clips from barker, donald trump. how have christian nationalists managed to infiltrate political thought? >> i think one of the things we need to realize is they've always been here. even the 1970s with the rise of the moral majority, ronald reagan who played a lot to evangelicals and others. this rise of christian nationalism that seems surprising to people has always been here. we've had people to think about the nation as being a theocracy. here is the interesting point about right now. we are hearing more talk about this because donald trump himself said he will give christians power. he wants to give evangelicals power in this nation. let me give an example. we had the texas gop convention a few weeks ago and there was lots of christian nationalism talk . how america needed to be a christian nation and they would bring gut back in the country. we can see this through book banning all the other things. think about the fall of roe, the mifepristone decision this week although we still get the pill. this is an ongoing project by christian nationalists to turn this country into a theocratic state first of all and secondarily to make everyone else live under their moral codes which they don't live under themselves. >> we know that. can we talk about project 2025? it's the right wing plan to create and consolidate power in the presidency if donald trump should win in 2024. how does christian nationals factor into project 2025 and its blueprint for the trump presidency should one happen? >> the first thing you have to realize is project 2025 is a project of the heritage foundation which is an christian organization and the head of it is catholic. we don't talk about catholics very much but we need to. they are going to be loyalty oaths. people need to make a loyalty oath to donald trump. the ways in which they will ask people to be part of the government and the restructuring of the government means you have to a seed to certain kind of moral beliefs. i think that's going to privilege christians more and it's hard for people to think about wading through the 925 pages in the document that is important to see the justice department being under the president. how different people will be fired and other offices are going to be reconstructed. what's going to happen to education. all these things are going to be structured on two principles that christians and explicitly people who have worked with heritage foundation and other organizations like turning point has structured in order for them to have power. >> that is dr. anthea butler. the author of many books about religion and most recently white evangelical listen. thank you very much. still ahead, donald trump is making major outreach efforts to black voters in this polling data that shows, at least in some cases, it's working. working. there's a way to cutr dishwashing time by 50%. try dawn powerwash dish spray. it removes 99% of grease and grime in half the time. it cleans so well, you can replace multiple cleaning products. try dawn powerwash. ♪♪ chevy trucks' advanced camera technology lets you see over, under, through, down, and any other direction you may need. ♪♪ up to eight available cameras and fourteen views. ♪♪ so you can focus on the view that really matters. don't miss a thing. chevy's got you. chevrolet. together let's drive. nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. 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it is one of the 13 intermediate federal appellate courts from which cases go on to the supreme court. even among these 13 lower federal courts, the fifth circuit stands out because it has played an si's role in shaping the supreme court's docket and funneling a record number of cases endorsing barbara positions to the high court including the recent controversial medication abortion case that the court decided a few days ago. the fifth circuit is the most conservative appellate court in the country and the covers three states. yet, it's rulings have significantly influenced national policy on high-stakes issues from abortion rights to gun laws immigration. the fifth circuit often serves as a testing ground for conservative legal theories that are funneled to higher courts through questionable maneuvers including a tactic known as forum shopping were active is strategically select favorable courts to litigate their pet causes. once in front of a friendly judge, these politicized cases make their way through the legal pipeline playing fast and loose with tried-and-true legal doctrines of federal court litigants have observed for generations. what's the tld are? it's a court that plays by its own set of rules and those rules routinely favor extreme conservative positions. a recent report for the center from her can progress details how dangerously out of control the fifth circuit has become. , quote, in recent years, the fifth circuit allowed extremists lower court judges to issue sweeping: it -- politically from instead of inspiring policy positioned. in doing so, the fifth circuit and pipes the supreme court, currently dominated by right- wing extremists to a degree unseen in modern history to take sweeping action to rollback decades of progress. with on more legal theories and unprecedented procedural maneuvers, and unchecked politicization, the fifth circuit pay the way for a judicial power grab. where federal judges with lifetime appointments to the bench are not held accountable for implementing policy preferences thus stripping power away from elected officials and american voters. there has been an attempt to address at least part of the problem with the fifth circuit. the issue of forum shopping. in march, the judicial conference, the top policymaking body introduced a nonbinding body aimed at randomizing judge assignments to prevent activists from seeking out favorable judges for their pet causes. protectively, the new policy has been met with fierce pushback from republican lawmakers and conservative judges including fifth circuit judge james , trump appointee the supported banning the abortion pill when the mifepristone case came to the fifth circuit. that's the case you will remember the supreme court unanimously smacked down last week because he antiabortion doctors lacked standing to bring it in the first case. it was notably the third time this term the supreme court rejected and retreated from a fifth circuit ruling. let that sink in. the fifth circuit's conservatism is often too extreme for the supreme court's conservative super majority. back to jim. it's not that he endorsed a transparently partisan and legally specious ruling of this access to medicaid abortion. his wife has accepted speaking fees from the alliance defending freedom the christian legal group that helped bring the mifepristone case to the federal courts. some argue that the judge should have recused himself from the case given his wife's close association with the plaintiffs. he did not. about the new forum shopping rules. let me introduce you to judge kacsmaryk. is a trump appointee and a former lawyer with the alliance defending freedom. the group that helped bring the challenge to medication abortion to the fifth circuit. is one of the pet judges that conservative activists seek out when filing lawsuits. in fact, the antiabortion doctors who challenged access to medication abortion filed their lawsuit in amarillo, texas. why you as? because that's a courthouse with one judge. you guessed it. judge kacsmaryk. right wing activists across the country routinely troop to amarillo to file their cases and that courthouse because they know that when they do, they will be guaranteed to have their case heard by judge kacsmaryk. it was this kind of judge shopping that the new rules were attended to address. guess who has announced he will not be adopting the new rules? you guessed it, judge kacsmaryk. hold that thought. after a quick break i will be joined by washington post columnist ruth marcus and my cohost to talk about all these fifth circuit shenanigans. do not go anywhere. u know wha'? boring. think about it. boring is the unsung catalyst for bold. what straps bold to a rocket and hurtles it into space? boring does. boring makes vacations happen, early retirements possible, and startups start up. because it's smart, dependable, and steady. all words you want from your bank. for nearly 160 years, pnc bank has been brilliantly boring so you can be happily fulfilled... which is pretty un-boring if you think about it. if you're living with hiv, imagine being good to go without daily hiv pills. good to go unscripted. good to go on a whim. with cabenuva, there's no pausing for daily hiv pills. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. it's two injections from a healthcare provider. just 6 times a year. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients, or if you're taking certain medicines, which may interact with cabenuva. serious side effects include allergic reactions, post-injection reactions, liver problems, and depression. if you have a rash and other allergic reaction symptoms, stop cabenuva and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have liver or kidney problems, mental health concerns and if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or considering pregnancy. some of the most common side effects include injection-site reactions, fever, and tiredness. with cabenuva, you're good to go. ask your doctor about switching. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. we're talking about the most conservative appellate court in the country and its outsized role in shaping american policy in jurisprudence in the post trump era. i am joined by ruth marcus associate columnist for the washington post and leah a professor at the university of michigan in full disclosure my fellow cohost. ruth, first question. the fifth circuit despite its outsized profile has managed to stay under the radar. can you explain how this lower federal court has come to exert such a powerful force in shaping national policy? >> melissa, thank you for having me. i thought you did a fantastic job of explaining that everybody. the headline you showed from a column i wrote, i think that column was about three or four years old and the amount of damage the fifth circuit has done or attempted to do since then is quite extraordinary. the reason it has been able to do that is it's connected to form shopping. litigants can choose in a lot of cases where to bring their claims. they know the fifth circuit is the most conservative court in the country. they will find a way to do that. what happens in the fifth circuit does not stay in the circuit necessarily with the rise of nationwide injunctions. you see questions like mifepristone, the abortion case that was -- abortion medication case decided last week, going to the fifth circuit and going to judge kacsmaryk court in a lot of cases and through conservative panels in the fifth circuit and getting to the supreme court. one thing to say about the fifth circuit, i'm sorry i am filibustering that i want to say this. it's a win-win for the supreme court. it either makes the supreme court look good because the supreme court is slapping it down. last year, i think the fifth circuit record of the supreme court was 2-9, that's pretty pathetic. or it gets to agree with the fifth circuit as it did in the bump stock case. the fifth circuit is kind of good news for the supreme court. >> i want to probe that the. is almost a symbiotic relationship between the high court and fifth circuit. october term 2024, a number of cases on the court's docket come from the fifth circuit. what is the interaction between the score which recently affirmed one fifth circuit decision but also reversed on another? >> the fifth circuit generates a lot of the supreme court's docket because it's the petri dish for whatever the latest unhinge theory is among the conservatives. the court to assist states could challenge the indian welfare act. the supreme court reversed that. the court that attempted to invalidate the funding structure the consumer financial protection bureau. they reversed that decision. they are the core that said we can slip on some additional restrictions on mifepristone that the fda deemed medically unwarranted in the supreme court reversed that. the list goes on and on but it's no accident that trump's reported short list for the next supreme court appointments includes many fifth circuit judges. when you think about trump potentially able to replace justices thomas sor alito, justin thomas about the cfpb and justice alito join the opinion that said the doctors did not have standing in the medication abortion case. you could have the next republican president replacing supreme court justices with people who are even further to the right and way more willing to engage with whatever the latest print theory is. >> it could be the case the fifth circuit is a petri dish and farm team for the high court. we know judge is edition nine for clarence thomas seat if there's a second trump presidency. it seems you are saying when the court pulls back from the fifth circuit when it reverses it, it makes the court look more moderate. it's not that extreme. jurisprudence still seems to be drifting right word. can you say more? >> absolutely. when the supreme court reversed and the cfpb are saying doctors could challenge the availability of medication abortion, the supreme court reaffirmed basic no-nonsense legal principles that should never have been up for question in the first place. it is an embarrassment that the court of appeals suggested doctors who do not prescribe mifepristone. some of whom are dentists could actually pull away the drug from other people who use the drug. yes, when the supreme court reverses whatever the latest outlandish decision of the fifth circuit is, generously's commentators who say the supreme court is not corrupt even though we have learned more about justice thomas' trips on harlan crow's private jet or they are not so extreme even though the court is probably poised in the next two weeks to say states can prohibit abortions that are necessary to save a woman's health or bodily organs or bodily function. that's not a moderate court. >> ruth, you mentioned the conference they recently introduced a nonbinding policy to randomize judge assignments to address the problem of forum shopping. it seems like a sensible policy . why is a facing such strong pushback from republican lawmakers and conservative judges and what more needs to be done to ensure the courts are not manipulated in this way? >> it's fascinating because judges seem upset and courts seem upset and conservatives seem upset when there's forum shopping on the other side. there is an investigation into the alleged form shopping by lawyers for. i think the argument among -- it interferes with their ability to get the predictable results they wanted . they have managed especially in the amarillo district to rig the system. it's -- we hear the word rigged all the time but it's a system that's actually rig. the response you get from conservatives is liberal groups form shop all the time and that is true. people go to welcoming venues where they think they have a better shot at getting sympathetic judges. you can file your case in california where the federal judiciary's more liberal than in alabama. but going to a sympathetic venue is different from the rigged system we have now. that's where the real problem is. >> leah, the problem of forum shopping depends on the fact of a welcoming or receptive bench. we know perhaps the most successful item on the trump administration domestic agenda from 2016 to 2020 was the appointment of federal judges. can you say more how the trump administration the directly to not only the supreme court that we have but also the fifth circuit that we have right now? >> yeah. during the trump administration he appointed many of the judges who have become the all-stars of the fifth circuit. when you think about judge kacsmaryk was appointed by the trump administration for so too were many judges in the majority of the medication abortion case. judge wrote separately to suggest that doctors had standing to yank medication abortion off the market because they experienced some sort of aesthetic joy by delivering babies. you had the judge in the majority. another possibility for the neck supreme court appointment and a republican administration. they set up a system where there are what is called single judge districts. unlike in california, you can file any particular district in california and know you will get any particular judge where you can do that in texas. the republican judges on the fifth circuit, if you think about where they are on the right versus where california district judges are on the left, the fifth circuit is on pluto. they're not even on a planet where the district judges in california are in california. they are still in the country that the views that the majority of americans have. >> let's stay in this country and not be on pluto. thank you for those insights. coming up, was behind donald trump's new push to win over black voters. that is next. is next. dangerous, mucky, yuck. get leaffilter. it's as easy as one, two, three. call or click today. get your free gutter inspection on your schedule and get leaffilter installed in as little as a few hours. you'll never have to clean out your gutters again, guaranteed. get leaf filter today. call 833 leaffilter or go to as easy as 1, 2, 3 a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! a mirror four days before the juneteenth holiday commemorating the end of slavery in the united states, republican presidential nominee trump launched a new coalition called black americans for trump. according to the trump campaign, it's comprised of, quote, elected officials, athletes, entertainers, community leaders and pastors who love our country. literally, the juneteenth gift nobody asked for. falling the announcement of this coalition, trump doubled down on his claim that he -- done more for black americans than any other president in recent history. this comes on the heels of the former president backlash for remarks he made before about definitely not being racist. in case you missed it, when a reporter specificd trump about like voters who say he's racist, trump may have protested too much as they say. said, quote, i have so many black friends that if i were a racist, they would not be friends. they would know better than anybody. they would not be with me two minutes if i was racist and i'm not racist. joining me to unpack all of this is tara setmayer . president and resident scholar at the university of virginia center for politics. let's unpack this. this is a clichi. i am not racist because i have black friends. can you say more? >> we have said this many times before about how asinine this is coming out of donald trump's my. if you have to say i am not a racist, trust me. if you're explaining, you are losing. it starts at the beginning of his business career when he was sued for racial discrimination housing in new york in the 70s. his consistent raises a man bigotry throughout decades of his career. it's evident whether it was the books that were written about how he treated black employees at his casinos. whether it was about the barack obama are there theories or whether it was about his presidency calling immigrants from african countries [ bleep ] countries. was treatment of election workers, remember ruby freeman and she must do what maga and trump did to them? let's asked those folks at the central park five mac how they feel about how not racist donald trump is. he tried southeast has been athletes whose had business relationships who many had brushes with the law or convicted felons. he uses them as some examples, look at my african american over here. remember when he said that during a rally? he does this to make it okay. they are racial pacifiers and he knows andy's demagogue in the issue. does the biden campaign of the black coalition and the strength going into 2024? are we looking at a landslide victory for trump because black voters flocked to him, i do not think so. >> let's push on some of that. you note although the coalition may be asinine, it might be working. it's a serious pushback on the part of the trump campaign to make headway with black voters and it does seem to be successful. there is a new poll in pennsylvania that shows voters there have some weight support for trump and that's including black voters were trump has 23% of the black vote. that's versus the 7% support he had in 2020 based on exit polls. what's happening here? let's going on with trump and his reception among black voters? >> i think a lot of that you are seeing with black men. as you know, there is a certain issue with toxic masculinity within the black population, a portion attracted to trumpet his toxic masculinity. you look at polling in pennsylvania after the conviction were an overwhelming percentage, 84% i believe, said they were offended by trump trying to compare himself to black folks. because he was a felon, i'm like you. same thing in michigan. the upper 70% of being offended by this. i think we need to be careful reading too much into the polls right now. there are people that feel they are dissatisfied because president biden is older and they may not have gotten everything they wanted. as we get closer to the election and people are reminded that president biden has a history of supporting black americans, history of supporting black americans, civil rights, these things that donald trump has not, i think people will understand. black entrepreneurship record under president biden. record low unemployment under president biden. these are things that matter in the black community in president biden is not making insulting comments to black americans like look at me i'm hanging out with accused murderer rapper on stage. look at my shiny sneakers because you like them too. i have made sneakers for you. it's so insulting, donald trump's stereotypical thinking top what black people want and as we get closer to the election and people realize with the choice is here, president biden will shore up that coalition he has had with black americans, but they have to work for it. >> tara setmayer we appreciate your time. thanks so much for watching. you can catch them every saturday and sunday morning from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 eastern. happy father's day. inside begins now. he went back to the scene of the crime and was welcomed me with open arms. the convicted felons return to capitol hill was another frightening preview of what washington will look like if heo wins in november. senator cory booker jointly with his reaction and he is coming up first.

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